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NAME: Marjorie F Pacio DATE: November 12, 2022

Essay: Discuss the following by choosing only three (3) questions,

1. Character change is now being presented as the equivalent of institutional reform. As a
manager or a leader, discuss and relate the relevance of this statement to the
transformation of your organization.
As a Leader the relevance of the statement above to the transformation of the
organization is that the beliefs and behavior as a leader was supported by change wherein
they become successful as a leader in an organization. T hey also devoted more of their own
time to the change effort and focused on the big picture. Though change is difficult, but leaders
who negotiated it successfully were resilient and persistent, and willing to step outside their comfort
zone just to perform well in the transformation of an organization. In the other side, an
unsuccessful leader failed to adapt to challenges, expressed negativity, and were impatient with a
lack of results that they did nothing to the organization.The character of a company's workers is
also important to the success of the business. This includes their attitude toward their work, toward
others in the company, and toward company regulations. You want to hire workers with good
character. But also, having a positive work environment will help improve the character of all
involved in an organization.

2. We now live in a borderless, interconnected global system. How do we empower our

human resources to be globally competitive? Recommend strategies to become
globally competitive.
We can empower our human resources to be globally competitive by means of the
following; The employers must develop new competencies, mainly through developing cross-
cultural understanding and substantial knowledge in international employment legislation, labor
law and economic trends. Likewise, they must also attend trainings in local or international to
enhance their skills and capabilities to be a globally competitive individual. Lastly, to become
Globally competitive an individual must understand the different issues and have an
appreciation for cultural differences, an ability to understand and consider multiple
perspectives, use critical and comparative thinking skills as well as problem-solving abilities,
and are comfortable with ambiguity and change.

3. Identify and discuss global issues ruled by the public office that brought challenges
and opportunities that improved the image of the Filipinos?
One of the Global Issues ruled by the public office that brought challenges and
opportunities that improved the image of the Filipinos was during the “WAR on DRUGS.” The
Philippine society was infected with drugs, crime and corruption. The drug addicts ravaged the
country before Duterte’s term. People felt unsafe in the streets and drugs also destroy families
and societies. As a democratic nation, the power is being handed to the righteous citizens of
the republic. The government administration that time is an example of how drastic measures
should be implemented when a democratic nation is on a verge of failing. The Government
administration not only went on face to face with the criminals of the country but also against
the oligarchs, narcopolitics and corrupt government branches. The Philippines that time is also
one of the “talk of the town” in other country as shown by the international news because of the
immediate actions on the war on drug which gives positive feedback on our government.
Furthermore, there are also negative feedbacks on the war on drugs which also call the
attention of the International Human Rights.

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