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Trafalgar Square

_It is located in the center of London. It is the most important square in London.

_It was created in 1820.

_Its shape commemorates the victory of the battle of Trafalgar (the British army
defeated the Spanish and the French).

_ In 1843 the construction of the central column was carried out, honoring Admiral
Nelson, He died while in command of the British Navy.

_It is almost 50 meters high and on its sides it has 4 lions.

_The lions were made from cast bronze from the cannons of the French fleet.

_In the square there are famous statues such as George Washington, Jorge IV
Jacobo II, etc.

_It is the headquarters of monuments, protests, demonstrations and celebrations.

_For example New Year and Christmas.

_It is commemorated on October 21, they celebrate and hold a parade.

_The square has museums, fountains and other attractions around it.

_There was an invasion of pigeons, because tourists fed them and they reproduced
in the place. Over time it became something characteristic of the area.

_The presence of birds was a controversial issue, since their droppings damaged the
place and also became a health problem.

_They arrested people who captured them, it is believed that the birds ended up in
the human food chain.

_In 2000 they were forbidden to feed them and even falcons were trained to hunt

_There were many people who were against this decision and they were fed in the
same way. until the mayor of the place in 2003 promulgated a prohibition law.
Members: Modini Elen and Rodriguez Lara

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