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Nama : Eddy Erawan Syaputra

Tanggal : 10 Februari 2023

Universitas : Prof. Dr. Hazairin, SH

Question number 1 (One)

The first thing that frustrates me is facing completing lectures. At the stage of compiling a
thesis/scientific work, there are many things that I pass and I face like during the guidance
process because, I have already completed the proposal stage at the end of the chapter, it will still
at that point my supervisor wanted to change the research materials because the materials used
did not meet the requirements. After I had finished my proposal, to change the material, at that
time I went back to my second supervisor, now when I went to the second supervisor there was
something that was not good, namely, my second supervisor's opinion did not agree to change
materials to be used or materials to be studied. And in the end I went to the head of the study
program/head of the department to ask for opinions, so that they could direct me in one direction
or not change the research any more. Due to changing the material used to change the thesis it
takes quite a lot of time to type it and to understand the material first. Apart from that, I also
experienced pressure from my family to be able to finish my studies quickly, and many outsiders
also asked when I would finish college, because the major I took was CIVIL ENGINEERING,
for those who understand the major, they understand that the major is it's quite difficult.

Question number 2 (Two)

If I were accepted by the company PT ASURANSI RAKSA PRATIKIRA, the profile I want is
to become someone who is known in the company first. And I want to have acquaintances with
people around the company so they can communicate with each other so they can tell about the
company and about knowledge, other insights. Because for me knowledge has no limits, even
though I don't know the exact knowledge, at least I can understand the outline. In the future, I
hope that this company can develop more and more broadly, therefore many other people or
companies will contribute, in terms of the vision and mission to be achieved and other goals,
namely to be able to benefit each other/mutualism . What I hope for next is that I get a career
path for my own future, I will work more seriously to get a good profile.

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