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It is the celebration of the beginning of the following year on

the calendar. The "New Year" is perhaps the party in which
more people participate, since most human beings have
reasons to do so, either to celebrate another year that is
coming, or for a year that is going away.

Where is it celebratred? It is celebrated all over the world although in countries

like China the date changes.
How did it start? The earliest known New Year celebrations were in
Mesopotamia, dating back to 2000 BC. C. The early Romans used March 1 as
New Year's Day, while other cultures used the autumnal equinox or winter
solstice to mark the new year.
When is it celebrated? January 1st and Chinese New Year is February 10th
How is it celebratred? Currently, a toast is made by clinking the glasses of each
of the diners and 12 grapes are eaten as quickly as possible making a wish, as
the chimes that announce the start of a new year are given; the grapes
represent each of the months of the year that begins.

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