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Name of Learner: Grade Level:

Parent’s Signature: Date of Submission:

Directions: Let us now check the impact of what you have learned in the different types of
reading. Read the text below and complete the graphic organizer found after the passage.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Activity # 1: Clash-in
Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that can cause illnesses such as the
common cold, severe Let acute
us nowrespiratory
check the impact of what
syndrome you and
(SARS) haveMiddle
in determining
syndrome (MERS). In 2019, a new coronavirus was identified as the cause of a disease
outbreak that originated in China.

Signs and symptoms of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may appear two
to 14 days after exposure. This time after exposure and before having symptoms is called
the incubation period. The common signs and symptoms can include fever, cough,
tiredness and early symptoms of covid-19 may include a loss of taste or smell. Other
symptoms can include Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, muscle aches, chills,
sore throat, runny nose, headache and chest pain.

People who are older have a higher risk of serious illness from COVID-19, and
the risk increases with age. People who have existing chronic medical conditions also
may have a higher risk of serious illness.

Chronic medical conditions that increase the risk of serious illness from COVID-
19 include Serious heart diseases, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Type
2 diabetes, Severe obesity, Chronic kidney disease, Sickle cell disease and Weakened
immune system from solid organ transplants.

Although there is no vaccine available to prevent COVID-19, you can take steps
to reduce your risk of infection. WHO and CDC recommend following these precautions
for avoiding COVID-19 like avoiding large events and mass gatherings, avoiding close
contact with anyone who is sick or has symptoms, staying home as much as possible,
washing your hands often with soap and water, covering your face with a cloth face
mask in public spaces, covering your mouth and nose with your elbow or a tissue when
you cough or sneeze, staying home from work, school and public areas if you're sick and
avoiding public transportation, taxis and ride-sharing if you're sick.





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Instructions: Based on today’s topic, answer the following for reflection:

After learning the lesson, how do I understand

the different types of reading?

the effectiveness of textual aids for comprehension?

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