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A Thesis Proposal

Presented to

The Faculty of the Respiratory Therapy Department

School of Allied Medicine Universidad de Zamboanga
Zamboanga City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

In Research 1

Presented by

Raiden M. Benhalid

April, 2022






Background of the Study.........................................................

Theoretical Framework…………………………………….……
Conceptual Framework…………………………………............
Statement of the Problem………………………………………
Significance of the Study………………………………….…...
Scope and Delimitation…………………………………………
Definition of Terms……………………………………………....


Research Design………………………………………………...

Locale of the Study………………………………………..……..

Population and Sampling Design……………………..…....…..

Research Instruments…………………………………….……..

Reliability and Validity………………………………………......

Ethical Consideration……………………………………..........
Data Gathering Procedure……………………………...…...…

Statistical Tools…………………………………………...…......




1 The Conceptual Paradigm of the Study 7



Background of the Study

With the beginning of Coronavirus Disease-19 last March 2020 as announced

by the World Health Organization, many activities on a daily basis were changed and

many lives of varying age were met with difficulties, Especially in concern with the

academic field of practice in the medical courses. The learning method has changed

from actual college classroom discussions to e-learning or e-learning courses. A

learning method to combat learning stagnation amidst global pandemic, It may

sustain the current status that humanity faces but it may be a problem on how the

progress of learning derived from the actual face to face learning, as such opinions

are given to the topic of online learning as an alternative to the actual practice of

hands-on and face value learning system of tradition. While some universities agreed

that on-line education was appropriate for continuing education, one third of them

would not hire a therapist who was trained entirely through distance learning. Neither

the managers nor the educators believed that on-line courses should be used

exclusively to train respiratory therapists, and they did not consider distance learning

to be a comparable substitute for classroom experience. While on-line education is

commonly used in RT programs, few descriptive or comparative studies have been

published about its scope or effectiveness. In 2004, Hopper proposed that RT is an

“excellent match” for on-line support of academic courses, but not suitable to be

delivered entirely via distance education. The researchers of this study conducted a

survey on various student under Respiratory Therapy to assess the impact and

progress of online learning in their studies. This study will also help to contribute in

understanding the depth of importance on how online learning affecting the education

of the students.

The implementation of e-learning in education has been favourable in multiple

contexts. Previous studies have presented several advantages and disadvantages

associated with the implementation of e-learning technologies into university

education (Raspopovic et al., 2017). E-learning has been viewed as the ability to

focus on the requirements of individual learners. For instance, focusing on the needs

of individual learners can deliver knowledge in the digital age effectively as compared

to educational institutions’ needs or instructors (Huang and Chiu, 2015). The

environment for elearning also helps students or learners to rely on themselves so

that instructors are no longer the solitary knowledge source rather they serve as

guides and advisors (Joshua et al., 2016). Flexibility is another major advantage of e-

learning as it provides learners the benefit to take classes anywhere and anytime.

Despite the significant advantages of e-learning, students encounter several

challenges which ultimately lead towards either limited or negative outcomes. Such

as; Arkorful and Abaidoo (2015) in their study outlined that e-learning might result in

being less effective due to the absence of face Activity No. 2.3 to face encounters

with instructions or teachers. Since in e-learning methods, assessments are generally

held online which reduces the possibility of restricting illegitimate activities such as;
cheating, plagiarism etc. The absence of essential personal interactions is the most

noticeable disadvantages of e-learning, not only among colleague learners, but also

between instructors and learners (Islam, Beer and Slack, 2015).

Theoretical Framework

Besides, activities should enforce learners to apply and personalise the learning

content offered; Instructors should focus on interactive learning activities to promote

higher-level learning and social presence and to help develop personal meaning. As

learning focuses on developing new knowledge, skills, and attitudes, e-learning faces

the problem that psychomotor, affective and higherlevel objectives are hard to reach

within virtual learning phases. Therefore, [Mödritscher & Sindler 2005] suggest

providing other ways – such as social or interactive activities, context-based learning,

assessment through open-ended questions, etc. – to realise such didactical aspect.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Disadvantage and Advantage Online Learning System

Figure 1.
Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

Figure 2. shows the relationship between the independent variable which is the
disadvantage and advantage and the dependent variable which is the Online Learning
of Respiratory Students of School of Allied Medicine in Universidad de Zamboanga.

Statement of the problem

This study is focus on the students of Respiratory Therapy under School of Allied
Medicine in Universidad de Zamboanga.

The respondents are to answer the following question/s:

1. How did you cope up with the new learning system?

2. How does the new learning system affect your health and daily lifestyle?

3. Do you regret undergoing said online learning system?

4. What is the difference between online learning and face to face?


New learning system doesn’t help the student to learn, but rather to gives a negative
impact on their academic performances compare to face to face program.

There is a difference between learning in an online and face to face program

* Face-to-face training is not dependent on networked systems.

* The learner is reliant on an unrestricted Internet connection when participating in

online learning.

III. Significance of the study

The findings of this study will benefit the following:

For faculty

The findings of the study will provide information to help them realize the Disadvantages

and Advantages of online learning of the students.

For the students

The findings of the study will provide information on the importance of online
learning Disadvantages and advantages among the students of respiratory therapy. To
the students, the proposed study will help the young students of Respiratory Therapy to
have a deeper understanding to the online classes that the school is providing. By this
study will come up with easier program that could enhance the program that the school
will conduct.

For the Future Researchers

To the future researchers, the proposed study will benefit and help the future researcher
as their guide. The study can also open development of this study

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study will present the Disadvantages and advantages of online learning among
respiratory therapy students. This study will be limited to Universidad de Zamboanga
Respiratory Therapy students who are enrolled this 2nd semester school year
2020-2021. This research will be conducted through Google from an online survey.

Operational Definition of Terms

The operational definitions of the following terms are as follows:

Disadvantage - it refers to the negative impact and low academic performance

experiences of the students of respiratory therapy on the online learning.
* Lose Concentration
* Health Issues
* Lack of socializing skills
* Lack of Good Internet connection

Advantage - it refers to the positive effects of online learning among students

* Easy attendance
* Improves time management
* Time-Saving
* More accessible

Respiratory Therapy - it refers directly to the respondents of this study


This chapter presents a detailed description of the research design, the

respondents of the study, study respondents, research locale, sampling design,

research instrument, validity and reliability, ethical consideration and statistical

treatment in order to know the differences between online learning and face to face

program to Respiratory Therapy Students.

Research Design

The researcher made use of descriptive design to explore and to know the

disadvantage and advantages of online learning in Respiratory Therapy. Descriptive

research is a type of study that focuses on describing the features of the population or

issue under investigation. This methodology places a greater emphasis on the "what" of

the research topic rather than the "why" of the research topic. According to Gay (1992:

217), descriptive research entails gathering information to test hypotheses or answer

questions about the current state of the research subject. In this context, the researcher

decided to use a descriptive design to determine the disadvantages and advantages of

online learning in Respiratory Therapy students of Universidad de Zamboanga.

Research Locale

This research takes place in the Universidad de Zamboanga's School of Allied Medicine

at Don Toribio, Tetuan, Zamboanga City. The Universidad de Zamboanga's School of

Allied Medicine offers a unique type of prepared medicine, with six courses totaling five

Baccalaureate degrees and one Associate's degree in Radiological Technology. The

Universidad de Zamboanga's School of Allied Medicine offers globally and

internationally competitive pre-medicine courses, and has produced license topnotchers

as a result of high-quality training and teaching .

Population and Sampling Design

The respondents of the study are the respiratory therapy students as the target

population composing the 1st, 2nd,3rd and 4th years of the School of Allied Medicine

who are enrolled in the 2nd semester school year 2021-2022 at the Universidad de

Zamboanga. Random sampling was used in this study. A random sample is a subset of

individuals selected at random by researchers to represent an entire group as a whole.

The goal is to obtain a representative sample of the entire population..


Demographic Profile of the Respondents

(N = 250)

Profile F %

16 – 19 50 20%

20 – 23 150 60%

24 – 27 25 10%

28 - 31 25 10%

Sex Female 175 70%

Male 75 30%

1st 80 32%

2 nd
80 32%

3 rd
45 18%

4 th
45 18%

Tausug 80 32%

Yakan 20 8%
Zamboangueno 80 32%

Sinama 20 8%

Tagalog 50 20%

Table 1 illustrates the respondents' demographic profile in terms of age, gender,

year level, and ethnicity. In terms of age, the ages 20-23 have the largest frequency,

with 150 responses or 60%, followed by years 16-19 with a frequency of 50 or 20%,

ages 24-27 with a frequency of 25 or 10%, and ages 28-31 with a frequency of 25

respondents or 10%, for a total of 250 respondents. In terms of gender, the bulk of

respondents are female, with 175 or 70% of females and just 75 or 30% of males. This

adds up to a total of 250 people who have responded. In terms of year level, a total of

250 respondents were involved, with 80 or 32 percent of first and second year

respondents and 45 or 18 percent of third and fourth year respondents. In terms of

ethnicity, the Tausug has the largest frequency (80 or 32%), followed by the

Zamboangueno (80 or 32%), Tagalog (50 or 20%), Yakan and Sinama (20 or 8%). A

total of 250 people responded to the survey.

Research Instrument

In this investigation, a standard questionnaire is used. There are three sections

to the instrument. The first part of the report includes a brief demographic profile of the

respondents. Part II asks them to rate their problems that might students face in

university during the online class using a Likert scale to allow the participants to express

their agreement to each given item. Part III consists of yes/no questions.

Reliability and Validity

After preparing the questionnaires to ensure the questionnaire's reliability and

validity, the researcher handed them over to a panel of experts to see if they met the

study's objectives. Any inaccuracies in the questions were permitted to be commented

on or modified by the experts.

Ethnical Consideration

Throughout the study's implementation, the researcher adheres to basic ethical

norms. In managing all respondent information, the researchers guarantee complete

secrecy. The participants will be required to read the informed consent form to confirm

that their participation in the study was completely voluntary. The researchers recognize

that respondents are free to make decisions based on their own values and opinions.

The expectation that the study's identity and conclusions would be kept anonymous has

been correctly observed. During the research defense, a member of the Ethics Review
Committee will be included as a member of the panel to ensure that the relevant ethical

principles are followed properly.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher have asked the director of the School of Allied Medicine and the dean of

the Respiratory Therapy department for permission to conduct the study and for a list of

respiratory therapy students' names and e-mail addresses. Following their assent, the

researcher sends the questionnaire in a google form together with the informed consent

to their e-mail addresses. After the respondents completed the questionnaire, the

researcher tallied, computed, and examined the results.

Statistical Tools

The data gathered will be tabulated and treated using the following statistical tools:

Weight mean will be used to answer the disadvantages and advantages of online

learning among the Respiratory Therapy students.

Pearson R will be utilized to determine the significant relationship between the

disadvantages and advantages of online learning of the Respiratory Therapy students

will encounter.
T-test and One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) will be utilized to determine the

significant difference between the disadvantages and advantages of online learning

among the Respiratory Therapy students when grouped according to their profile.


The constructivist school of learning suggests that learners construct personal knowledge from the
learning experience itself [Mödritscher & Sindler 2005] [McLeod 2003].

Advantages of E-learning (Raspopovic et al., 2017) (Huang and Chiu, 2015) (Joshua et al., 2016). Arkorful
and Abaidoo (2015).

World Health Organization. (2022). Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

Distance Learning and the Internet in Respiratory Therapy Education

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