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Electrical Machine -| DC Genetcatores [2 CEEE-2105, S21 : S s oe Mozamme| Hossain Dept: oO REE FAS Session Arts Nhat is de genera 2 hak i an electra generator? ye An clecheical machine which convert\o inechanicd enctay (ie, Torque, Speed .& Mechanical powerr etc) tno ditcact type clechreical eneigy Che electrical powerc, vellage .6 curren etc) is called an a de gpreal ate an cht genera Uc a> Wot isthe baste prcincigle f deJelecheical geneviahore? 92, The me; conversion {s based onthe principle of the production of dynamically induced exc. Whenevere She conductor cute the ragelic flu lines, an emf is induced in tt which anes ee 0 Tia emf causes a current fo flow if the conductor cre is dosed. a> What ave the escertial pars of an electrical generat C22. There are two essertial (music parca of an elechical general ubhich arte given low — ipa mee field. ii) a conduclare or eonductores which eon so. rove aa to cut the Fux, QX Describe the constuction and waking of the single loop genercatn 45/6 J . | EMF Considere a single buren loop ABCD rotahin clockwise ina untfirrm magnetic Feld vd a constant speed as shown in iq -4 : ts the loop rtotates, the Flug linkeng the, coil sides AB & CD changes eontinuows ly. Heres, thw emf induced in these coil sides I changer Sut the emf mduced én one coil se aa enduced in the other side. the following cases are the working of simple, loop gener ator: ( When the loop iy in pout! ‘oy nod the gonercatte d emp te rerty , beeaune the coil siden (A Ged) atu earthing, 0 Flay. Bul arte. mp pattallel to it. qi) When the \oop ty {n povition fo. 2. Mn coil gids» atte moving at an angle ty the Flue ond thettefere , a lou emt ts genertacled ag indicated by point 2 in AY -1(H Hi) When tHe. loop Im poritton 0); the coll siden (ae Rep) are or right an sto The flux ond -ste Hreroferee, cuttin tho Fur ato maxtenum rate. tenes the generated eof & maxvnum oy indtated by point 9 in fia 1(y), Ui) Ab prvition- 4, The cot) when are moving at ay angle ty the flux and henee ave genercated anf te Wn [ovd. (Vv) AL potion - Ge 16 mag worhic lines are, ut and lene mdueed enh fr eorto as imdieated by gornct a 1m T14- t (. (iy Ab porition-6 ; the eoil widep move untett a polo of opposite polatcity and henee the diteeetion of generated am ts tavercsed. The maximum @nrf tr thie ditwetion will oceute alum the leop {sot porition ~ 7 and +2Tlo when ot 96 whom - 4 +: This cyclen repeat with each revolution of the coil BASIC Oh a : Fleming Leff and Right hand Rule & \ moto ———> F LR | eneRato est he ee Tore dec oenersatorca : Fly ings Cont fund Pale: Metion Manne Hel é Curent ie Flemings Richt hand Rule states that — If three Fingera of a right hand nainely Shumb index. finger’ and middle finger are out stot ched . So that they arce mutually perpendicular ty. exch ther. And if the index finger is made 4 point in the ditcection of the magnetic field then the thumb indicates the dinechin of the motion of a conductore anid the middle Ae gives the direction of the emf induced in the Con uctote Fore generators we use Herings right hand tule hs we need 4p find the current. For Motore :Flemings lef hand es == ince Magnetic field a -2 & €) sw Ele » Curerent Midlle inert . Flemings Left hand Rule states that — EF tie fingetes of a left hand namely thumb, index, Finger and middle fingers arce out stretched sa they are mutually percpendiculare 4p each other. And the index finger is mate ty point in the direction of m ie field then the thumb indicates the, direechon bree and the middle fingere gives the divection of current, For Motors we use Flemingr left hand tale. As we need to find the notion Girelion of fore) Construction of DO Machine... Q + Desnibe the construction aff Per Megas eee [ve Machine | er eo ‘ Rise, — Sabie pares Rotaling parcts | a eect eee Yoke _—» Aremahire - > Poles Lo Commuter > Preushes a5 earings x5 SE eee ee a to Bae Tain} Fig. Basic cunshuction 4 De machine, L Yoke: Yoke is the oukerernnr} natective covert fore dic machine. YoKe is mode up of ewagneic material which is considered "ag cart ticon ore aust deel, Seoandly it SeTEVES the purepose th . mechanical cupperd to the poles. Ty carecies the. magne lic ‘flux produced by e poles. : Moreover, it 1S also preoviding a low reluctance path fore the Flux. Because, maximum tux, will be passity threeugh thts yoke. Hence low reluctance ts rete peas that will save a magnetic flux, efole: Every machine has even _nurber cof pales which divided into {hicee pacts — D Pole cote ) Pole de ti) field winking. ae As shown in Ty Role care (ier Vaminaed L é Ble Trreduces reeluctance of magnetic pth] lhe purpose of pole cone is ty carry field windin which ts nothing, but a winding af oe respaall production of flux, In the construction of de machine - suinding ane wound and so ts wound these windings amea is require and that areea, ts presvided by pole cove. Second rastie of pole cone is to ditcec} the magndtic Flu through airgap armature and to the next pole . So, actual spedking, the direction of flux — Yoke -9 Pole > Anmatutce > Next Pole —» Yoke, Wi ole shoe: Pele choe ts that part of a pile which will coverc maximum aremal urce conducors in d's pexipherty , so this atcea 4s Tce uirced) So that, it wil covert. maximum atemature ceicdl cut a Hux So that, emf induced will be more. (iyfel _ : Field winding is nothing but a coll ot awirce which will catery a cee Yeah cuter ig responsible for aroduction of lux. %, acetrding to fas pere eighth hand thumb rule, +t vs a cureeent catereving the out chetdaed thumb vil Be feu e is) What fs the nercth pore. \ as pete this ditcectio \ 1 4 A 5 will | nd Fi i have and fijec wh ; Le hae with a specibie current dite axe connected in series. And 4 1 \ 1 } artennate noth: seuth ecle. t \ — Aree 3 Anmabure: EN cariacters uv ee tLe key ee % if } 7) gd hice kt (O02 rag ene Tr heuses the arcmaturre slots and armature slets ate carey ing, armature conductors an causes Them iw reotare, and hence cur ine magneric flux. of ihe field magnets. Armature conductors are a maqot: atea because emf got induced in the armature and pracisely it is in on atemature editibiacs Sa, dvidly m conducteres ore otematurce windings nothing but a simgle winding wire which is made up tf Cu. We have a dots for connecting a shaft and air ducts arte. provide fare coding purcpase. This atcmnaturce is cartity ing a. mae netic flux; 60 In oxen to have a low teeluchance path tn the flux thrcough the artmature fiom @ N-pole to a S-poles which is made up of ch freon ot at deel. And in order to avoid edly cuterent losses it fs made up of thin laminalions. Thus, armature is tat pate of a 4c machine where emf {5 induced -And it alco provides Tow reduclanee path fore magnetic: flux: ringed rid: 4. Commutator RAPA commutator is @ mechanical gecifien go Ubatever curcrent has been developed ore whattevere em has been induced tin the atematune cutercent that needs to be Inken out fore Vat putcpose i is fir! connected fo a commutator which is a wp of a segments and that segment is made up ofa Cu , because it har to careicy a curcert. And two segment atce. ceporcated by a thin layete of mica. So, the \ . 6 Pen ten aerators cond uctores é Secondly so as a putcpose of mneckanical weelifiex 7 hey tonverds the cera current induced in the alia de generale atrmatutee conductor Ore alferen inside atimalure conductor into unidirectional dic ei uniditeechonal curcvent in the external bad citecuit. 5 brushes: The breushes whose main function is to callecl [take out a wilage orca curcrent from commutator, atee ssl made up of catcbon . Commutalore is moving bub brushes are Stansted The number of breuches Tl spindle ‘depends on the nitude of the cureert to be collected from the commutatore. And mounted on commutator and do not rotate. 6. Beatcings: The main function of the bearcngs is bo support the tolahing gorct and allow lis smooth, rotion. 2 na What are the Funelfons of Yoke ty DC genercalore 2 92 Yoke is the oulore mort picoleclive, covete fore dic machine which is made up of manne matercial fe. cast Iron or cat shee. Vherce ace uo functions oF YoRe in be gencveatore, which atce, given below— ob) ti I serves the purcpose of mechanica) cuppa fo the pen > cataries the magnetic Fc pes et | ty e& poles. Gilt is also. providing a hw reluctance path Bre the fh. which & reequireed that will save a magic flux, | y Explain lop and wave windings “ a4 Lap winding: L | Fig-Lw, : Tn this arrangement, The armaturé coils are connected in semdes Through commutatote seamnents in such a Way that the aft hick winding is divided into. as many paral nas the pcles ofthe machine, W there ate. Z conductors and p poles; then Yp conductors will be tn sercies in each patcallel path as shown in fig-Lia Where no. of arcallel path is P. Bach oe path will catcty Yo curarent ; whetre Ta is the total. otematutce. current In fig-Lw it ts assumbed That p=4-S0 that thetee atte 4 parallel paths. Wave winding: gat Ue Tay wat a eee ei In thts acongement The anmaturecoils ata] *> cormected. in setcies mG through commutator. seamerts in eich way rat the winding {s divided into Two parallel paths irrunpective of the no. of poles of the machine. qe ees ile @6 Explain lap and wave windings 2 a eae Fig-LH Lap winding: ap winding is the wing fn which successive osils overlap each athere. key when winding coil 14 atac on the. atimatuace Lack ty frat side is cd 4s lap wind Tn case of, lap wing the numbere of pottallel path provided in the arematurce winding in de machine ts equ to the numbere of pole. Here, colle” atce connected in pad Wave. winding ‘3 : teh mw call-1 a Gil-2 feel [ (x US oi PS RON leek Wave win ing is The winding in Which The completing en of a coil fs connected th . tarcting end, of ituher ai under a differcent qe. Here ails ake connected in serces q-} When wove winding is sutlable for a generator ? 23 Wave winding isthe winding tn Ae the age end of a call is comecred ij the arcing end of anttnere coll undere a difetcent poe. The odvantoae of the wove winding (s that fore a given numbete of t and atematurce conduclors tt gives monet emt han te lap winding Anothere advantages is that in wave winding equalizing connections ate not necessarcy wheteds a lop winding they definitely ace. Ut 1s 50 because each of the two paths contains conluctor layings undete all the pes. e Hence, wave winding {s aiftble fare senall generators especially those meant fore 0-600 V circuits and suitable fore high voltage... low cutercent generators. Q-8 meas between lap and wave winding with rene heite Uses ie are some difference between lap and wave sy which atre given bebw- F Lap sa Wave winding. 1 Lap “winding isthe winding 1 Wave. winding is the wig in which ae coils ~ Jin which the cng el overclap enc er. * ‘ at Is a 6 ting ond Of oT a a 1 a ae Qa Uieret Lila) _ifite ae mobs ale 9.Cailg ate connected in [2 Colle arce connected in potallel. erties. alk is so called parallel [3-1b is s0 called &) Hysteresis loss: fh = Kn Be Fv Ws tiy Baty cuterent Iss: Pe =Ke-Bnae 1242 y Wats Where, Ky = Hysterests constant Ke= ely eurerent constart. V= Volume of the cre, b= Thickness of laminations 0. is 4A; Hemme dency an the core (Whit 2.Mechanical losses: These losses arce due} friction and windings which atte given belon— Uy Freidh’on loss at beatcings and commutator. Wi) at lacs. ote aite feidtion of reclahing atemaurce Mechanical losses. depend upon the speed tf the machine. Hence total loss ina de genercator i5- Total loss = Ts?Rg, -+ We =( + Ta) Pete tyme be ina dc generator as showin in [Series Cu loss Treon less Hystercesis loss Eddy curcrent loss Fraichion los Windane loss. Q44 What is efficiency of o dc. gontrcalo. 9 Derive the ection of lead curercert carresponding ty maximaurn efficiency on rophical meprese it. 24/5 or. Find ct the contttion of maximum efficiency of a dec. genercatre 4 , Girarhically represent the teabion bebween efficiency a loaA~curercent of o. genereatotc. 5 or, Dreavi the relation between standing bss ond variable Jose duet maximum efficiency of adc. generate. 4 Ans: Efficiency of a dc generator 4s defined as the ratio of the output powert ( input powetc. ie, Effictency, a us Outpur power Inpu power. _ catpul ponete ~~ Oulpu powere + lngees The efficiency of a de genercator is not ue but vary with cae Considere a shunt qenerealer elivering ¢ vet curetcen Ip at o terminal de V. Field Cou loss is onsfant te shurt and exnpound gee ‘Hence, stray losses and shunt Cy lasses. arce togethere Known as standing ore constant losses. We And dremahure Curloss 1S vatciable loss. ondtion fore maximum efficiency of a dc ‘generrahn. Genereatore anutut =VIL erin input = Output + losses a = V1, + Variable losses + standin : onal =VILt Taha tWe = Vit (Lt Ten) Ry + We [om tetls The shunt field current, kh is smaller a» compmtad lead curcreent 1 ond thevefave can be neglected. 2. Grenercaln input = Viet eBay te ee + Generatan efficiency , = O/P Fowert T/P Powetc VI, O/P Powete + lasses i VIL F a * Vara Differentiate efficiency with respect fo Ty. We have— fh (LFW AWe) VV (V21 Ra +0) Pe eRe (v I+ Ie Rat We) -Q) To get Teta efficiency #57 Gna) We have 40 te (Vlu+ TeRa We) Vy. im (V+2I,-Ra) 5 (vin +0 By-+He)- om VIL PWR We = VIL + 212 Ry or We = TER LeRy SU We =e Rh Tae Ra ee = leh Ss ]sulng cna Less = Varicble bese | This is the condition ore maximurn efficiency. Hence, efficiency of a dec generate will be maximurn when the load curteent ts such thet the vatciable losses one equal fo constant losses. lle 1, ‘ The load. curcrcent (th) coeresponding to maxirnum efficiengy 1s given by the rcelalion — TL Ra, = We OIt, Ke rad We Ra le ie L Re Hence, gheaphi cal represenalin between efficiency and load curnent of a de generate as shonn — Efficiency ‘ ' > Ty Cloud cure Fig "y Vs lis / QS Discuss the load charcackercisties of a separately exited, dc. generator. I fre: “A dic general ore has the following \hicee. chaunctevish i) Open civceuit chatcachereisties (occ) at no Sead i) Interenal chareacletcishics (i ¥ Ta/f,) ii) Exterenal chatrachercishies (v Vo i) Now. discuss the load. chateackercishis of a Separately excited 4. qenetca one — mates dais Ve raatmenatueen. the genercated emt at no load (e+) and the ‘eld cunrcent ff of constant speed. Th is dso Known as magnetic charadercisties ore no load saturcation curve The circuit diagram of separcately excited generator as shown th fig-1 @-And the induced emf equation is quer Lael a ay My L . ® PN Fig-1(a) Wherce hie ina constant but Flux con be varied by 0 changing i. field excitation . ée., et Hence, Eg alg oc 9 ’ Hence. the 6 1 charcaclereisties 1 sltted bce lad lg fl xen nue ae NiQhQng t field nae if a ae the perdormance of the generate or the Cacia fation ence, induced “emf also mag upon the speed ie, woenl He, increasing speed induced emf also increeases Hence, induc emf fre speed respectively — Ny Na XNg But these es 2 induced caw its Se level te., afterc certain Held excitation cance get sahurcated an Flux, became constant: Hence, induced emf also tcematn constant 0. tnlerena) & Exterenal chatcaclereistis.of

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