Math - 5

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1. Three individuals spot the signal from shore.

The first individual is directly perpendicular

to the sinking ship and 20 meters inland. The second individual is also 20 meters inland
but 100 meters to the right of the first individual. The third is also 20 meters inland but
125 meters to the right of the first individual. How far off shore is the sinking ship?
A. 60 m
B. 136 m
C. 80 m *
D. 100 m

1. The arithmetic mean of 80 numbers is 55. If two numbers namely 250 and 850 are
removed, what is the arithmetic mean of the remaining numbers?
A. 57.12
B. 50
C. 42.31 *
D. 38.62

2. A marksman can hit a bull’s-eye from 100 m with three out of every four shots. What is
the probability that he will hit bull’s-eye with at least one of his next three shots?
A. 63/64 *
B. 3/4
C. 15/16
D. 31/32

3. A cat has a litter of seven kittens. If the probability is 0.52 that a kitten will be female,
what is the probability that exactly two of the seven will be male?
A. 0.184 *
B. 0.156
C. 0.210
D. 0.234

4. Radium-226 decays at the rate proportional to the quantity present. Its half-life is 1612
years. How long will it take for one quarter of a given quantity of radium-226 to decay?
A. 690 years
B. 674 years
C. 669 years *
D. 682 years

5. A circular cone having an altitude of 9 m is divided into 2 segments having the same
vertex. If the smaller altitude is 6 m, find the ratio of the volume of the small cone to the
big cone
A. 0.296 *
B. 0.186
C. 0.486
D. 0.386

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