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Архипова Александра 411 группа

Слово Перевод Определение
1. wardrobe (n) гардероб the collection of clothes in
your closet that you normally
2. strong colours (n) насыщенные цвета the opposite of pastel colours
3. trendy (adjective) модный fashionable
4. smart-casual (adj) smart-casual casual but clean and stylish 
5. outfit (n) наряд a coordinated set of clothes
6. pricey (adjective) дорогой costly (informal)
7. old-school (adjective) старая школа something that is traditional
or old-fashioned (but not
very old)
8. baggy (adj) мешковатый loose
9. antique (adj) антикварный old (about things), unique
and traditional style]
10. eccentric clothes (n) эксцентричная unusual, out-of-the-ordinary
одежда attire
11. trending jeans (n)   модные джинсы ripped
12. Hipster (n) Хипстер a trendy person 
13. sloppy (adv) неряшливый loose-fitting and casual
14. brand loyalty (n) верность бренду a consumer’s emotionally
charged decision to buy a
certain brand or known
company over and over
15. Bells and whistles enticing extra features
16. Dress down  Нарядная одежда wearing less formal clothing 
17. super extravagant суперэкстравагантны spending too much money or
й surpassing the limits of
reason or necessity 
18. To be a fashion slave   Быть рабом моды someone who feels
compelled to wear the
current trends on the
19. Hand-me-downs clothing passed down from
older brothers to the younger
20. Dressed to kill Убийственный dressing in a way that
прикид attracts admirers 
21. To dress classic style Классический стиль to dress in a simple, timeless
way that is stylish.
22. To mix and match Смешивать и to try different or new styles
сочитать or pieces of clothes that are
not a part of a pre-made
23. a snappy dresser ловко одеваться  a person who dresses with
great attention to detai and
who looks good
“Colin is a very snappy
dresser. He always looks
very well presented.”
24. have a sense of style  иметь чувство стиля  know what makes you look
good and stylish
“Carla has such a good sense
of style. She always looks
25. a style icon  икона стиля  someone who is well known
for their sense of style (and
who people want to copy)
“Audrey Hepburn is a style
icon for millions of women.”
26. to scrub up well  хорошо вымыться  to look good when you make
an effort with smart clothes
“I think we’ve scrubbed up
pretty well for the wedding!
27. smart casual  умная повседневная the clothes you can wear
одежда  which are half way between
formal and casual
“The invitation says ‘smart
casual’ so you don’t need to
wear a suit.
28. leisure wear  одежда для отдыха  clothes like tracksuits that
you wear to be comfortable
at home
“We’re always in our ‘leisure
wear’ on Sundays.”
29. vintage  винтаж  clothes from more than 30
years ago
“If you keep that leather
jacket for another few years,
it will be vintage!” 
(An alternative to vintage is
30. the rag trade  торговля тряпками  the clothing industry
“Her grandparents worked in
the rag trade in East London.
31. from rags to riches  из лохмотьев в a type of story where
богатство  someone goes from being
poor to very rich
“Her new book is a typical
rags to riches story.
32. glad rags  радостные тряпки  your best clothes
“Look at this photo of us in
our glad rags!
33. box pleat складка a flat double pleat made by
folding under the fabric on
either side of it
Types of pleats include knife
pleats (all folds facing one
direction), box pleats (two
flat folds in opposite
directions with edges of the
fabric meeting underneath),
and inverted pleats (similar
to a box pleat but with the
fullness on the outer side) 
Prêt-a-porter: A
French term for ready
to wear.

34. basic color основной цвет a dye that is considered to be

a base because the
chromophore is part of a
positive ion
A look characterized by
simple forms and basic
color schemes
35. flare out вспышка become flared and widen,
usually at one end
A line: A dress/ skirt shape
that is narrower at the top
and gently flaring out to the
bottom, following the shape
of the letter A. Flattering for
bottom heavy figures
36. pleat складка a fold in a garment or piece
of fabric
37. fishtail рыбий хвост slow down by moving the
tail sideways
38. neckline вырез the line formed by the edge
of a garment around the neck
39. shirring окантовка baking shelled eggs
40. short sleeve короткий рукав a sleeve extending from the
shoulder to the elbow
41. A-line А -линейный women's clothing that has a
fitted top and a flared skirt
that is widest at the hemline
42. haute couture высокая мода trend-setting fashions

43. lace up кружево draw through eyes or holes

44. cocktail dress коктейльное платье a dress suitable for formal
45. gold foil золотая фольга foil made of gold
46. pant брюки breathe noisily, as when one
is exhausted
47. wraparound обмотка a garment with a full length
48. camisole камзол a short sleeveless
undergarment for wome
49. strip down раздеться get undressed

50. take apart разобрать take apart into its constituent

51. backless без спины lacking a back
On the cross grain refers to
cutting fabric in the direction
of the warp (horizontal
52. earring серьга jewelry to ornament the ear

53. length длина the linear extent in space

from one end to the other
54. stiffen жесткий make rigid or more rigid

55. blouse блузка a top worn by women

56. overlap наложение extend over and cover a part


57. warp деформация bend or twist out of shape

58. breast pocket нагрудный карман a pocket inside of a man's


59. lingerie нижнее белье women's underwear and


60.  semi полу a truck consisting of a tractor

and trailer together
61.  fold складка bend or lay so that one part
covers the other
62. strapless без бретелек having no straps
63. hip бедро either side of the body below
the waist and above the thigh
64. satin stitch атласный шов flat stitches worked so
closely as to resemble satin

65.  sleeve рукав the part of a garment that is

attached at the armhole and
that provides a cloth
covering for the arm

66. strap ремешок an elongated leather strip (or

a strip of similar material)
for binding things together or
holding something in
67.  yarn пряжа a fine cord of twisted fibers
used in sewing and weaving
68. stitch стежок a link or loop made by
sewing, knitting, or

69. stitching строчка joining or attaching by

70. legged нога having legs of a specified
kind or number
71. loose end свободный конец work that is left incomplete

72. color scheme цветовая схема a planned combination of

73. bootleg бутлег whiskey illegally distilled
from a corn mash
74. handicraft поделка a work produced by manual

75. pants брюки a garment extending from

the waist to the knee or ankle

76. lapel лацкан a fold of fabric below the

collar of a coat or jacket

77. silhouette силуэт a filled-in drawing of the

outline of an object

78. hipster хипстер someone who rejects the

established culture
79. corset корсет a woman's close-fitting
foundation garment
80. kimono кимоно a loose robe originating in
81. outerwear верхняя одежда clothing for use outdoors
82. guideline направляющая a rule that provides direction
for appropriate behavior

83. textured текстурированный having surface roughness

84. staggeringly ошеломляюще extremely
Haute Couture: High
fashion, hand
made, staggeringly expensiv
e one of a kind pieces that
often require three fittings.
85. embroidery вышивка decorative needlework
Can be a touch of
color, embroidery, etc, that
makes a designer's work look
86. drape драпировка the manner in which fabric
hangs or falls
87.  skirt юбка a garment hanging from the
88.  hipsters хипстеры a youth subculture
originating in San Francisco
in the 1960s
89.  flare расклешенный a burst of light used to
communicate or illuminate
90.  hip to бедро informed about the latest
91. high fashion высокая мода trend-setting fashions

92. weft уток the yarn woven across the

warp yarn in weaving
93.  fabric ткань artifact made by weaving or
felting or knitting fibers
94.  couture от кутюр high fashion designing and
95. Alfiz Альфиз rectangular panel that
frames an arch, usually
96. Altar Алтарь in antiquity, a raised
structure composed of a
wooden plank or stone
on which sacrifices were
offered. In Christian
religion, the altar is used
for the celebration of the
Mass; initially made of
wood, altars were later
made of stone, marble,
or other materials.
97. Capital architectural element
that crowns a vertical
support element
(column, pilaster, or
pier) and is thus located
beneath a horizontal
lintel, entablature, or
arcade. It is composed of
a lower part (echinus),
often decorated, and a
simpler upper part
(abacus). The basic
types of capitals are the
Doric, composed of a
square abacus resting on
a circular echinus; Ionic,
with a generally ornate
echinus ending in spiral
volutes and a somewhat
flat abacus; Corinthian, a
bell-shaped cone
decorated by flowers and
leaves; Tuscan, similar
to the Doric, with wider
and lower echinus; and
composite, made up of
Ionic elements (volutes)
and Corinthian (leaves).
There are also crocket,
or hooked, capitals,
Gothic capitals decorated
with stylized leaves
98. Castellation decoration of a building
with battlements and
turrets, like a castle; the
result may be described
as castellated.
99. Cell Клетка a compartment, most
especially one of the four
triangular divisions of a
100. Cathedral Собор from the presence of the
bishop's throne, or
cathedra; the principal
church of a diocese, the
church where a bishop
officiates. The most
famous cathedrals are
probably the Gothic
cathedrals of Northern
101. Cantilever Консоль a beam supported or
fixed at one end carrying
a load at the other. 
102. Cathedra Кафедра seat or throne made of
wood, marble, or ivory,
often decorated with
inlays and bas-relief,
located behind the altar
at the end of the apse
and used by the bishop
during religious
functions. Its presence
creates a cathedral.
103. Canopy Навес suspended or projected
miniature roof over an
altar, seat, statue, or
104. Cable Кабельный узор convex rope-like molding
pattern found in Norman
architecture. Sometimes
also refers to similar
decoration in goldsmiths'
105. Buttress reinforced, projecting
wall, usually on the
exterior of a building,
supporting it at a point
of stress. A flying
buttress transmits the
thrust of a vault to an
outer support; see vault
106. Campanile Кронштейн freestanding bell tower
of church. 
107. Brandenburg Брандербургские Iconic neoclassical
Gate ворота building in Berlin
designed and built
by Carl Gotthard
Langhans (1732-1808)
during the period 1789-
94. His pioneering
neoclassicism was
further popularized
by Karl Friedrich
Schinkel (1781-1841).
108. Bracket Боскет projection that functions
as a support; may also
be decorative.
109. Bosquet Боскет a formal grove of trees,
containing at least five of
the same species, used
in formal French
gardens, such as those
at the Palace of
Versailles (see below),
designed by Andre le
110. Billet Билет ornamentation formed
by short cylindrical or
rectangular blocks placed
at regular intervals in
hollow moldings.
111. Boss Босс ornamental projection, of
wood or stone, placed at
the join of vaulting, ribs,
etc; see vault
112. 'Bernadine' Бернардин cruciform basilican plan
plan with a nave and two
aisles, projecting
transept, choir, and flat-
ended side chapels.
113. Bow window Носовое окно a window forming a
(also bay window) recess in a room while
also projecting beyond
the exterior wall, in so
doing increasing the
amount of light.
114. Blenheim Бленхеймский Like The Palace of
Palace дворец Versailles in France,
Blenheim - designed
by Sir John
Vanbrugh (1664-1726)
- was a symbol of the
Baroque style in
115. Blobitecture Блобитектура A form of
postmodernist 20th-
Century architecture,
marked by bulging
116. Bay Залив the space formed,
usually within a church
where the limits are
indicated by Orders,
vaults, etc, rather than
by walls. On an external
wall a bay may be
indicated by buttresses.
117. Beaux-Arts Архитектура combination of Neo-
architecture изящных искусств Baroque and Neo-
Renaissance architecture
that symbolized the Belle
Epoque. The leading
American exponents
were Richard Morris
Hunt (1827-95)
and Cass Gilbert (1859-
118. Benedictine, Бенедиктинский, choir flanked by
or stepped, choir или ступенчатый, rectangular areas of
decreasing size.

119. Beam Балка horizontal structural

member, usually made
of wood, bearing a load.
120. Barchessa Баркесса a covered storage space
attached to a farm
house; the word is used
for the bodies forming
the wings of Palladian
villas, which usually
function as service areas.
121. Barbican Барбикон from the Arabic Persian
bahhana (a fortified
gallery), a defensive
structure in front of a
gate, such as a tower, an
outer defensive work, a
reinforced area on the
internal part of a wall,
most of all in medieval
and Renaissance
122. Baptistery Баптистерий a part of a church or a
separate building near a
church in which
baptismal rites are
123. Baluster Балюстрада small pillar or column
supporting rail. 
124. Basilica Базилика medieval church in which
the nave is taller than
the aisles; early
churches had an apse at
one end. It was based on
the Roman assembly
hall, or the design of
colonnaded halls in
private houses.

125. Balustrade Балюстрада series of balusters,

usually edging terrace or

126. Attic order Чердачный square column of Greek

порядок architectural order, or
pilasters applied to upper
story of building.

127. Azulejo terracotta or majolica

glazed tiles in bright
colours, used for floors
and both interior and
exterior wall dressings.
Of Arabic origin, their
use spread in Spain
beginning in the 13th
128. Attic in classical architecture,
the part of a building
above the main order on
a facade. This area can
often become a separate
storey of the building.

129. Atrium 1 forecourt of Roman

house leading to various
rooms. 2 court in front of
Early Christian and
Romanesque churches.

130. Brise-soleil shutter to block sunlight.

131. Atlantes figures of men used to

support an entablature.
The female equivalent is

132. Architecture 1 science or art of

building. 2 the structure
or style of what is built.
See also: Greatest
Architects (1400 on).

133. Archivolt moulding or cornice,

bare or decorated, that
follows the contour of an
arch, whether on the
outside face (lintel) or on
the inside (intrados).

134. Architrave the lowest division of an

entablature; a horizontal
beam supported by
135. Art Nouveau Decorative design
architecture movement centred on
Europe, led by Victor
Horta (1861-1947) in
Belgium, Antoni
Gaudi(1852-1926) in
Spain and Hector
Guimard (1867-1942) in
136. Arch usually curved
architectural member
spanning an opening and
serving as support.
According to the shape
of the curve, arches are
identified by a variety of
names, including round
arches, pointed or ogee
arches, trefoil, lancet,
basket-handle, or Tudor
arches, or horseshoe
arches, typical of Arab
architecture. A rampant
arch is an arch in which
one abutment is higher
than the other. Hanging
arches are tall blind
arches, often reaching
the roofline.
137. Ashlar squared, even-faced
block of stone.
138. Ambulatory continuation of the aisles
of the choir around the
apse, sometimes giving
access to smaller
chapels; see church. 
139. Apex uppermost point of a
triangular or conical
140. Ambo reading desk or pulpit in
early Christian church,
usually of stone.
Normally there were two,
facing each other on
each side of the choir. 
141. Antefix upright architectural
ornament found in
Classical buildings,
where it decorated the
ends of a roof ridge. 
142. Apse semicircular or polygonal
end of a church; usually
the end of the chancel,
at the east end. 
143. Arcade a series of arches, often
supporting a wall, with
their columns or piers. A
blind arcade is an arcade
set against a wall
without openings in the
144. Amphitheatr arena surrounded by
e tiered seats. Used from
the 1st century BCE
throughout the Roman
world for public
145. Amorino  amorini)
small Putto; usually
146. Annular vaulted roof over a ring-
vault shaped (annular) space,
between two concentric
walls; see vault
147. Cenotaph a sepulchral monument.

148. Eave lower edge of a roof,

overhanging a wall.

149. Echinus architectural element of

the capital located
beneath the abacus; in
the Doric order, it has a
convex shape without
decoration; in the Ionic it
is decorated with

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