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I am from Benue state, Idoma by tribe. The Idoma people are people that primarily inhabit the
lower western areas of Benue state, Nigeria and some of them can be found in Taraba state,
Cross River, Enugu state, Kogi state and Nassarawa State in Nigeria. The Idoma language of the
Volta. Niger family, which includes Igede, Alago, Aquta, Etulo, Efe, Akweya (Akpa) and yala
languages of Benue, Nassarawa, Kogi, Enugu and Northern Cross River State. The population of
the Idomas is estimated to be about 3.5 million. The Idoma people have a traditional ruler called
the Och'ldoma who is the head of the Idoma Area Traditional Council. This was introduced by
the British. Each community had its own traditional chief such as Ad'ogbadibo of orokam, chief
D.E Enenche. The palace of the Och'ldoma is located at Otukpo, Benue state.


Most communities in the Idoma nation set aside a period of three days every year to celebrate the
spirits for a bountiful harvest in the out giving year, and the expectation for the beginning of the
New Year's planting season. This occasion is usually refered to as the "Eje Alekwu" festival

Idoma Festival

Idoma Festival


The Idoma traditional attaire is popularly called "Apa" by many parts of Idoma land and
"Edema" by the Edumoga people. It's contains two beautiful and we'll respected colours the
black colour on the attaire signifies the "earth" and "burial shroud" while the "red" signifies
"royalty or red feather".

Idoma Attair

Okoho is the main traditional food preculiar to the Idoma people of Benue state, central Nigeria
it is made from the plant cissus populnea belonging to the family Amplidacea (Vitaceae)

Idoma Food

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