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Application 4: AGV Forklift type MMR

1. MMR AGV: AGV is a Powered Industrial Vehicle that transports materials by following markers or
wires on the floor, or uses vision, magnets, or lasers for navigation.
The application covered in this section is about AGV design to load or unload pallet in racks.
Note: In the near future, the standard ISO 3691-4 will become the most relevant standard,
which combines the applicable requirements of the other ISO standards.

➢ An AGV which is designed to carry a load with the forks. The AGV and the load
being carried behaves as a single unit. The AGV is designed to lift the load (AGV
Application 4).
➢ It is not designed to pull a load and should not be used for this application (see
AGV Application 2&3).

2. AGV Application 4, design MMRs:

1- AGV Forklift type are designed to travel forward and reverse at a rate > 3mph or 5kmph, the
blue light must shine in the direction of travel (unless the AGV is either isolated from
Pedestrian and PIT traffic or Pedestrians and PIT’s are not allowed in the workspace of the
2- The design, function and safety systems must meet the following MMR’s as defined:
2.1. Country/province or local regulatory requirements
2.2. Requirements defined in international recognized associations including ISO 13855 and
ANSI/ITSDF B56.5-2012.
2.3. Requirements defined furthermore in this document as Minimum Mandatory Requirements.
2.4. Is nationally or internationally recognized with test lab safety certification labels (For
example; CE, UL, CSA, etc...)

3- A documented pre-risk assessment must be performed by a qualified safety designate (which

could be the manufacturer with Safety sign-off) prior to install and commissioning. The
documented risk assessment done by the supplier is send to =S= and the description of the
safety function is in the equipment documentation (before and after the implementation).

4- A documented full risk assessment must be done after install and prior to release to
manufacturing with Safety sign-off.

5- All risks that have the potential to cause injury must have an action plan implemented prior to
release to manufacturing
6- AGV design has the following MMRs:

a. Has the ability to detect 360 degrees with collision avoidance sensing on a 2d plan
(front and rear)
b. Has the ability to detect 360 degrees human intrusion in a perimeter compliant with
the safety rule in GSD 16. The objective is to maintain at least the 3 meters (10’)
space between their PIT's and any personnel when the loaded forks are at or above
the 1.5 meters (5’) level from the floor. The AGV shall be equipped with human
detection sensing on all direction around the AGV (Lateral, front and rear). The
detection is coupled with an audible signal to alert the human in the non-authorized

Date Issued: March 1, 2019

area. In addition, the AGV stops the operation or, if it is safely possible, comes to a
safe position until the person leaves the area. The operation can automatically
restart if the human did not stay in the area more than xx seconds.
c. Has the ability to detect vertical obstacles (min 1m clearance vertically above the
highest point of the unit or cart being carried or towed) with collision avoidance
sensing and stop or reroute to avoid collision with unit or cart. The exception being in
cases where the route is defined and protected (guarded) for direct travel from point A to B.

d. AGV’s must be equipped with Emergency Stop(s).

e. In the event of a loss of power, the unit must return to safe mode and not pose
additional risks.
f. AGVs must be designed in such a way that an authorized operator can easily take the
command and make the activity in a safe manner; meaning that the operator must
first stop safely automated operation done by the AGV before manually operate the
g. Load access is prohibited behind the AGV. (Example AGV can have guard to prevent
loading or unloading or sensors to detect person in the rear within 1m). (Same MMR
as AGV Application 2&3.)



h. Manual / automated mode: the AGV is designed in such a way that an authorized
operator can operate manually and drive equipment safely. The activation of the
automated mode is triggered by a human action, the AGV will only start
automatically after checking that there is no human or other obstacles in the
clearance area. The area must be clear in the direction of travel (front or back) and
lateral in case the AGV will lift a load.
i. Units have self-diagnostic verification to assure optimal sensing performance or
procedures for manual calibration and detection.
j. Visual light indicator (strobe light) active during movement.
k. For automated start, an audible signal or visual signal (example 5 second notification)
prior to start.
l. System must be “fail safe” redundancy for guidance and collision avoidance. In the
event of a sensor failure, the system will detect and prevent unit from operating (in
the same manner as if the E-stop were activated).

Date Issued: March 1, 2019

m. Sensing technology can detect if the load is above the capacity of the AGV.
n. Sensing technology can detect the position of the pallet on forks to identify the size
of the pallet and control with the expected size. In case the size is not the expected
one the AGV stops and gives visual / audible alert.
o. Sensors on a two-dimensional plane must not exceed 6 inches or 15cm from the
floor, unless there are other means to detect objects at or below 6 inches or 15cm.

7- The performance criteria (PL/Cat) of the control circuit and the associated protective devices
to ensure a safe stop or other safety functions are defined in EN 1525 and would translate to
the latest version of EN ISO 13849 as:
a. Protective devices for detection travel path Cat 3 / PL d
b. Speed control that affect means of detection (e.g. size of warning and shut-off zone)
Cat 3 / PL d
c. Protective devices for side detection Cat 2 / PL c
d. Bypass of protective device for detection path Cat 2 / PL c
e. Limited speed of 0,3m/s if no means are present for detecting presence
Cat 2 / PL d
f. Speed and Steering control in general Cat 1 / PL c
g. Speed and Steering control for stability Cat 2 / PL c
h. Load handling general Cat 1 / PL c
i. Load handling for stability Cat 2 / PL c
j. Emergency stops Cat 3 / PL c
k. Control of battery charging Cat 1 / PL c

Note: In the list above the different reliability requirements are stated for the safety
functions. Next to each entry is the category and PL (achieved performance level) required
indicated. For this standard the categories itself are kept and the PL refers to the overall
reliability level which is the MMR to be reached by category.

In practice the manufacturer of the AGV will have to calculate his safety functions and prove
that the desired PL is reached using the indicated category, or if there are deviations an
equivalent level of safety has been achieved.

8- 1m rule applies (Pedestrian must maintain a minimum 1m or 3ft away from the operation of
the AGV).
9- To avoid collision with heavy PIT traffic, limit use of AGV’s inside warehouse and loading dock
area. To do so, consider the following:
a. AGV has a dedicated traffic lane marked and isolated (guarded/protected) from
PIT/PIV traffic
b. AGV has a dedicated traffic lane marked with a 1m clearance between max width of
unit/cart and lane dimension.
10- AGV must have a Max Load capacity label, highly visible in the local language.
11- All units are to be equipped with blue lights mounted in the direction of travel and meet the
following requirements:
a. Lights must be illuminated when the vehicle is in motion.
b. Lights must be mounted high enough to ensure unobstructed path of light to the
c. Lights to be illuminated 3meters-4meters from the end of the unit.

Date Issued: March 1, 2019

12- All units are to be equipped with blue or red lights mounted in 90° from the direction of travel
and meet the following requirements:
d. Lights must be illuminated when the forks are not in the lower position.
e. Lights must be mounted high enough to ensure unobstructed path of light to the
f. Lights must show the limit of the authorized areas

13- The AGV shall not be modified other than by those trained and authorized by the
manufacturer or an authorized aftermarket service integrator.

14- The site shall have an up-to-date inventory of AGVs including approved risk assessments with
completed action plans.
Note: Additional site-specific requirements may be added based on the application specific
risk assessment findings.

3. AGV Application 4, Project phase:

1. Project phase: each location shall identify the traffic and most impacting areas (most
impacting area: where the co-activity with other users is high or where pedestrian operates).
Traffic shall include all other PIT and the pedestrian, the density is shown and used to
identify most impacting area. The project team shall implement preventive action to avoid
the hazard or the minimize the density. The new traffic map shall be reviewed 3 months after
starting the operation to be either validated or reworked
2. Each location shall establish a traffic map for the routine AGV path to reduce instances of a
PIT collision and/or meeting at an intersection.
a. In addition, where multiple AGVs are operating within a dedicated AGV only
workspace, the AGV workspace must be isolated (protected, guarded) from PIT and
Pedestrian traffic
3. Workplace must be designed with floor markings showing highest traffic density. All area
non-authorized to pedestrian are marked with “Red / White” strips, a clear visual interdiction
sign informs all employees and visitor about the interdiction
Marking example

Pedestrian Interdiction

Cohabitation AGV pedestrians but priority to AGV.

4. A documented full risk assessment must be done after install and prior to release to
manufacturing with Safety sign-off.
4. AGV Application 4, Operation & Maintenance

Date Issued: March 1, 2019

4.1. All effected pedestrians and PIT operators must always yield the right away to AGVs.
Pedestrians and PIT operators shall be trained to do so.
4.2. Area workers must be trained on the mechanism of the AGV and to assure safe behaviors
when working with or around AGV. At a minimum, the training shall include:
a. Safe work instructions
b. Control panel designations
c. Safety mechanism designed into the unit (including Emergency stop location)
d. Safe charging/refueling of units
4.3. Training shall be conducted by an authorized trainer with sufficient knowledge to instruct
others and evaluate to assure competency
4.4. Inspection shall be conducted prior to commencing operation of the AGV during each
employee shift. Any findings or failure of safety systems shall be cause the AGV to be
immediately removed from service until it is repaired
4.5. Inspection documentation shall be periodically reviewed/ audited for both completeness of
inspections and any trends in potential problems or mechanical difficulties
4.6. Inspection records are to be maintained for a minimum of 1 year.
4.7. Maintenance personnel (if done in house) must be trained and certified to maintain,
troubleshoot or repair unit, otherwise the work is to be done by a qualified 3rd party. During
maintenance, the following activities are required:
a. Point of Work Risk Assessment is completed for all non-routine work and routine work
in which a risk assessment has not been completed
b. A physical barrier (caution tape, chain, etc..) with visual markings, must be put in place
to prevent unauthorized access
c. Achieve zero energy state (De-energize and Re-energize) using LOTO process
4.8. Area workers must be trained on the mechanism of the AGV to assure safe evacuation /
parking of AGV in case of unexpected stoppage
4.9. The AGV waiting for a mission must park in the specific dedicated area. It is waiting (stop,
blue light not lightning, …); AGV restart automatically with specific signs and audible sound
before moving.
4.10. The speed of standard PIT is higher than the one of AGV, no over passing allowed.

5. AGV Application 4, Emergency

5.1. The traffic map shall integrate the emergency path of employees in such a way that the
AGV do not block any evacuation route or any fire doors and do not cause additional
hazards. The AGV must be able to respond to emergency alert and go to a safe position or
stop in a safe manner
5.2. Emergency Response team must be able to manually move the AGV to free an obstruction.
5.3. At a minimum all Emergency Response team members must be trained in the safe operation
of the equipment and how to respond in case of an Emergency and take a competency test
demonstrating proficiency (100% pass).

Date Issued: March 1, 2019

Application 4 =>
AGV Forklift

AGV checklist
(1) Blue light functioning in the direction of travel
(2) Blue or Red light mounted in 90° to direction of travel functioning
(3) E-stop visible and functioning
(4) Check Bump Force sensor (stops operation)
(5) Check visible light indicator
(6) Check unit operation, safely functioning as designed
(7) Check the human detection sensing and audible sound if someone enters the
non-authorized area (forks lifted) is functioning as designed.
(8) Check 1m rule sensing is functioning as designed.
Note: Additional pre-inspection items may be included based on the application
specific risk assessment findings.

Date Issued: March 1, 2019

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