Explicit Layout Pattern Density Controlling Based On Transistor-Array-Style

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Explicit Layout Pattern Density Controlling

based on Transistor-array-style
Chao Geng, Bo Liu, and Shigetoshi Nakatake
The University of Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 808-0135, Japan
Email: naka-lab@is.env.kitakyu-u.ac.jp

Abstract—An aggressive controlling for layout pattern density of layout redrawing and verification. Hence, the dummy fill
is becoming essential for the manufacturability of advanced insertion for analog layouts severely influence the yield and
processes. Focusing on analog layout under severe density con- the time-to-market.
straints, this paper provides a novel idea that layout generation
and verification are co-working on a density-aware format. On the other hand, a transistor-array(TA)-style is proposed
Our idea follows a transistor-array(TA)-style of analog layout for analog layout to suppress process-induced variability [8],
where unit-transistors of the same channel-size are used to form where a large-channel transistor is divided into a set of
an array. In this style, we can explicitly control the layout regular grid-based unit-transistors connected in parallel or
pattern density by changing array pitch, stretching poly gates or serial. The works related to TA-style demonstrate the circuit
widening diffusion of unit-transistors. We present a framework
to enumerate feasible design parameters satisfying density and performance is not deteriorated even when introducing unit-
DRC constraints. In a design case of an OPAMP layout in a transistor decomposition [9], [10], [11].
65nm process, we demonstrate that our framework can converge Based on TA-style, unlike the fill insertion, we introduce an
the design in much fewer iterations compared with a traditional explicit controlling of the layout pattern density by changing
style layout by manual drawing. the array pitch, stretching the poly gates or widening the
Index Terms—analog layout, density constraint, transistor-
diffusion of unit-transistors. The contributions of this paper
are summarized as follows;
I. I NTRODUCTION 1) We provide a density-aware format for synchronizing
layout generation and verification. In the format, TA-
In manufacturing integrated circuits on advanced processes, style is not only consistent with a density checking pro-
CMP (Chemical Mechanical Polishing) is a predominant tech- cedure, but also precisely estimates the process variation,
nique to control the planeness. However, significant surface- so that it guarantees the performance of the circuit.
topography variation still exists, which affects depth of fo- 2) We propose a framework to enumerate feasible layout
cus in lithography and in return affects the performance parameters which satisfy multi-layer density constraints
of circuits[1]. To avoid the variation in interlayer-dielectric as well as design rules. As a result, it significantly
thickness, we need to pay attention to the fabrication-process reduces the iterations of redrawing and verification of
uniformity and predictability, the layout must be uniform with analog layout.
respect to a certain density criteria[2]. 3) We demonstrate an example of CMOS OPAMP layout
A reasonable solution for repairing density variation is to in a 65nm process for the effectiveness and applicability
use techniques like fill insertion, inserting dummy fills into of our framework.
the sparse regions to make the pattern density even. A lot The rest of paper is organized as follows. Section II briefly
of design automation papers have been published to deal introduces transistor-array-style for analog layout. Section III
with the fill insertion in the past decades. In ICCAD2014, a formulates density and DRC constraints used in this paper.
technical contest[3] had reported a variety of effective automa- Section IV is devoted to describing our framework for control-
tion algorithms for the fill insertion. Most of papers consider ling the layout density and demonstrating a design example,
speed-up of dummy fill insertion procedure, optimizing the and Section V concludes this work.
amount of fills and placement structure based on some efficient
algorithms[4], [5]. In addition, several papers mainly take II. T RANSISTOR - ARRAY
the parasitic effects such as capacitance coupling and signal In MOS analog layout, [8] addresses the layout-dependent
mismatch into account for making the optimization more variability based on the measurement results of test chips in a
reasonable [6], [7]. 90nm process. When increasing the channel size, i.e., L × W ,
With respect to analog layout, especially, dummy fill inser- the variation decreases. However, for two transistors with the
tion closes to the signal lines and devices, bringing unexpected same channel length and width, if they have different layout
parasitics that significantly affect the electrical behavior of structures, the difference of Vth might be bigger than that of
circuit. Also, for passing the density checking, tuning the the transistors with the same structure. This result reveals that
position and dimension of device layers such as diffusion, the transistors with unified channel length and channel width
poly, metal, and contact, directly results in overmany iterations can alleviate the layout-dependent variation as expected.

978-1-5090-6389-5/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 1557

wdiff st format example. As seen in the figure (a), a unit-transistor
of TA-style has a unified channel length and width denoted
by lu and wu , respectively, and they are user-defined values.
wu hpoly sy
hpoly and wdif f are height of poly gate and width of diffusion
of a unit-transistor, respectively. These are tunable parameters
to satisfy a given density constraint.
(a) MOS transistor htile In this paper, a checking window is divided into four square
tiles according to its moving step, and the width and height of a
htile tile
tile are denoted by wtile and htile , respectively (See the figure
wtile (b)). Note that xstep and ystep may be 1/3 or 1/4 of window
window size in other processes, therefore the window can be divided
(b) tile (c) transistor-array: ncol x nrow into 9 or 16 squares so as to apply to various processes. We
define a format of TA-style layout corresponding to one tile as
Fig. 1. A density-aware layout format of TA-style: (a) Design parameters of shown in the figure (c). Since we limit the layout structure is
an unit MOS transistor; (b) Checking window partition; (c) Design parameters
of the transistor array. TA-style, we can arrange tiles of the same structure to cover
the given layout area (wlayout × hlayout ). The size of TA to
a tile is nrow × ncol which is a parameter to pass the design
[8] proposes transistor-array(TA)-style for analog layouts. In checking while the size of window is prescribed by foundry.
TA-style, a large transistor is decomposed into a set of unified Note that unit-transistors unused in circuit are regarded as
sub-transistors, which are connected in series or parallel. Since dummies, which has no impact on the electrical characteristics
the transistor decomposition in the channel length direction of the circuit.
does not introduce a significant error, all the sub-transistors are Unit-transistors are placed by spaces sx and sy along x- and
then able to be arranged on a uniform grid like a array, thereby y-direction, respectively. The spaces are tunable parameters to
obtaining a well structured layout. With such an array-based satisfy a given density constraint. A tile has a boundary and a
structure, a better post CMP profile is expected to be achieved space from the left boundary to the left edge of the diffusion
as well. The works introduced in [8], [10], [11] clarify that, layer of the unit-transistor is sl . Similarly, a space from the
analyzing the DC/AC measurement results from the test chip, top boundary of a tile to poly layer is st .
the channel decomposition of the MOS transistor, as well as Furthermore, a typical set of design rules prescribed by
TA-style layout are applicable to analog designs if it is not so foundry must be considered. Such as the minimum values
high-end. of channel length, channel width, diffusion, and poly gate of
a transistor. Plus, the minimum area of diffusion and poly,
III. D ENSITY C ONSTRAINT AND C HECKING the minimum spaces corresponding to sx , sy , st and sl are
Layout pattern density in design rules is defined as a ratio also given. As for the density constraint, the minimum and
of the sum of area for a layout layer divided by area of a maximum values for each layer are prescribed, respectively.
pre-defined box, called checking window. A checking window dmin (k) and dmax (k) denote the minimum and maximum
moves along x-axis with a step denoted by xstep , when it density of layer k.
reaches the right-side of the layout area, it returns to the initial
position, and moves upward with the same step size (ystep ), B. Density Constraint
the window moving goes until sweeping over the whole layout. Given a tile of nrow × ncol TA, the density is calculated as
The density is calculated at each step of the checking window, a ratio of the total polygon area for a specified layer divided
and the checking at every step must be satisfied with the by the area of the tile.
density constraint which is given as a pre-specified range of Density constraints for diffusion layer (=dif f ) and poly
the density. layer are as;
In general, the calculation of the density becomes more
complicated when including the density effects from multiple dmin (dif f ) ≤ d(dif f ) ≤ dmax (dif f ), (1)
layers. As the number and complexity of density checking dmin (poly) ≤ d(poly) ≤ dmax (poly) (2)
increasing, both the window size and the step size get smaller.
In 65nm process used in this work, the width and height
wdif f · wu · nrow · ncol
of checking windows are denoted by wwin and hwin , respec- d(dif f ) = , (3)
tively. The step sizes, xstep and ystep , are 1/2 of wwin and wtile · htile
hwin , respectively. hpoly · lu · nrow · ncol
d(poly) = (4)
wtile · htile
A. Density-aware Layout Format
Their geometric relations in tile are as;
In this paper we provide a layout format based on TA-
style which is composed of parameters of density checking, htile = 2 · st + hpoly · nrow + sy · (nrow − 1), (5)
transistor-array, and design rule. Fig. 1 illustrates a layout wtile = 2 · sl + wdif f · ncol + sx · (ncol − 1) (6)

Partition for Circuit Elements Floorplanner Algorithm 1 O(n2 ) Density-aware layout generation.
Input: wlayout , hlayout , lu , wu , wtile , htile , dmin(k) and

A B E A, B
E dmax(k) for each layer k;
C D C, D
Output: (nrow , ncol ), hpoly , wdif f , sx , sy , sl , st ;
F G H F, G, H 1: Set user-defined parameters such as lu , wu , wtile , and
Device Generation Grid Based
htile .;
Common-centroid Placement Equilong/Symmetry Routing 2: Let feasible ranges of output variables be (Nrow , Ncol )∗ ,
A B B A E E ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
Hpoly , Wdif f , Sx , Sy , Sl , and St , respectively. Initially,


all feasible ranges are set to be large enough.;
F G H H H 3: Place a tile at (0, 0). Let the upper-right corner of the tile
G F H H H be (x, y), that is, (x, y) ← (wtile , htile );
4: While(y ≤ hlayout ) repeat step(5)-(7), otherwise proce-
Fig. 2. Design flow based on the TA layout synthesis. dure stops;
5: While(x ≤ wlayout ) repeat step(6)-(7), otherwise x ← 0,
y ← y + htile , and then return to step(4);
For the simplicity, we describe the density constraint and 6: For each layer k, find a feasible range of each output
geometric relation only for diffusion and poly layers, but variable under density constraints and DRC constraints.
contact and metal layers must be considered as well. Let the ranges for a layer k be (Nrow , Ncol )(k) , Hpoly ,
(k) (k) (k) (k) (k)
IV. G ENERATION A LGORITHM AND D ESIGN C ASE Wdif f , Sx , Sy , Sl , and St , respectively;
7: Update the feasible ranges. (Nrow , Ncol )∗ ←
This paper provides a TA-style layout generation according (k)
(Nrow , Ncol )∗ ∩ (Nrow , Ncol )(k) , Hpoly ∗ ∗
← Hpoly ∩ Hpoly ,
to the density-aware layout format. The procedures of our ∗ ∗ (k) ∗ (k)
approach are organized as follows. Firstly, it decomposes a Wdif f ← Wdif f ∩ Wdif f , Sx ← Sx∗ ∩ Sx ,
(k) (k) (k)
full-transistor circuit into a TA-style circuit, from which the Sy∗ ← Sy∗ ∩ Sy , Sl∗ ← Sl∗ ∩ Sl , and St∗ ← St∗ ∩ St .
∗ ∗
dimension and the number of unit transistors can be obtained. 8: output the best solution from (Nrow , Ncol ) , Hpoly ,
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
Secondly, it configures a solution space of feasible design Wdif f , Sx , Sy , Sl , and St ;
parameters satisfying design rules and density rules. The
unit transistor dimension, checking window size and density
constraints as known conditions, are used to obtain design in parallel or serial connection, is assigned to the tiles. Note
parameters. Thirdly, we choose the best parameters aiming that we need to choose another feasible design parameters if
at optimization objective. In the optimization, for example, the numbers of rows and columns are not sufficient. Plus, if
we can consider “centering choice” for high yield of the we have many redundant unit-transistors after the assignment,
mass production and “Min-dummies” for saving layout area. they are regarded as dummies.
Fourthly, once we obtain the design parameters, according
to its mapping relations with transistor array in tile, we can B. An Example of Feasible Design Parameters
synthesize a layout and map the given circuit onto it, as shown In this paper, targeting a certain 65nm process, we demon-
in Fig. 2. strate an example how to extract ranges of feasible design
parameters. Based on the our experience to realize an analog
A. Extraction of Feasible Design Parameters block by TA-style, we set an unit-transistor dimension as,
In the following, we describe the procedures to extract lu = 2μm, wu = 1μm. The size of a tile is specified as,
feasible design parameters based on the density-aware layout wtile = 25μm and htile = 25μm. Hereinafter, we omit the
format. As shown in the Algorithm 1, the procedures from unit μm from the numerical values.
step(2) to step(7) configure feasible range of design parameters The given design rules are translated as the following
satisfying design rules and density constraints for specified constraints. 2·lu ≥ wdif f −lu ≥ 0.32, 2·wu ≥ ·hpoly −wu ≥
layers. At step(8), we describe the best solution, but in fact, 0.32, sx ≥ 0.14, sy ≥ 0.14, sl ≥ 0.14, st ≥ 0.32.
we need a criteria. One is “as-less-as-possible” of dummy In addition, taking Eq. (3), (4), (5) and (6) into account,
transistors, which saves the layout area. Another is “centering” we calculate the range of feasible design parameters. Table I
for the yield, which is to choose center values within the shows an example of the calculation of the range. We cannot
feasible ranges and contributes to improve the yield of the describe the real parameters related to density constraints
mass production. due to the non-disclosure agreement with the foundry. In
Once a TA-style layout for a tile is obtained by our this example, we make the table by extracting the parameter
generation algorithm, we copy tile and place the copied tiles ranges for diffusion, poly, metal and contact layers. Their
to cover the given layout area. Since TA in tile can meet density values are automatically calculated and displayed, in
the DRC and density constraints, any region of layout pattern order to indicate designer to control layout pattern density. A
surrounded by checking window can also meet them. Then, the mathematical method serves the efficient way to configure the
given circuit, which is decomposed into a set of unit-transistors table, but we omit it here for the space.

TABLE I and by our TA-style generation, both layouts can pass LVS
F EASIBLE DESIGN PARAMETERS . verification. The TA-layout densities are nearly consistent with
(nrow , ncol ) wdif f hpoly sx sy sl st predicted density. However, densities for manual design are
(8, 10) ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· unknown before verification. Compared with layout (a) with
(8, 11) ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· inserting dummy fills in empty spaces, the density of each
··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· layer of layout (b) is better. The sizes of layout (a) and
(12, 8) 2.56 1.60 0.30 0.35 1.22 0.98 (b) are almost same. Obviously, the number of iterations of
(12, 8) 2.49 1.49 0.28 0.34 1.53 1.66 verification by TA layout is much smaller than that by hand.
(12, 8) 2.38 1.85 0.79 0.14 0.22 0.64
··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· The layout design includes routing, and all the iterations by
(16, 8) ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· TA layout are for routing. As well, our design time is further
(16, 9) ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· shorter than the manual design. Note that most of design time
is spent for the verification and the correction, so less iteration
is efficiently saving the time.
Focusing on the density issue in analog layout, we provide a
density-aware layout format of TA-style, and present an novel
method for synchronizing the layout generation and verifica-
tion. Besides, the solution space constructed by feasible design
parameters contributes to design flexibility, in which tunable
design parameters explicitly control layout pattern density.
In a design case of an OPAMP layout in a 65nm process,
we demonstrate the high efficiency and applicability of the
algorithm compared with the custom design. In future works,
we will develop a generation algorithm for an complicated
analog circuit mixed with resistor arrays and capacitor arrays,
pushing the algorithm forward from “cell level” to “chip
Fig. 3. OPAMP layout: (a) manual design; (b) TA layout by our algorithm.

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