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Automation & Control

Supervisor: Deni Setiawan. Tech : Didik, Yoppi

Report Automation & Control On March 2022 - May 2023
Equipment System Automation & Control
No. Ship Name
Job Description Model Status Date Remark
Repair computer monitoring main engine (M/E) monitoring control M/E Good 30/03/2022 Problem Software
Repair bilge alarm bilge alarm Good 2/4/2022 Replace component
Repair alarm monitoring main engine (M/E) to general alarm (GA) General alarm Good 2/4/2022 Replace component
Repair auto telephone Auto telephone Good 13/04/2022 Relace PABX
Repair control digital servo unit (DSU) Control servo Process 13/04/2022 Recomendation for change servo motor with same type & dimension (mechanism brake & shaft lock pin damage)
1 Tanto Sakti II Repair public addressor (PA) Public Addressor Good 21/04/2022 Replace component
Instal Auto Cut Off Battery Charger Auto Cut Off Battery Charger Good 25/05/2022 Install auto cut off battery charger
Repair Digital Processing Unit (DPU) for monitoring M/E Digital Processing Unit (DPU) M/E Process 6/21/2022 Recommendation for replace component RAi16 (5 unit) & display monitor (VGA input)
Repair autopilot autopilot Good 9/3/2022 Replace component
Repair backup power control change over for gyro compass Backup power control Good 9/3/2022 Replace component
Repair fire alarm Fire alarm Good 3/27/2023 Broken callpoint 3pcs, requistions for callpoint received, checked by Doni
2 Repair Remote Controller Monitoring Main Engine (M/E) controller monitoring M/E Good 31/03/2022 Replace component
Repair alarm monitoring Main Engine (M/E) left side monitoring control M/E Good 31/03/2022 Replace component
Repair control main engine (M/E) Control M/E Process 6/6/2022 Display has been changed, waiting arrival ship for check servo motor, resolver servo & encoder (actuator abn)
Tanto Bersinar
Repair Oily water separator (OWS) Oily Water Separator (OWS) Good 10/6/2022 Replace component
Repair Fire alarm Fire alarm Good 4/8/2023 Smoke detector has been delivered 10 pcs, check wiring detector
Check Bilge alarm bilge alarm Good 7/2/2022 Tested
Repair control RPM main engine (M/E) RPM control Good 6/4/2022 Replace component
Repair Engine telegraph unit Engine telegraph Good 6/7/2022 Replace component
Repair Safety System Unit main engine (M/E) Safety system M/E Process 28/04/2022 Wating check sensor
install digital RPM detector in ECR RPM Detector Good 28/04/2022 Install RPM Detector
3 Tanto Damai
Repair power inverter for auxiliary blower No. 2 main engine M/E Power Inverter Auxiliary Blower M/E Good 1/16/2023 Replace component
Repair Fire alarm Fire Alarm Process 4/8/2023 Planing change sensor smoke 30pcs, requisitions from crew 10pcs smoke detector
Repair Autopilot Autopilot Good 3/7/2023 Trouble connections
Repair Oily water separator (OWS) Oily Water Separator (OWS) Good 3/27/2023 replace component
Repair steering system Steering control Good 7/4/2022 Replace component
Repair fire alarm Fire alarm Good 23/05/2022 Replece detector
Repair incenerator incenerator Good 24/05/2022 Problem connection
Repair Oily Water Separator Oily Water Separator (OWS) Good 24/05/2022 Replace sensor
4 Tanto Permai
Repair Safety device Auxiliary Engine (AE) 1, 2, & 3 Safety Device AE Good 24/05/2022 Problem connection
Repair Autotelephone Autotelephone Good 4/10/2023 Problem Backup Power DC
Checking sirine/bell fire alarm and general alarm Fire alarm & General Alarm Good 8/23/2022 Good
Repair Rudder Angle Indicator (RAI) wing (stbd) Rudder Angle Indicator (RAI) Process 8/23/2022 Recomendation for change syncro motor RAI with same tipe
Repair control digital servo unit (DSU) Control servo Good 8/4/2022 Replace component, RPM inservice 172 rpm
Repair control follow up steering (FU Handwheel) Control steering Good 25/04/2022 Problem connection
Repair PC Monitoring Control M/E & AE monitoring control M/E & A/E Good 25/05/2022 Repaired by IT
5 Tanto Bagus Repair control steering no.1 control steering Good 7/5/2022 Replace component
Repair fire alarm Fire alarm Good 11/10/2022 Replace component
Repair Autopilot Autopilot NP2010 Raytheon Good 11/30/2022 Problem connections

Repair fire alarm (addressable GST200) fire alarm (addressable GST200) process 4/28/2023 Fault 2 pcs smoke detector addressable GST (requsition from crew 3pcs)
6 Tanto sukses
Check control LO purifier AE Control LO purifier AE Process 11/21/2022 Recomendation for change board processor TFT800600-A1-1 (Merk HUAYI SHIP EQUIPMENT, Type separator HPA605)
Repair Fire alarm GST200 (full addressable) Fire alarm (Full addressable) Process 4/4/2023 Checked, 5 smoke detector GST addressable broken, requisition 10 pcs. (5 spare)
7 Tanto selalu
Repair control main engine (M/E) Control governor Good 14/04/2022 Problem setting software
Repair oil mist detector main engine (M/E) Oil mist detector M/E Good 19/04/2022 Problem connection
Repair safety device main engine (M/E) Safety device M/E Good 19/04/2022 Problem connection
Making RPM control system Main Engine (M/E) for maneuver from Engine Control Room (ECR) RPM control M/E Good 6/6/2022 Tested by superintendent
Repair power control manuver main engine (M/E) Power control M/E Good 9/12/2022 Replace conponent
8 Tanto Luas Repair alarm sirine for safety device M/E Alarm Safety Device M/E Good 9/21/2022 Replace component
Making alarm sirine for safety device main engine (M/E) Alarm sirine safety device M/E Good 9/20/2022 additional alarm
Increase limit setting electro pneumatic regulator for governor M/E until 5 bar Electro Pneumatic Regulator M/E Good 26/082022 Increase limit setting Electro pneumatic regulator (superitendent request)
Repair Fire alarm model GST200 Fire alarm Process 3/27/2023 Waiting detector supplied
Repair Oily Water Separator (OWS) 15ppm monitoring Oily Water Separator (OWS) Good 2/1/2023 Replace component
9 Tanto siap Repair fire alarm (addressable GST200) fire alarm (addressable GST200) Good 28/04/2022 resetting panel control
Repair Fire alarm Fire alarm Good 19/04/2022 Recomendation for replace detector
10 Tanto Raya
Repair control governor main engine (M/E) Control governor M/E Good 19/04/2022 changed servo motor & calibrations
Repair control RPM main engine (M/E) right side Control RPM M/E Good 5/12/2022 Problem component
Making RPM control system Main Engine (M/E) for maneuver from (ECR) (one engine) RPM control M/E Good 7/5/2022 Good without change internal control
Repair Oily water separator (OWS) Oily Water Separator (OWS) Good 11/30/2022 Replace component
11 Lumoso selamat
Repair Rudder Angle Indicator Anjungan rudder No. 1 Rudder Angle Indicator (RAI No.1) Good 1/24/2023 Replace component
Repair Rudder Angle Indicator Anjungan rudder No. 2 Rudder Angle Indicator (RAI No.2) Good 1/24/2023 Replace component
Making safety device main engine port & main engine starboard Safety Device Main Engine PS & STBD Process 3/2/2023 installed , waiting test
Check Oily water separator Oily Water Separator (OWS) Good 18/05/2022 Good
Repair control steering no 2 Steering control no 2 Good 9/17/2022 Trouble conections
Repair alarm indicator feedback failure main engine Feedback Main Engine Good 9/17/2022 Resetting configurations
12 Tanto Semangat
Repair control Main engine (M/E) Control main engine (M/E) Good 6/12/2023 Problem connection air pipe on the telescope rack (waiting crew for cleared pipe connection)
Repair fire alarm in the Engine room Fire alarm Process 3/24/2023 checked, requisition from crew 10pcs smoke detector & 6 heat det. for replace detector in E/R
Making safety device Lube Oil Pressure Auxiliary Engine (A/E) No. 1, 2 & 3 Safety Device LO A/E Good 1/16/2023 Good, note: need to be replace solenoif valve
Repair control digital governor unit main engine (M/E) Digital governor unit M/E Process 10/4/2021 Request card adapter encoder & power suplly VT25-373-99/X9, adapter card (.....)
Repair power control safety siqnal aquisisi unit SAU8810 & SAX8810 for M/E, A/E 1, 2, & 3 Siqnal Aquisisi Unit M/E & A/E Good 6/24/2022 Recomendation for replace power supply
Install Anemo Meter Anemo meter Good 8/12/2022 Good
Check fire alarm Fire alarm Good 10/9/2022 Replace detector 3 pcs
13 tanto senang
Repair Oily Water Separator (OWS) Oily Water Separator (OWS) Good 5/2/2023 Replace component
Repair control safety device A/E control safe device A/E Good 11/30/2022 making by ship electriciant, note : actuator stop need to adjust for safety stop auxiliary engine
Check control LO purifier Control LO Purifier Good 5/30/2023 Trouble DC power
Repair slave clock ECR Slave Clock ECR Good 5/30/2023 Trouble master clock
14 Tanto Abadi Repair/Making safety device AE 1 & AE 3 Control safety device A/E Good 2/6/2022 Making Panel Safety Device AE 1 & AE 3
Repair Automatic telephone Repair Automatic telephone Good 12/12/2021 Replace component
15 Lumoso Gembira Repair Public Addressor (PA) Repair Public addressor (PA) Process 12/20/2021 Replace component (waiting arrival ship for replace component)
Repair fire alarm (GST200 semi addressable) Fire alarm Good 3/23/2023 Replace smoke detector, smoke detector received by crew 5 pcs for spare.
Repair Oily Water Separator Oily Water Separator (OWS) Good 6/25/2022 Replace component
Repair Battery Charger for navigation equipment Battery Charger Good 7/5/2022 Replace component
Repair Autopilot Autopilot Good 8/4/2022 Resetting configuration
16 Lumoso Bahagia
Repair Feedback Rudder Angle Indicator Feedback RAI Good 10/11/2022 Replace component (portside RAI working but 20°above hunting) - backup RAI panorama portside working correctly.
Repair fire alarm (GST200 semi addressable) Fire alarm Good 3/23/2023 process replace convensional smoke detector (smoke det. >10) ch 5 couple 10, ch 7 couple 11. check detector above AE

Fire alarm fire alarm N/A 10/25/2022 not available

GA (general alarm) General alarm Good 10/25/2022 check for prepare docking
OWS (Oily water separator) Oily water separator (OWS) Good 10/25/2022 check for prepare docking
Steering control Steering control Good 10/25/2022 check for prepare docking
Autopilot Autopilot N/G 10/25/2022 Gyro N/G (not good)
Autotelephone Autotelephone Good 10/25/2022 check for prepare docking
Sound power telephone (SPT) Sound power telephone (SPT) Good 10/25/2022 check for prepare docking
17 Tanto Handal
Bttery Charger Battery Charger Good 10/25/2022 check for prepare docking
Bilge alarm bilge alarm Good 10/25/2022 check for prepare docking
Rudder angle indicator (RAI) Rudder Angle Indicator (RAI) Good 10/25/2022 check for prepare docking
Control maneuver main engine (M/E) (Mechanical system pneumatic) Control maneuver main engine (M/E) Good 10/25/2022 Mechanical system pneumatic
Engine telegraph Unit (ETU) Engine Telegraph Unit (ETU) Good 10/25/2022 check for prepare docking
Making safety device AE LO low press & heat temperature (AE No 1 & 2) Safety Device A/E Process 5/22/2023 Waiting arrival ship for install
Public Addresser (PA) Public Addressor (PA) Good 10/25/2022 check for prepare docking
18 Tanto Harmoni Safety device M/E Safety Device M/E Good 10/25/2022 check for prepare docking
19 Tanto Horas Fire Alarm Fire Alarm N/A 10/20/2022 Not Available
Install & Calibration Rudder Angle Indicator (RAI Panorama) Rudder Angle Indicator Good 5/29/2022 Install & calibration RAI
20 Tanto Kawan Oily water separator (OWS) Oily Water Separator (OWS) Installed 6/22/2022 change with new one & installed by crew (command from???)
Making control maneuver main engine (M/E) for ECR Making control maneuver M/E Good 2/4/2023 Making, install, setting, & tested (ECR)
Repair OWS Oily Water Separator (OWS) Good 2/4/2023 Replace component
21 Tanto Keluarga Making control maneuver main engine (M/E) for ECR Making control maneuver M/E Process 11/30/2022 Waiting for request material (Waiting Handle potensio Supplied)
Check fire alarm GST200 full addressable Fire alarm Good 3/31/2023 Test programming addressable detector ok
Repair Safety System Unit main engine (M/E) Safety system M/E Good 15/05/2022 Problem connection
22 Tanto subur 2 Install Eksternal Control For Emergency Stop Main Engine (M/E) Emergency Stop M/E Cancel 15/05/2022 Cancel by superintendent
Making safety device AE No 1, 2, & 3 for LO low press alarm & trip engine Safety Device A/E Good 10/3/2022 Need check actuator pneumatic (mechanic div)
23 Tanto Berkat Repair crane control crane control Good 10/3/2022 Replace component diode
Repair fire alarm (error in ECR detector) Fire alarm Good 10/31/2022 Replace component
Repair Autopilot Autopilot Good 9/19/2022 Trouble connections
24 Tanto Express
Check Oily Water Separator (OWS) Oily Water Separator (OWS) Good 9/19/2022 Replace component
Check Fire alarm (FA) Fire alarm (FA) Good 9/19/2022 No fault, tested on the bridge and ECR
Repair control safety system main switch board (MSB panel) (17 NFB not function correcly) Safety system main switch board Good 6/5/2022 trouble connections
25 Tanto Lestari
Repair fire alarm Fire Alarm Process 7/1/2022 chane smoke 6pcs, call point 1 pc, and cable needed
25 Tanto Lestari
Repair General Alarm (GA) General Alarm Good 7/14/2022 Trouble connections
Repair Public Addresser (PA) Public Addresser Good 7/14/2022 Replace component
Repair Oily water separator (OWS) Sewage Control Cancelled 9/16/2022 vessel issued will be scrub
26 Tanto Sentosa Repair Sewage Control Oily Water Separator (OWS) Cancelled 9/16/2022 vessel issued will be srcub
Install fire alarm Fire Alarm Good 22/03/2022 Install fire alarm

Check Oily Water Separator (OWS) (oil discharge monitoring available for sensing ppm level) Oily Water Separator (OWS) N/A 8/31/2022 Oil Discharge Monitoring for ppm level not available on the ship (recomendation for install ppm sensing level)
27 Tanto Surya
Repair Autotelephone Autotelephone Good 4/12/2023 Replace pabx 6 channel
Making safety device AE NO 1, 2, & 3 (LO & Heat temperature) Safety device AE Process 5/2/2023 installed on the AE no 2, wating arrival ship for continued install
Repair Fire Alarm Fire Alarm Good 8/31/2022 Replace detector
Check intercom bridge-ecr intercom good 11/22/2022 tested
28 Tanto Alam Repair fire alarm Fire alarm Good 11/22/2022 Teouble sensor, sensor changed 5pcs
Repair Indicator pressure air starting M/E & main bearing LO inlet M/E Indicator pressure Good 4/1/2023 Replace component
Repair Autotelephone Autotelephone Good 1/17/2023 Replace component (PABX 7 slot autotelephone)

: Clarification needed (Conclusion published)

: Process
: Good (Repaired)
: Working order not available
: order from other division
: Not Available (N/A)

Repair Automatic Identification System (AIS) Automatic Identification System (AIS Good 5/12/2023 Replace Antenna
Repair Doppler Speelog Speedlog Good 5/12/2023 Resetting Sentence Program
29 Golden Rejeki Repair Bridge Navigational & Watch Alarm System (BNWAS) BNWAS Good 5/12/2023 Problem connection
Repair Trackball ECDIS ECDIS Good 5/12/2023 Problem connection
Install OpenCPN (Map software) OpenCPN Good 5/12/2023 Installed

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