Quarter 3 Personal Development Introduction

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Knowing oneself
Do you really know who you
are? Do you discover who
you are as a person? Do you
know your deepest fears,
doubts, and vulnerabilities?
Who am i?
1) Who am I as a person? 5) What are my weaknesses or
2) What makes me different from my friends and vulnerabilities?
classmates? 6) Do I fear of losing something or
3) How do I react when someone backbites me or someone in my life? Why?
talks something bad about me? 7) Do you know who your friends are?
4) If a classmate tells me that I am good at What do you have in common?
nothing, how will I react? What will I tell him or
“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing
yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is
strength; mastering yourself is true power. If
you realize that you have enough, you are
truly rich.” And “The cost of not following
your heart, is spending
the rest of your life wishing you had.”
By: J. Paulsen
“Knowing oneself is
the beginning of
When a person has a self-knowledge, he understands his strengths and
weaknesses, his passions and fears, his life’s desires and dreams. This
means he is aware of his eccentricities (peculiarities) and idiosyncrasies
(habits), likes and dislikes, tolerance and limitations. The person knows
his purpose in life (Doherty, 2017).
Meg Selig (2016) suggests that when a person knew who he is, he
develops understanding of himself, he would be happier because he can
express who he is. He develops less inner conflict, make better decision
and better choices about everything and understands what motivates
Subsequently, she emphasized that when a person knows himself better,
he has the resistance to social pressure, he is grounded in his values
and preferences and is less likely to say “yes” when he wants to say
“no” and at the same time develops tolerance and understanding of
others. He can easily help and empathize with others.

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