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Statement - Nationalism can unite people, protect culture, and promote

progress when practiced with inclusivity and moderation.

Structure of the debate

 Divide the class into 2 teams: Team A – Affirmative (agree with the statement) and Team B –
Negative (Disagree with the statement)
 Each team will consist of 8-9 students
 Each student will be assigned a specific role for the debate – 1 team captain, 3 speakers, 2/3
researchers, 1 fact checker, and 1 summariser
o Team captain: Responsible for coordinating their team's efforts and making sure
everyone has a chance to contribute.
o Speaker: Responsible for presenting arguments and evidence to support their team's
o Researcher: Responsible for finding relevant information and data to support their
team's arguments.
o Fact checker: Responsible for verifying the accuracy of their team's arguments and
o Summariser: Responsible for summarising their team's main arguments and
rebuttals in the closing statements.
 Timeline
o Students will have 30 minutes to assign the roles for each member of the team and
to research for their side of the argument
o Round 1
 Moderator announces the start of Round 1 and introduces the teams and
 Team A has 3 minutes for their opening statement.
 Moderator signals the end of Team A's opening statement and Team B
begins their opening statement.
 Team B has 3 minutes for their opening statement.
 Moderator signals the end of Team B's opening statement and gives 5
minutes to both teams for preparation of Round 2.
o Round 2 (Rebuttals)
 Moderator announces the start of Round 2 and introduces the first team for
 Team B has 2 minutes for their rebuttal.
 Moderator signals the end of Team B's rebuttal and introduces the second
team for rebuttals.
 Team A has 2 minutes for their rebuttal.
 Moderator signals the end of Team A's rebuttal and gives 5 minutes to both
teams for preparation of Round 3
o Round 3 (Closing statements and/or Rebuttals)
 Moderator announces the start of Round 3 and introduces the first team for
closing statements and rebuttals.
 Team A has 3 minutes for their closing statement and rebuttal.
 Moderator signals the end of Team A's closing statement and rebuttal and
introduces the second team for closing statements and rebuttals.
 Team B has 3 minutes for their closing statement and rebuttal.
 Moderator signals the end of Team B's closing statement and rebuttal and
announces the end of the debate.
 Point System
o Clarity and persuasiveness of arguments (10 points)
o Use of evidence and data to support arguments (10 points)
o Ability to respond to counterarguments (10 points)
o Teamwork and collaboration (10 points)
o Time management (10 points)
o Negative Points
 Distract - Distract team or class from discussion (-1)
 Insult - Be disrespectful to another person during the discussion (-1)
 Interrupt - Speak while another person is speaking (-1)
Questions to consider when forming arguments.
Affirmative side (agreeing with the statement)
 How does nationalism foster a sense of unity among people within a
 How can nationalism contribute to the preservation and promotion of a
nation's unique cultural heritage?
 What are some examples of nationalist movements that have led to
progress and development in a country?
 How does nationalism encourage civic engagement and collective action
for the betterment of society?
 How can inclusive nationalism help address socio-economic disparities
within a nation?
 How does nationalism contribute to a sense of identity and pride among
 Can nationalism be a catalyst for economic development and growth
through promoting local industries and entrepreneurship?
 In what ways does nationalism encourage active participation in
democratic processes and the shaping of national policies?
 How does a shared national identity foster social cohesion and mutual
support among citizens in times of crisis?
 Can nationalism help protect and preserve indigenous cultures and
traditions within a nation?
Questions to consider when forming arguments.
Negative side (disagreeing with the statement)
 Does nationalism inevitably lead to exclusion and discrimination against
minority groups within a nation?
 How does excessive nationalism impede global cooperation and hinder
efforts to address shared challenges, such as climate change?
 Can nationalism lead to aggressive foreign policies, causing tensions and
conflicts between nations?
 How does nationalism potentially restrict the flow of ideas, cultural
exchange, and migration, hindering societal progress?
 Are there historical examples where nationalism has been exploited by
authoritarian regimes to suppress dissent and violate human rights?
 Does nationalism undermine international cooperation and hinder
efforts to address global challenges that require collective action?
 How does nationalism potentially perpetuate stereotypes, prejudice, and
discrimination against people from different ethnic or cultural
 Can nationalism lead to the neglect or disregard of environmental
concerns in favour of prioritizing national interests?
 In what ways does nationalism contribute to the formation of exclusive
and exclusionary narratives that undermine diversity and
 Does nationalism impede the free movement of people, ideas, and
resources, hindering societal progress and innovation?
Checklist for team captains
 Assign specific roles to each student, including team captain,
speakers, researchers, fact checker, and summariser.
 Ensure that each team member understands their role and
 Allocate 30 minutes for teams to assign roles and conduct
 Ensure everyone has a chance to contribute.
 Speakers present arguments and evidence to support their
team's position.
 Researchers find relevant information and data to support their
team's arguments.
 Fact checker verifies the accuracy of their team's arguments
and evidence.
 Summariser prepares to summarise their team's main
arguments and rebuttals in the closing statements.
 Adhere to the specified timeline for each round of the debate.
 Explain the point system and ensure they understand how
points will be awarded.
 Emphasise the criteria for earning points, such as clarity of
arguments, use of evidence, ability to respond to
counterarguments, teamwork, and time management.
 Inform about the negative points system for distractions,
insults, and interruptions during the discussion.
 Keep track of time for their team members during each round.
 Remind them to foster a respectful and constructive debate

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