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Table of Figures...............................................................................................................................ii

chapter 1: Executive Summary.......................................................................................................1

chapter 2: Background of the organization....................................................................................2

chapter 3: Vision, Mission, and Goals.............................................................................................3

3.1 Vision.............................................................................................................................3

3.2 Mission..........................................................................................................................3

3.3 Goals..............................................................................................................................4

chapter 4: Organizational Structure...............................................................................................5

4.1 Store employees............................................................................................................5

4.2 Organization chart.........................................................................................................6

4.3 Employees demographics..............................................................................................7

4.4 Clan Cult........................................................................................................................8

4.5 Communication tools are used within Phuc Long..........................................................9

4.6 Internal communication needs - problems....................................................................9

chapter 5: Goals and Objectives of the Plan.................................................................................11

chapter 6: Identify Key messages of the organization..................................................................12

chapter 7: Audiences....................................................................................................................13

chapter 8: Internal Communication Tools....................................................................................14

8.1 Existing internal communication tools................................................................................14

8.2 Recommend communication tools for store......................................................................15

chapter 9: Implementation Plan and Timelines............................................................................17

9.1 Plan and Timelines..............................................................................................................17

9.2 Budget plan.........................................................................................................................21

chapter 10: Monitoring and Evaluation........................................................................................23

10.1 Monitoring...................................................................................................................23

10.2 Evaluation....................................................................................................................23

chapter 11: Sources......................................................................................................................25

Figure 1 Phuc Long Logo....................................................................................................2
Figure 2 Organization chart.................................................................................................6
Figure 3 Key messages......................................................................................................12


Phuc Long Coffee & Tea has long become a very familiar brand with Vietnamese people,
especially young people. Up to now, Phuc Long has created its own success, becoming
one of the brands with the largest number of stores and revenue in Vietnam.

Phuc Long store located at Le Van Luong District 7 is also a member of Phuc Long and
has many contributions to the development of the company. However, like many other
businesses, Phuc Long Le Van Luong District 7 has internal communication problems
that hinder its development. Especially, after the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of
internal communication becomes even stronger, as the blood that feeds the organization.
Currently, Phuc Long Le Van Luong District 7 has some problems are listed below:

 New employees do not understand the company's policies and goals

 District 7 area has many foreign guests, the staff has trouble communicating with
 Employees rarely communicate with each other

Therefore, this ICP was created to solve the company's internal communication problems,
help to link the relationship between employees and management, promote employee
performance, contribute to building corporate culture and help all employees stay calm in
times of crisis, and Phuc Long staff Le Van Luong improve their English skills with
foreign guests. This plan details tools, budget and detailed schedule for Phuc Long Le
Van Luong to review, evaluate and implement effectively.


Born in 1957 in Bao Loc, Lam Dong, one of Vietnam's well-known tea-growing regions.
Phuc Long has developed quickly and step-by-step gratitude to the traditional knowledge
that has been passed down from production to business. By the middle of the 1970s, the
first factory had been constructed and was running in Ho Chi Minh City. The majority of
the nation's small, medium, and large markets and supermarkets sell Phuc Long goods.
Human resources are expanding with a team of up to hundreds of knowledgeable
employees who share a love of tea and coffee. Phuc Long has invested in constructing
more factories with standard equipment in order to meet the demands of both domestic
production and export to the rest of the world.

If Phuc Long's stores were only used to sell and introduce products a few years ago, the
company recently changed the way it interacts with customers and began chain-wide
brand promotion. With a new brand identity design and appearance in prominent Ho Chi
Minh City locations, Phuc Long coffee shops. This makes those who are monopolizing
the market cautious while also helping to estab lish a trend for young people. Located at
592 Le Van Luong, Tan Phong Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City, this is considered a
prime location for Phuc Long when it expands the space of the shop, with a new airy 2-
story building, with many seating positions serving many different needs. Each brand has
its own target customer segment and so does Phuc Long, targets diverse customers from
working people, and tourists to students. The price that is affordable for the majority of
people can help Phuc Long bring its brand to all consumers in the fastest way. Phuc
Long's store in District 7 has a sizable, light-filled interior that consistently greets
customers. With that warm welcome, our store has officially become "The store with
sales revenue top row" for 3 months in 2022.

Figure 1 Phuc Long Logo


3.1 Vision

With sustainable development, Phuc Long is striving to become a leader of Food and
Beverage industry in Việt Nam reaching out to international market.

With the ambition to constantly expand the chain, Phuc Long now ranks first in Vietnam
in terms of number of stores and kiosks. Along with the cooperation with Masan
Company, Phuc Long is gradually becoming the leading brand in Vietnam in the Food
and Beverage industry and opening stores in the US, demonstrating its ambition to reach
out to the international market.

3.2 Mission

In term of consumers: Always provide good product and excellent service to customers.

Phuc Long constantly researches and learns, explores customers' needs to provide
customers with the best products and services. Phuc Long understands that customers
trust Phuc Long because Phuc long provides excellent quality and service, so Phuc long
is committed to always providing the best products and services so that customers are not

In term of employees: commit to improve the dynamic work environment.

Employees are the core force that helps Phuc Long achieve the set goals. Phuc Long
constantly listens to the aspirations of employees, creates a dynamic and creative working
environment so that employees can promote 100% of their abilities and advance in the
most favorable way.

In term of community: Balance between the benefits of the company and those of the

Besides making profits, Phuc long always shows the spirit of corporate social
responsibility such as giving charity gifts to disadvantaged people on every TET holiday,
contributing to the national Covid-19 fund, etc.

3.3 Goals

First of all, Phuc Long Le Van Luong's most important goal in 2023 is to increase sales
compared to the same period last year.In 2022, the global economic recession is
gradually affecting the Vietnamese economy. However, Phuc Long constantly strives to
achieve the target profit. Secondly, Phuc Long wants to increase brand awareness
compared to competitors in Ho Chi Minh city.In Ho Chi Minh city, there are many direct
competitors to Phuc Long with the same target customers, price segments such as
highland, the coffee house, etc. Therefore, Phuc long is constantly advertising and
marketing so that customers always choose Phuc Long when they want to enjoy a drink.
Finally, Phuc Long wants to enhance staff expertise and improve product quality and
service. Phuc Long understands that good products and service can turn new customers
into loyal customers.

The flowchart below showed more details about goals and objects:


Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3

To increase sales compared
To increase brand To improve product quality
to the same period last year.
awareness. and service.



More promotion or discount Participate in activities Hire 2 Part Time or 1 full

on holiday. demonstrating corporate time staff.
Ex: Christmas: buy one get social responsibility such Constantly updating,
one, Lunar new year: as: charity, reduce plastic, researching new products
discount 50%, etc. etc.

Training employee


4.1 Store employees

Store manager

 Responsible for the business of the store

 Employee manager: customer service, issues related to food safety and hygiene,
store operations.
 Responsible for work details: sales and service; quantification, dish management,
store-related expenses, etc.
 Plan work week and send report to Regional Supervisor
 Commitment to adhere to working principles and professional ethics

Shift supervisor

 Check and supervise the shop's operations in the assigned shift in accordance with
the company's standards.
 Implement programs to build image and brand PHUC LONG.
 Updated promotions, information, processes
 Responsible for employee manager; customer service, issues related during shift


 Prepare drinks for customers in accordance with the process and formula.
 Ensure the hygiene situation of the counter, make sure the counter area is always
clean, in accordance with food hygiene and safety standards.
 Other jobs at the request of superiors


 Consult, introduce promotions, order to POS machines and pay money for
 Guaranteed revenue in shift, revenue report …

 Some other jobs assigned by the Store Manager / Supervisor


 Selling tea / coffee products, cleaning the store, supporting customers.

 Standing on duty in the product area, the water preparation area, the floor area.
 Inventory of goods and products.
 Make sure the area in the store and the toilet area is clean and tidy.
 Other jobs assigned by the Manager/supervisor


 Receiving orders, checking goods against the sales slip and the invoice.
 Deliver goods and products of the store to customers by motorbike within a radius
of 3km from the store.
 Hand over money to the cashier.
 Other jobs assigned by the Manager

4.2 Organization chart

Figure 2 Organization chart

4.3 Employees demographics

Like most other coffee stores, Phuc Long Le Van Luong has a team of contacting
customers, mostly part-time employees, mainly students in need. As can be observed,
students make up the majority of Phuc Long's target market and the service staff ( the age
from 19 to 24) years carry 44.4 percent of the whole population in Vietnam. In the result,
Phuc Long has done a fantastic job at establishing a young, vibrant, and intelligent space.

Overall, the working force of Phuc Long Le Van Luong is of good caliber. Regardless of
their roles, every member of the team has demonstrated a positive attitude and excellent
abilities and expertise. This demonstrates that the store carefully considered its personnel
pool and meticulously trained it.

Phuc Long Le Van Luong is run by a store manager and the supervisor. They will
communicate the vision, develop the plans, and motivate people to use their skills to
achieve plan's objectives. Additionally, they make sure that each member is aware of

their particular responsibilities. The manager department's job will aid in motivating
teams of people to give their all and strive toward a common goal. All employee's
contributions are valued since they are essential to the store as a whole moving forward.


Quantit Position Age Year of experience Education Gender Type

y level

2 Store 27 01 year working in the University Male + Full

manager same position, working Female time
experience in F&B
chain systems from 2-3
years or more

3 Shift 23- At least 1 year of University Male + Full

supervisor 25 experience in the same Female time


8 Barista 19- At least 1 year of University Male + Part

24 experience in the same Female time /
position Full

7 Server 19- Not required University Male + Part

22 Female time/

3 Cashier 22- At least 1 year at the College/ Female Full
25 chain stores University time


2 Shipper 22- Over 6 months of Graduated Male Part

24 experience in delivering time
by motorbike. time

4.4 Clan Cult

Employees at Phuc Long are valued regardless of their position, and the workplace is
friendly. Phuc Long fosters a collaborative, cooperative environment where coworkers
are ready to assist one another. People feel like they belong and are valued when
employers prioritized their happiness and wellness. Aside from benefits, the store also
prioritizes fostering a inclusive, and friendly environment. According to Phuc Long,
individuals are more creative and productive when they feel valued and involved. By
providing team building events in the middle of the year when all employees will have
time off to rest and recharge, this improves morale and motivation to create a laid-back,
happy workplace. As a result, they are at ease discussing openly sharing expertise and
providing candid feedback

Apart from teamwork, employee surveys, and online meetings are common. Everyone
has their right to raise their voice and right to be informed of the messages and
information just to know what’s happening in the store of the whole organization. Ideas
and honest feedback are encouraged, so most of the problems are solved as soon as

4.5 Communication tools are used within Phuc Long

Employees exchange information with each other on Facebook & Mess group chat.

Every decision must go through a higher level, what employees want to do must go
through the deputy manager, and the deputy manager must go through the store manager.
The way people exchange information is mainly through talking. When there is an
important announcement, the store manager will be the one to notify the shift supervisor.
The shift supervisor will then notify all relevant staff. Important information will be
provided through the Facebook & Mess chat group, and the notices will be posted at the
staff counter.
The shift staff will have verbal communication, face to face with each other. This
communication helps the team understand the current situation of the coffee shop.

4.6 Internal communication needs - problems

New employees do not understand Phuc Long's company culture. Phuc Long's working
culture is said to be very straightforward, hierarchical, and supportive. Due to a lack of
training in the first sessions, new employees are easily misunderstood and ineffective.
When someone comments, new employees understand that this is a drama environment
and are easily provoked.

There are already foreign customers at Phuc Long's District 7 branch, so it is essential to
communicate fluently in English. However, some employees cannot speak English
fluently, making information exchange between customers and internal staff challenging
to understand and interrupt. For example, a foreign customer orders water with special
requirements, the staff takes time to understand what the customer wants, and
communication becomes ineffective.


In order to handle problem mentioned above, the internal communication plan conducted
with Goals and Objectives are listed as follow:

Objective 1: To build company culture and give employees a chance to understand it.
Understanding company culture helps employees to unite, become a cohesive team like a
family. From there, the company can overcome crises and scandals easily.

Objective 2: Foster employee productivity by removing invisible barriers that prevent

employees from working effectively. Staff have communication problems with foreign
customers. Develop short-term English training courses so that employees with basic
vocabulary can communicate with foreign guests

Objective 3: build relationships between employees so that they don't feel blocked by
company trips. It helps to improve the working atmosphere, increasing labor efficiency.


- “Hospitality should be beside with respect”: For the Food and Beverage model, it is an
environment in contact with many different types of customers, through which respect
must go hand in hand. Respect customers as well as respect Phuc Long (PL) employees,
and this is always appreciated and essential internally.

- “Without a customer, PL is nothing”: This reminds employees that every customer has
potential, bringing great importance to Phuc Long. Thereby, helping employees to put
more effort into their work in an open working environment.

- “Success is based on empathy”: At Phuc Long, providing a positive experience for both
customers and employees is of utmost importance a formula for successful brand

- “The customer is always right”: When dealing with numerous objects, it is vital to
support the customer throughout the service experience, keeping them in mind to create
positive service experiences. Employees must always be professional when dealing with
customers and express the viewpoints in full.

Figure 3 Key messages


This project aims at all Phuc Long branch employees in District 7, from the lowest to the
highest rank. Any employee working at Phuc Long branch in district 7 is the audience of
this plan. Depending on the level and nature of work, employees will be involved
differently. For this goal, internal communication in this branch is most effective.

Audiences Age Nature of work

Manager Department 23 - 27 Store management and operation. Control service

quality and take responsibility for sales.

Full-Time staffs 19 - 25 Carry out activities and tasks set forth by


Part Time staffs 19 - 25 The majority are students, performing tasks from
superiors and supporting full-time employees


8.1 Existing internal communication tools

Most of the tools being used within Phuc Long are cost saving. Due to the small size of
the store, they cannot regularly gather all the teams at the storet. However, employees at
Phuc Long Le Van Luong usually work in different shifts so they mainly apply others on
online platforms to control over the employees and disseminate information.

Tools Type Perform Function

Meeting Face to Every Saturday Bring people together and produce a

face afternoon common decision,

collective decision-making or
planning and follow-up

Feedback Online Once a month ( at the feedback about the work from the
form end  of the month) previous month(feelings, skills,
desires..etc) and voted who have the
most positive influence /change in
last month

Private Online whenever any new The page where the manager and
Facebook information is updated supervisor revises, updates
group information and adds to what they
received from office or executive

Messenger Online Anytime Taking instant messages, enables
chat, exchange information in or out
work quickly and convenient

Google meet Online Updated important Discuss and explain about specific
Information issues or work on planning activities,
accompanied by promotions for the year
examples, images,
related videos

8.2 Recommend communication tools for store

The finest tools for internal communication are those that are simple to use and actually
benefit the company. This report suggests many new technologies in the hopes that they
will make it easier for the employees of Phuc Long Le Van Luong to communicate will
easily connect with each other.

Tools Goals/Objectives Benefits

Poster Hanging on the board in the staff room Catch team members’ attention to
in order to help employees approach any updates and instructions.
information, notification that they need Inspiring the team by displaying
to know goals to know about work

Training Cultural training course Help the team improve the

course knowledge and skills to match the
Customer service course
goals, expectations that store
English communication course aiming for

Google ensures the staff have a right It helps to align processes
drive knowledge base. throughout departments and the
organization as a whole.


9.1 Plan and Timelines

This internal communication will be applied by the beginning of 2023 and last for a year.

Purpose Channel Tactics Duration Desired Audienc Measureme

- Outcomes e nt &

Foster Meeting Team In June Create the Phuc The

employee building motivation, Long manager
engageme solidarity workers will send the
nt between feedback
employees forms one
and manager. week to the
after the

Staff In the Connecting Phuc At the party

party middle of employees to Long the manager
January maintain the workers will
culture and organize for
attach the staff.
together in Near the Tet
the spirit of holiday the
solidarity. manager
created the
plan for the

food and
mini games.

Intranet Create a January - Connecting Phuc After

workgro group for Decembe employees Long inviting new
up employe r together such workers members to
es as the team, the
communicati manager
ng or making evaluates
a date after everyone's
work helps performance
employees about those
create newcomers.
sympathy and
harmony at

Create a Face-to- Employe 3 Convey Phuc The

new work face e months/a employees Long manager
environme training year more workers will send the
nt culture. knowledge and the employee a
about culture, new small quiz.
recipes, and employee Mentor and
behaviors that s evaluate
make how they
customers have applied
satisfied. the skills the
manager has


Intranet Create a January- Update the Phuc Managers

private Decembe internal Long will control
website r 2023 communicati workers and manage
for on, employee
employe announcemen content data.
e ts, Every week,
promotional information
events. and data
about the
of members
will be

Employee Face to Gift Monthly Award for Phuc The

satisfactio face prizes excellent Long manager
n at work employees workers based on the
who become feedback at
the best at the end of
work during month, then
the month by reward for
the feedback. the best
to work last

Birthday Depends Make space Phuc Plan a small
for on each for employee Long party for
employe staff conversations workers each based
es and on the
exchanges to employee's
encourage a information.
sense of This will
community. demonstrate
And a to the staff
location that the
where manager
customers cares about
could them and
celebrate staff raise their
birthdays in value at
the store. work..

website Survey 3 Prepare Phuc Based on the

months/a assessment Long survey
year questions workers results,
according to thereby re-
5 levels of job evaluating
satisfaction. the working
. Results
will be
back to

Feedbac Once a Set up Phuc Managers

k online month multiple Long will manage
choice workers and notify
questions employees
(a,b,c,d) to to ensure
assess that they can
employee capture
satisfaction information
on work. as well as
the results of

9.2 Budget plan

The budget plan is a rough estimate of the costs associated with internal communication
tools within a year. The budget will be 70 million VND will be spent on activities for 25
employees of the store. Then, the remaining budget might be used in case of unpredicted
situations. The detailed expenses are mentioned in the table below.

Expenses Date Purpose Quantity Price Sum

Staff party In the Connect with peers Once a 350k/person 8.8mil

middle of for exchanging year
January thoughts and

Gift prizes Monthly Reward for the best Once a 500k/person 6 mil
employee who month
positively with a

huge effort to try
his/her best in work
in the last month.

Monthly Depending Showing care and 25 300k/person 7.5mil

birthdays on Date of makes them feel
birth of each valued and
staff recognized,

Team building June Increase employee Once a 500k/person 12.5mi

motivation, and year l

Accommodation June Company trip 25 300k/person 7.5mil

Meals June Company trip 25 200k/person 5mil

Total: 47.3 mils (Forty-seven million and three hundred thousand Viet Nam


This plan for internal communication was made to help employees at the Phuc Long
branch in District 7 understand their values and believe in their abilities. It was also made
to help employees, and managers get closer and show more affection for each other.

10.1 Monitoring
Throughout the process, proposed activities will be kept an eye on. We suggest good
ways to keep track of things so that things go according to plan and on time.

Before meeting with the manager of the Phuc Long branch in District 7, we will confirm
and remind them of the time and place of the meeting. During the meeting, they will be
asked questions to ensure they understand and agree with how the organization builds
internal communication.

For employee feedback, the assistant manager will send a monthly reminder to the
employee to give feedback. The employee's assistant then writes a summary of the input
and the problems the employee wants to solve.

Assistants need to know when employees' birthdays are so they don't miss them. They
also need to know information about the employees' birthdays.

To reward Phuc Long's best employees, the district 7 branch assistants need to give the
employee evaluation results based on the set criteria.

The assistant manager needs to know the resumes, health status, and personalities of the
people going on company trips to plan them. From there, plan group activities for the
company trip to help people get closer together and learn more about themselves.

10.2 Evaluation
To determine how well the internal communication plan works in a year, we will divide it
into two 6-month evaluation periods: the first will deploy the project, and the second will
look at how well it works.

After each phase of the plan, the company needs to survey to determine if the project is
working well and if it will change how happy the employees are with their jobs.
Employees get better at their jobs or not.

During the plan deployment phase, we need to make sure that the internal communication
plan is given to all employees and carried out as planned:

Goal 1: The problem with the Phuc Long branch in District 7 is that employees don't
understand the company culture. To fix this, we focus on face-to-face meetings with
management levels. After the discussion between us and the management, the company
culture will be adopted and implemented for all employees. This is an excellent way for
employees to improve their work behavior and relationships, find common ground, and
work toward the company's goals and values.

Goal 2: Help employees talk to customers with confidence. Most of Phuc Long's
customers in District 7 are not Vietnamese, so the staff needs to speak English well. We
will talk with the management about setting up quick and easy English training. Show
employees how they can move up in their careers at Phuc Long. This will make them feel
safe about the benefits and perks that Phuc Long offers. Phuc Long will make a lot of
money when the workers do their jobs well.

During the evaluation phase of the plan, the internal communication plan worked well:

Goal 1: With our communication plan, Phuc Long's work culture is much more accepting
because employees understand the culture and know more about the company.
Employees are no longer afraid to talk to each other, help each other, and improve their
work performance.

Goal 2: After getting help and training in English, the staff can confidently talk to foreign
guests. The employees are also committed to Phuc Long for a long time because they can
see how their careers will grow with the company. Internal communication results make a
big difference in how happy employees are.


Về chúng tôi. (n.d.). Phúc Long Coffee & Tea.


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