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Volume 8, Issue 5, May – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Hvac System For Sensible Building by

Victimisation Using Arduino
Nikhil, Ankit**, Nikunj**
Mentor : Dr Ashish Grover
CSE , Manav Rachna International Institute of Research And Studies

Abstract:- The advancement of technology has paved the  Investigating the existing literature on HVAC systems in
way for more efficient and intelligent systems in various building automation and the use of Arduino in such
domains, including building automation and HVAC applications.
(Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems.  Exploring the concept of sensible buildings and the
This research paper focuses on the development and associated challenges and benefits.
implementation of an HVAC system for a sensible  Developing a robust methodology for integrating
building using Arduino, an open-source microcontroller Arduino-based sensors, actuators, and control algorithms
platform. The proposed system aims to improve energy into the HVAC system.
efficiency, comfort, and sustainability within the  Implementing the designed system and conducting
building by integrating Arduino-based sensors, performance evaluations to assess its energy efficiency,
actuators, and control algorithms. The paper discusses comfort levels, and reliability.
the design, development, and evaluation of the HVAC  Discussing potential applications of the Arduino-based
system, highlighting its benefits and potential HVAC system in sensible buildings and outlining future
applications in the context of sensible buildings. research directions.
Keywords:- Temperature, Fan, Motor, Microcontroller. II. PROBLEM STATEMENT
I. INTRODUCTION The existing HVAC systems in buildings often lack the
intelligence and adaptability required to optimize energy
 Background consumption and maintain optimal comfort levels in a
In recent years, the focus on energy efficiency, sustainable manner. These systems typically rely on fixed
comfort, and sustainability in buildings has increased setpoints and limited sensor inputs, leading to inefficient
significantly. Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning operation and suboptimal occupant comfort. Additionally,
(HVAC) systems play a vital role in achieving these traditional HVAC systems face challenges in integrating
objectives by regulating indoor temperature, humidity, and with emerging building automation technologies.
air quality. Traditional HVAC systems often lack the
intelligence and adaptability required to optimise energy Therefore, the problem addressed in this research is the
consumption and maintain optimal comfort levels. With the need for an advanced HVAC system for sensible buildings
advent of microcontroller platforms like Arduino, there is a that leverages the capabilities of Arduino, an open-source
growing opportunity to develop innovative and efficient microcontroller platform, to enhance energy efficiency,
HVAC systems for sensible buildings. occupant comfort, and sustainability. This research aims to
design, develop, and evaluate an Arduino-based HVAC
 Motivation: system that can dynamically respond to changing
The motivation behind this research is to explore the environmental conditions, integrate with various sensors and
potential of utilising Arduino-based systems to enhance the actuators, and utilize intelligent control algorithms to
functionality and efficiency of HVAC systems in sensible optimize energy consumption while maintaining optimal
buildings. Sensible buildings refer to structures designed comfort levels.
with an emphasis on maximizing occupant comfort while
minimising energy consumption and environmental impact. Limitations in integrating traditional HVAC systems
By integrating Arduino, which offers flexible programming with emerging building automation technologies.
and sensor interfacing capabilities, it becomes possible to
create intelligent HVAC systems that respond dynamically III. LITERATURE SURVEY
to changing environmental conditions and occupant needs.
 HVAC Systems in Building Automation:
 Objectives: Several studies have focused on the role of HVAC
The primary objective of this research paper is to systems in building automation. Zhang et al. (2018)
design, develop, and evaluate an HVAC system for a investigated the integration of HVAC systems with building
sensible building using Arduino as the central control management systems to achieve energy-efficient operation.
platform. Specific objectives include: They highlighted the importance of sensor networks and

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Volume 8, Issue 5, May – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
control algorithms for optimal HVAC performance.
Additionally, Jia et al. (2020) proposed a decentralized
control approach for HVAC systems, which improved
system response and energy efficiency by distributing
control intelligence across the building.

 Arduino in Building Automation:

The use of Arduino in building automation has gained
attention in recent years. Santos et al. (2019) developed an
Arduino-based system for indoor air quality monitoring,
enabling real-time feedback and control of ventilation
systems. Their study demonstrated the potential of Arduino
for low-cost and scalable building automation solutions.
Furthermore, Liu et al. (2021) utilized Arduino for
occupancy sensing and adaptive lighting control,
showcasing the versatility of the platform in creating
intelligent and energy-saving environments.

 Sensible Building Concepts:

Sensible buildings, also known as high-performance
buildings or green buildings, emphasize energy efficiency,
occupant comfort, and environmental sustainability. Zhang Fig.1 Comparison of Energy Consumption By Different
et al. (2019) discussed the principles and design strategies Countries
for sensible buildings, highlighting the importance of
integrated building systems, such as HVAC, in achieving We can clearly see by the chart that China, the U.S.,
the desired outcomes. They emphasized the need for and third-place India are the world's three most populous
adaptive control and real-time data analysis to optimize countries, and also rank high in energy consumption per
building performance. annum. There also exist nations that consume very less
energy. This is due to the nations having a small overall
 Previous Studies on Arduino-based HVAC Systems: population, but factors like the level of development
Several studies have explored the use of Arduino in (particularly infrastructure such as roads and electrical
HVAC systems. Sharma et al. (2017) developed an grids) also play a role. So in this paper a country like India
Arduino-based control system for HVAC in residential where the population is high means more energy is required
buildings, incorporating temperature and humidity sensors can be prevented using arduino technology to minimize the
for real-time monitoring and control. They reported energy energy consumption.
savings of up to 20% compared to traditional systems.
Additionally, Barontini et al. (2020) proposed an Arduino- IV. OBJECTIVES
based smart HVAC system that utilized machine learning
algorithms for predictive control, resulting in improved To investigate the existing literature on HVAC systems
energy efficiency and occupant comfort. in building automation and the utilization of Arduino in
such applications.
The literature survey reveals a growing interest in  To explore the concept of sensible buildings, including
integrating Arduino-based systems into HVAC and building the principles, design strategies, and challenges
automation. While some studies have focused on specific associated with energy efficiency, occupant comfort, and
aspects, such as indoor air quality or occupancy sensing, environmental sustainability.
there is a need for comprehensive research on developing an  To design a robust methodology for integrating Arduino-
Arduino-based HVAC system for sensible buildings. This based sensors, actuators, and control algorithms into an
research aims to bridge the gap by designing a holistic HVAC system for a sensible building.
system that leverages Arduino's capabilities for sensor  To develop and implement the Arduino-based HVAC
integration, intelligent control algorithms, and energy system, including programming the microcontroller,
optimization in the context of sensible Buildings. calibrating and placing sensors, integrating actuators,
and establishing data acquisition and processing
 To evaluate the performance of the designed system by
assessing its energy efficiency, comfort levels,
reliability, and maintainability.
 To compare the performance of the Arduino-based
HVAC system with traditional systems, highlighting the
advantages and limitations of the proposed approach.

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Volume 8, Issue 5, May – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 To assess the potential applications of the Arduino-based Actuator control and feedback: Implement control
HVAC system in sensible buildings, considering algorithms on the Arduino to regulate the operation of the
scalability, adaptability, and integration with existing actuators based on the input from the sensors. This may
building management systems. involve feedback control loops and intelligent algorithms to
 To outline future research directions and enhancements optimize energy consumption and maintain desired
for Arduino-based HVAC systems in terms of advanced environmental conditions.
control algorithms, optimization techniques, and
integration with emerging technologies. Data processing and analysis: Develop algorithms and
 By achieving these objectives, this research aims to procedures to process and analyze the sensor data collected
contribute to the advancement of HVAC systems in the by the Arduino. This may include filtering, smoothing, and
context of sensible buildings, providing a foundation for statistical analysis to extract meaningful information about
energy-efficient and intelligent building automation the building's thermal conditions.
solutions that prioritize occupant comfort and
environmental sustainability. User interface and connectivity: Design a user
interface that allows building occupants or facility managers
V. METHODOLOGY to interact with the HVAC system. This may include a
graphical display, mobile application, or web-based
A. System Architecture: interface. Incorporate connectivity options such as Wi-Fi or
The system architecture of the Arduino-based HVAC Ethernet for remote monitoring and control.
system for a sensible building encompasses the overall
structure and organization of the components involved in the Testing and validation: Conduct rigorous testing and
system. The architecture defines how the sensors, actuators, validation of the developed system architecture. Evaluate its
Arduino microcontroller, and control algorithms are performance under various operating conditions, comparing
interconnected and function together to achieve the desired the measured results with established benchmarks and
objectives of energy efficiency and occupant comfort. The standards.
following steps outline the development of the system
architecture: B. Hardware Components:
The hardware components of the Arduino-based
Identify system requirements: Determine the specific HVAC system for a sensible building include the sensors,
requirements of the HVAC system based on the actuators, and the Arduino microcontroller board. These
characteristics of the sensible building, including the desired components work together to enable data acquisition,
temperature range, humidity levels, and air quality control, and communication within the system. The
parameters. following are the key hardware components:

Sensor selection and placement: Select appropriate Arduino Microcontroller Board: Select an appropriate
sensors to measure relevant environmental parameters such Arduino board that meets the requirements of the HVAC
as temperature, humidity, CO2 levels, and occupancy. system. Examples include Arduino Uno, Arduino Mega, or
Consider the spatial distribution of sensors within the Arduino Nano. The board serves as the central control unit
building to ensure representative measurements. and facilitates communication with the sensors and
Actuator integration: Choose suitable actuators to
control heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment.  Sensors:
These may include valves, fans, and dampers. Integrate the  Temperature Sensor: Use temperature sensors such as
actuators into the HVAC system, ensuring compatibility and DS18B20, LM35, or DHT22 to measure ambient
effective control. temperature within the building.
 Humidity Sensor: Utilize humidity sensors such as
Arduino microcontroller configuration: Select an DHT22 or BME280 to monitor the humidity levels in the
Arduino microcontroller board that best suits the building.
requirements of the HVAC system. Configure the  CO2 Sensor: Employ a carbon dioxide (CO2) sensor,
microcontroller to establish communication with the sensors such as MH-Z19 or SCD30, to measure indoor air
and actuators, utilizing appropriate input/output interfaces quality and ventilation effectiveness.
and protocols.  Occupancy Sensor: Include occupancy sensors like
passive infrared (PIR) or ultrasonic sensors to detect the
Sensor-to-Arduino interfacing: Interface the selected presence of occupants in different areas of the building.
sensors with the Arduino microcontroller using suitable
communication protocols (such as I2C, SPI, or analog
input). Ensure proper calibration and data acquisition from
the sensors.

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Volume 8, Issue 5, May – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig4. Power Supply

Fig2. Sensors Wiring and Connectors: Utilize appropriate wiring and

connectors to establish the necessary connections between
 Actuators: the Arduino board, sensors, actuators, and power supply.
 Heating System: Integrate a heating element, such as
electric heaters or a heat pump, to provide heat during
colder periods.
 Ventilation System: Incorporate fans, blowers, or air
handling units to ensure proper air circulation and
 Air Conditioning System: Include a cooling system, such
as an air conditioner or a heat pump, to maintain the
desired temperature during warmer periods.
 Dampers and Valves: Integrate motorized dampers and
valves to control the flow of air within the HVAC

Fig 5. Wiring And Connectors


 Potential Applications in Sensible Buildings:

The Arduino-based HVAC system for sensible
buildings has various potential applications, including but
not limited to:

 Residential Buildings: Implementing the system in

residential buildings can enhance energy efficiency and
occupant comfort by dynamically adjusting heating,
Fig 3. Actuators
ventilation, and air conditioning based on real-time
sensor data and occupant preferences.
Power Supply: Provide a stable power source for the
 Commercial Buildings: The system can be deployed in
Arduino board and other components. Depending on the
office buildings, retail spaces, and other commercial
system's requirements, this can include a DC power supply
establishments to optimize energy consumption,
or a battery backup system.
maintain consistent indoor air quality, and improve the
working environment for employees and customers.

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Volume 8, Issue 5, May – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Educational Institutions: Implementing the Arduino- VII. RESULT
based HVAC system in schools and universities can
provide an energy-efficient and comfortable learning The result is obtained by simulating the prototype of
environment for students and faculty, contributing to the model at different temperatures. This model defines how
enhanced productivity and well-being. it reacts in real time to temperature variations. When the
 Healthcare Facilities: The system can be applied in temperature will increase/decrease from the ideal
hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities to ensure temperature entered in the system then the devices
precise temperature and humidity control, as well as connected to the arduino will automatically
efficient ventilation, which are crucial for patient increase/decrease the temperature according to the user
comfort and infection control. requirement.
 Hospitality Sector: The system can be utilized in hotels
and resorts to create personalized and energy-efficient
guest room environments, providing a comfortable stay
while minimizing energy waste when rooms are

 Scalability and Adaptability:

Future work can focus on the scalability and
adaptability of the Arduino-based HVAC system. This
includes exploring methods to integrate the system with
larger building management systems, allowing for seamless
control and monitoring across multiple buildings or zones
within a building. The system can also be expanded to
include additional sensors and actuators to address specific
requirements of different building types and climates.

 Integration with Building Management Systems:

Further research can be conducted to investigate the Fig.7 Arduino Based Project Simulation
integration of the Arduino-based HVAC system with
existing building management systems (BMS). This  A graphical representation of the tabulated data is
integration would enable centralized control, data analytics, included in the table.
and optimization strategies, leveraging the capabilities of
BMS platforms to enhance overall building performance.

 Future Enhancements and Research Directions:

There are several avenues for future enhancements and
research directions for the Arduino-based HVAC system in
sensible buildings. This includes:
 Advanced Control Algorithms: Developing and
implementing advanced control algorithms, such as
model predictive control or machine learning-based
approaches, to further optimize energy consumption and
occupant comfort based on historical data and predictive
 Energy Management and Demand Response:
Incorporating energy management strategies and demand
response mechanisms to align HVAC system operation Fig.8 Temperature Vs Speed of Fan
with utility grid conditions and pricing, contributing to
energy savings and grid stability. VIII. CONCLUSION
 Indoor Air Quality Enhancement: Integrating additional
sensors and algorithms to monitor and improve indoor The research conducted in this paper aimed to address
air quality by detecting pollutants, particulate matter, and the need for an advanced HVAC system for sensible
buildings by leveraging Arduino, an open-source
volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and adjusting the
microcontroller platform. The developed Arduino-based
HVAC system operation accordingly.
HVAC system demonstrated promising results in terms of
 Integration of Renewable Energy Sources: Exploring the
energy efficiency, occupant comfort, and sustainability.
integration of renewable energy sources, such as solar
panels or geothermal systems, to power the HVAC
Through a comprehensive literature survey, the study
system, reducing reliance on conventional energy
explored the integration of HVAC systems in building
sources and further improving sustainability.
automation, the utilization of Arduino in building
automation applications, and the principles of sensible

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
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