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Histology Points of Identification

1st year MBBS

No. Tissue Identification points

1. Simple Squamous • Elongated cells with bulging nuclei on side – view

epithelium • single layer of squamous (flattened) cells with rounded
central nuclei on surface- view
2. Simple Cuboidal • Height and width of cells equal.
Epithelium • Single layer of cubical cells with central rounded nuclei

3. Simple Columnar • Height of cells is more than width.

Epithelium • Single layer of elongated cells containing elongated nuclei
towards their bases.
4. Pseudostratifled • Single layer of cells; all cells rest on basement membrane.
epithelium • Some cells columnar and others cuboidal.
• The nuclei of cells are at different levels; giving a false
appearance of many layers.
5. Stratified • Basal layer of cuboidal / columnar cells
Squamous • Middle 2-3 layer of polygonal cells
epithelium • Multilayered
• Superficial flattened cells.
6. Stratified Cuboidal • Basal layer of cuboidal or columnar
epithelium • Multilayered
• Surface cells are cuboidal in shape.
7. Stratified columnar • Basal cells are cuboidal in shape
epithelium • Multilayered
• Surface cells are columnar in shape
8. Transitional • Deepest cuboidal cells
Epithelium • Dome cells in surfacelayer
• Pear shaped cells in middle layer
9. Adipose tissue • Empty looking
(white Fat) • Large ovoid closely packed cells
• Marginal nucleus (signet-ring appearance)
10. Adipose tissue • Central nucleus
(Brown Fat) • Empty looking
• Small ovoid closely packed cells
11. Tendon(Dense • C.T covering fibers and bundies.
Regular collagenous • Parallel running collagen fibers with nuclei of fibroblasts in
Connective tissue) between
12 Ligament(Dense • Elastic fibers slightly overlapping with nuclei of fibroblastsin
Regular elastic between
Connective tissue) • Nuclei of fibroblasts are larger
13 Loos Areolar C.T • C.T cells in between
• Irregularly arranged fibers of all types

14. Mucoid C. T • Fibroblasts with nuclei in ground substance

(embryonic) • Loosely arranged collagen fibers

15. Cartilage-hyaline • Isogenous group of cartilage cells in lacunae

• Pearly bluish, homogeneous and glassy appearance of matrix
• Perichondrium
Histology Points of Identification
1st year MBBS
19. Cartilage- elastic • Elastic fibers in matrix
• Perichondrium

20. Cartilage-white • Chondrocytes in rows

fibrous • Collagen fibers in matrix
(fibrocartilage) • Perichondrium is absent
21. Compact bone • Central and volkman’s canal
• Characteristic lamellae
• Typical bone cells
22 Spongy bone • Few haversian systems
• Hemopoietic (bone marrow) tissue
• Trabeculae of bone matrix
23. Smooth muscles • Central single nucleus
• Non- satiated
• Spindle shaped cells
• Tapering edges
24. Skeletal muscles • Striated
• Multiple peripheral nuclei
• Non- branching
25. Cardiac muscles • Branching
• Center nuclei
• Intercalated discs
• Striated
26. Nerve (peripheral) • Bundles of nerve fibers (myelinated & unmyelinated) both in
cross and longitudinal sections
• Myelin sheath is visible as unstained areas.
• Ordinary C.T is seen as endo-,peri- & epineurium
27. Sensory ganglion • Central medulla is made up of nerve fibers
• Cell bodies are collected in groups towards periphery
• Cells are psuedounipolar
28. Autonomic ganglion • Cell bodies are scattered diffusely
• Cells are multipolar with irregular shapes

32. Lymph Node • Hilum containing efferent lymphatics

• Lymph nodules without central arteriole are situated in the
• Medullary cords
33. Palatine tonsil • Characteristics non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelial
• Tonsillar epithelium crypts
34. Pharyngeal tonsil • Lymphatic tissue is more diffuse and (usually not arranged as
typical nodules)
• Covering epithelium is pseudostratified columnar ciliated
epithelium with patches of non-keratinized stratified
squamous epithelium
• Plicae and pleats of surface epithelium are present instead of
35. Lingual tonsil • Epithelium is non- keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
• Lymphatic tissue is present as typical nodules as well as
Histology Points of Identification
1st year MBBS
• Each nodule has single crypt

36. Thymus • Characteristics lobules having cortex and medulla

• Thymic corpuscles

37. Spleen • Red pulp (splenic cords & venous sinuses)

• White pulp (containing splenic nodules with definite central
• No differentiation into cortex and medulla
38. Thin skin • Stratified squamous keratinized epithelium
• Dermal papillae
• Hair roots and follicles
• Sebaceous glands
• Coiled tubular sweat glands
39. Thick skin • Stratified squamous keratinized epithelium with five distinct
• No hair roots and follicles
40. Mammary gland – • Cord like tubules lined by simple cuboidal epithelium
inactive state • Much more inter tubular
• Absence of alveoli
42. Mammary gland • Scanty connective tissue stroma
(lactating state) • Alveoli of various sizes and shapes and full of secretions
• Highly development ducts
44. Trachea • pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
• c- Shaped hyaline cartilage
• Trachealis muscle
• Tracheal glands
45. Lung • Serosa
• Alveoli (lined by simple squamous epithelium)
• Bronchioles and bronchi
46 Epiglottis • Elastic cartilage
• Stratified squamous non-keratinized and pseudostratified
ciliated columnar epithelia containing goblet cells

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