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Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca

Liceo Scientifico Paritario Codice Meccanografico RMPS49500G

“ Vincenzo Pallotti ”

D.M. 28/06/2002



Lingua e letteratura inglese

Modulo 1
Samuel T. Coleridge: life and works
The Ryme of the ancient mariner (main themes + “instead of the cross, the

Modulo 2

The Victorian age: an overview (literary section)

Charles Dickens: life and works
Oliver Twist (main themes + “I want some more”)
Hard Times (main themes + “Facts, nothing but facts”)
R. L. Stevenson: life and works
The Strange case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (main themes + “The truth about
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”)
Oscar Wilde: life and works
The picture of Dorian Gray (main themes + “All art is quite useless” and
“Dorian gray kills Dorian Gray”)

Modulo 3
The Early XXth century (literary section)
Thomas Eliot: life and works
The Waste Land (Main themes + “The burial of the dead”)
Joseph Conrad: Life and works
Heart of Darkness (main themes)
James Joyce: life and works
Dubliners (main themes + “The Dead”)
Ulysses (main themes + “Yes I said yes I will yes”)
Virginia Woolf (main themes)
Mrs Dalloway (main themes + “Mrs Dalloway said she would buy flowers”)
P.zza Regina Pacis, 13 – 00122 Roma – Ostia Lido
Distretto scolastico XXI
Tel 06-5623247 - fax 06- 5623258
Segreteria didattica: info@istitutopallotti.iti –
Segreteria amministrativa:
Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca
Liceo Scientifico Paritario Codice Meccanografico RMPS49500G
“ Vincenzo Pallotti ”

D.M. 28/06/2002

George Orwell: life and works

1984 (Main themes + “The object of power is power”)

P.zza Regina Pacis, 13 – 00122 Roma – Ostia Lido

Distretto scolastico XXI
Tel 06-5623247 - fax 06- 5623258
Segreteria didattica: info@istitutopallotti.iti –
Segreteria amministrativa:

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