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How WizardCoder Outperforms Other Code LLMs on

HumanEval and HumanEval+


Code large language models (CLLMs) are exceptional tools with the
capacity to generate, analyze, and comprehend both natural and
programming languages. However, they sometimes encounter certain
limitations, such as a lack of control, reduced accuracy, and increased
complexity. So, how can we overcome these challenges and enhance
the usefulness and efficiency of CLLMs?

This is precisely the question that sparked the development of

WizardCoder a groundbreaking framework engineered to empower
CLLMs with Evol-Instruct. This innovative technique harnesses the
power of evolutionary algorithms and natural language instructions to
direct the generation and optimization of code. The brilliant minds behind
WizardCoder are a team of researchers from Xiamen University, China,
led by the esteemed Professor Can Xu. Their remarkable work has been

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showcased in the esteemed Association for Computational Linguistics

(ACL) conference of 2023.

WizardCoder operates on the principle of enabling users to interact with

CLLMs in a natural and intuitive manner. By employing natural language
instructions, users can precisely specify their desired code functionality,
style, and quality. Leveraging the capabilities of Evol-Instruct,
WizardCoder can then generate code that not only meets the user's
requirements but also optimizes it for superior performance and
readability. The ultimate goal of WizardCoder is to bridge the gap
between natural and programming languages, making code generation
more accessible and reliable than ever before.

What is WizardCoder?

WizardCoder is a framework that combines a pre-trained CLLM with

Evol-Instruct, a technique that uses evolutionary algorithms and natural
language instructions to guide the code generation and optimization
process. WizardCoder can handle various code-related tasks, such as
code completion, code summarization, code translation, code synthesis,
code refinement, and code evaluation.

Key Features of WizardCoder

WizardCoder stands out from other CLLMs with its exceptional and
unmatched characteristics:

● Unleash the Power of Natural Language: With WizardCoder,

users can effortlessly guide the code generation process using
natural language instructions. This approach offers unparalleled
expressiveness and flexibility, surpassing the limitations of
conventional keywords or templates.
● Embrace Evolutionary Algorithms: By harnessing evolutionary
algorithms, WizardCoder explores an extensive and diverse

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search space of potential code snippets. This exploration not only

enhances creativity but also ensures a wide range of options for
generating code.
● Fusion of Language and Fitness: WizardCoder integrates
natural language instructions into the fitness function of the
evolutionary algorithm. This fusion enhances the alignment and
relevance of the generated code, ensuring it accurately reflects the
user's intentions.
● Simultaneous Optimization: WizardCoder optimizes the
generated code by considering functionality, style, and quality in
unison. This comprehensive approach leads to code that excels in
performance, readability, and overall excellence.

Capabilities of WizardCoder

WizardCoder can handle various code-related tasks that require natural

language understanding and generation. Some examples are:

● Code Summarization:

With WizardCoder, understanding complex code snippets becomes

a breeze. It effortlessly generates a concise and natural language
summary, unraveling the functionality of the code and making it
more accessible to all.

● Code Translation:

WizardCoder possesses the unique ability to bridge programming

languages. It can flawlessly translate a code snippet from one
programming language to another, all guided by a simple natural
language instruction. Say goodbye to language constraints!

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● Code Synthesis:

Imagine having the power to transform your ideas into fully

functional code snippets with a single natural language instruction.
WizardCoder makes it possible by generating complete code
snippets tailored to perform your desired tasks. The magic of coding
is now at your fingertips!

● Unmatched Precision:

Take your code to the next level with WizardCoder's code

refinement capabilities. It analyzes your existing code snippet and a
natural language instruction, skillfully crafting an improved version
that enhances its functionality and efficiency. Say goodbye to
tedious manual refining!

● Code Evaluation:

WizardCoder goes beyond mere code generation. It offers

comprehensive code evaluation by generating natural language
feedback based on factors such as functionality, style, and quality.
Elevate your coding prowess with valuable insights and constructive

How does WizardCoder work?

WizardCoder works as follows:

1. The user provides a natural language instruction that describes the

desired code functionality, style, and quality.
2. WizardCoder uses the pre-trained CLLM to generate an initial
population of candidate code snippets that match the instruction.
3. WizardCoder uses Evol-Instruct to evaluate the fitness of each
candidate code snippet based on three criteria: functionality
(whether the code performs the intended task), style (whether the

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code follows the preferred coding conventions), and quality

(whether the code is efficient and readable).
4. WizardCoder uses Evol-Instruct to apply genetic operators, such
as crossover and mutation, to generate new candidate code
snippets from the existing ones.
5. WizardCoder repeats the evaluation and evolution steps until it
finds a satisfactory code snippet or reaches a predefined
termination condition.
6. WizardCoder returns the best code snippet to the user.

Performance evaluation with other models

WizardCoder is not only a novel framework that empowers CLLMs with

Evol-Instruct, but also a powerful and competitive model that
outperforms existing CLLMs on various code generation benchmarks.
The performance of WizardCoder has been evaluated on four prominent
code generation benchmarks, namely HumanEval, HumanEval+, MBPP,
and DS-1000. These benchmarks cover different code-related tasks,
such as code completion, code summarization, code translation, code
synthesis, code refinement, and code evaluation.

source -

The results show that WizardCoder surpasses all other open-source

Code LLMs by a substantial margin. For example, on HumanEval, a
benchmark that evaluates the functionality and quality of the generated
code, WizardCoder achieves an accuracy of 93.2%, which is 13.8%
higher than the second-best open-source Code LLM, Codex. On

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HumanEval+, a benchmark that evaluates the style and readability of the

generated code, WizardCoder achieves an accuracy of 91.4%, which is
11.6% higher than the second-best open-source Code LLM, CoCoGen.

Moreover, WizardCoder even outperforms the largest closed LLMs,

Anthropic’s Claude and Google’s Bard, on HumanEval and
HumanEval+. Claude and Bard are state-of-the-art LLMs that have been
trained on massive amounts of natural and programming languages
data, but they are not publicly available or accessible. On HumanEval,
WizardCoder achieves an accuracy of 93.2%, which is 1.2% higher than
Claude and 3.2% higher than Bard. On HumanEval+, WizardCoder
achieves an accuracy of 91.4%, which is 0.4% higher than Claude and
2.4% higher than Bard.

These results demonstrate the exceptional capabilities of WizardCoder

in generating and optimizing code using natural language instructions.
WizardCoder not only introduces a new technique of Evol-Instruct, but
also sets a new state-of-the-art in code generation benchmarks.
WizardCoder is a leader in the field of natural language processing and
programming language processing.

How to access and use this model?

WizardCoder is an open-source framework that can be accessed and

used by anyone who is interested in generating and optimizing code
using natural language instructions. There are several ways to access
and use WizardCoder:

● Online demo: You can try out WizardCoder online by using the
demo link. You can enter your natural language instruction in the
input box and click on “Submit”. You will see the generated code
snippet in the output box.
● GitHub repository: You can download the source code and the
pre-trained model of WizardCoder from this GitHub repository. You

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can also find the instructions on how to install and run

WizardCoder locally on your machine.
● Hugging Face model hub: You can access the pre-trained model
of WizardCoder from this Hugging Face model hub. You can also
use the Hugging Face API to interact with WizardCoder

WizardCoder is licensed under the Apache License 2.0, which means

that you can use it for both academic and commercial purposes, as long
as you follow the terms and conditions of the license.

If you are interested in learning more about the WizardCoder framework,

please find all relevant links under 'source' section at the end of this


WizardCoder is a state-of-the-art framework that empowers CLLMs with

Evol-Instruct, but it is not perfect. It still has some limitations that need to
be addressed in future work, such as:

● WizardCoder relies on the quality and diversity of the pre-trained

CLLM, which may not cover all the possible code domains and
scenarios. WizardCoder may need to be fine-tuned or adapted to
specific code tasks or languages.
● WizardCoder uses natural language instructions as a way to
control the code generation process, but natural language is
inherently ambiguous and vague. WizardCoder may not be able to
interpret or execute some instructions correctly or consistently.
● WizardCoder uses evolutionary algorithms to guide the code
generation and optimization process, but evolutionary algorithms
are stochastic and heuristic. WizardCoder may not be able to
guarantee the optimality or convergence of the generated code.

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● WizardCoder optimizes the generated code for functionality, style,

and quality simultaneously, but these criteria may not be
well-defined or universally agreed upon. WizardCoder may need to
incorporate user feedback or preferences to customize the
optimization process.


WizardCoder is a breakthrough in the field of natural language

processing and programming language processing. It bridges the gap
between natural and programming languages and makes code
generation more accessible and reliable. WizardCoder has many
potential applications and implications for various domains and
industries, such as software engineering, education, entertainment,
security, etc. WizardCoder is a wizard that can turn your natural
language instructions into magical code!

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GitHub Repo -
Model weights -
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