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Adjusting Entries Quiz | AccountingCoac

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Adjusting Entries

NOTE: For multiple-choice and true/false questions, simply place your cursor over what you think is the correct answer. (There is no need to click the answer.) For fill-in-the-blank questions place your cursor over the _________. If you have difficulty answering the following questions, learn more about this topic by reading our Adjusting Entries Explanation. We also have Crosswords and Q&A for this topic.

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Use the following information to answer questions 1 - 6: A company borrowed $100,000 on December 1, 2010 by signing a six-month note that specifies interest at an annual percentage rate (APR) of 12%. No interest or principal payment is due until the note matures on May 31, 2011. The company prepares financial statements at the end of each calendar month. The following questions pertain to the adjusting entry that should be entered in the company's records. Covers 16 financial accounting topics (640 questions). Download now

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What date should be used to record the December adjusting entry? How many accounts are involved in the adjusting entry? What is the name of the account that w ill be debited? What is the name of the account that w ill be credited? What is the amount of the debit and the credit?

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6. What would be the effect on the financial statements if the company fails to make the adjusting entry on December 31, 2010? Answer

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Use the following information to answer questions 7 - 12: A bank lent $100,000 to a customer on December 1, 2010 that required the customer to pay an annual percentage rate (APR) of 12% on the amount of the loan. The loan is due in six months and no payment of interest or principal is to be made until the note is due on May 31, 2011. The bank prepares monthly financial statements at the end of each calendar month. The following questions pertain to the adjusting entry that the bank will be making for its accounting records.
7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. W hat date should be used to record the December adjusting entry? How many accounts are involved in the adjusting entry? W hat is the name of the account that should be debited? W hat is the name of the account that should be credited? W hat is the amount of the debit and the credit? W hat w ould be the effect on the financial statements if the company fails to make the adjusting entry on December 31, 2010? Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer

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Adjusting Entries Quiz | AccountingCoac

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Use the following information to answer questions 13 - 18: On December 1, 2010 your company paid its insurance agent $2,400 for the annual insurance premium covering the period of December 1, 2010 through November 30, 2011. The $2,400 payment was recorded on December 1 with a debit to the current asset Prepaid Insurance and a credit to the current asset Cash. Your company prepares monthly financial statements at the end of each calendar month. The following questions pertain to the adjusting entry that will be written by the company.
13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. W hat date should be used to record the December adjusting entry? How many accounts are involved in the adjusting entry? W hat is the name of the account that will be debited? W hat is the name of the account that will be credited? W hat is the amount of the debit and the credit? W hat w ould be the effect on the financial statements if the company fails to make the adjusting entry on December 31, 2010? Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer

Use the following information to answer questions 19 - 24: On December 1, 2010 your company paid its insurance agent $2,400 for the annual insurance premium covering the period of December 1, 2010 through November 30, 2011. The $2,400 payment was recorded on December 1 with a debit to the income statement account Insurance Expense and a credit to the current asset Cash. Your company prepares monthly financial statements at the end of each calendar month. The following questions pertain to the adjusting entry that will be written by the company.
19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. W hat date should be used to record the December adjusting entry? How many accounts are involved in the adjusting entry? W hat is the name of the account that will be debited? W hat is the name of the account that will be credited? W hat is the amount of the debit and the credit? W hat w ould be the effect on the financial statements if the company fails to make the adjusting entry on December 31, 2010? Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer

Use the following information to answer questions 25 - 30: On December 1, 2010 XYZ Insurance Co. received $2,400 from your company for the annual insurance premium covering the period of December 1, 2010 through November 30, 2011. XYZ Insurance Co. recorded the $2,400 receipt as of December 1 with a debit to the current asset Cash and a credit to the current liability Unearned Revenues. XYZ Insurance Co. prepares monthly financial statements at the end of each calendar month. The following questions pertain to the adjusting entry that will be written by the XYZ Insurance Co.
25. 25. 27. 28. 29. 30. W hat date should be used to record the December adjusting entry? How many accounts are involved in the adjusting entry? W hat is the name of the account that will be debited? W hat is the name of the account that will be credited? W hat is the amount of the debit and the credit? W hat w ould be the effect on the financial statements if the company fails to make the adjusting entry on December 31, 2010? Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer

Use the following information to answer questions 31 - 36: On December 1, 2010 your company began operations. On December 3 it purchased $1,500 of supplies and recorded the transaction with a debit to the current asset Supplies and a credit to the current liability Accounts Payable. Your company prepares monthly financial statements at the end of each calendar month. At the end of the day on December 31, 2010 your company estimated that $700 of the supplies were still on hand in the supply room. The following



Adjusting Entries Quiz | AccountingCoac

questions pertain to the adjusting entry that should be entered by your company.
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. W hat date should be used to record the December adjusting entry? How many accounts are involved in the adjusting entry? W hat is the name of the account that will be debited? W hat is the name of the account that will be credited? W hat is the amount of the debit and the credit? W hat w ould be the effect on the financial statements if the company fails to make the adjusting entry on December 31, 2010? Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer

Use the following information to answer questions 37 - 42: On December 1, 2010 your company began operations. On December 4 it purchased $1,500 of supplies and recorded the transaction with a debit to the income statement account Supplies Expense and a credit to the current liability Accounts Payable. Your company prepares monthly financial statements at the end of each calendar month. At the end of the day on December 31, 2010 your company estimated that $700 of the supplies were still on hand in the supply room. The following questions pertain to the adjusting entry that should be entered by your company.
37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. W hat date should be used to record the December adjusting entry? How many accounts are involved in the adjusting entry? W hat is the name of the account that will be debited? W hat is the name of the account that will be credited? W hat is the amount of the debit and the credit? W hat w ould be the effect on the financial statements if the company fails to make the adjusting entry on December 31, 2010? Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer


A common characteristic of an adjusting entry is that it involves a balance sheet account and an ___________ ______________ account.


Adjusting entries are usually dated the last day of the accounting period and they convert accounts from the cash basis of accounting to the _____________ basis of accounting.


Company S received money in advance of providing services to Company P. The money received before it is earned is an increase to Company S's asset account Cash. The amount unearned should also be reported as another asset a liability revenues


It is acceptable that some adjusting entries contain estimated amounts.




Adjusting entries are often categorized into two groups: _____________ and deferrals.


An adjusting entry to record interest expense incurred by a company but not yet included in its accounting records is categorized as a(n) An adjusting entry to adjust the amounts already recorded in the asset account Supplies and in the income statement account Supplies Expense is categorized as a(n) A law firm has received $10,000 for services to be performed in the future. In which category would you put the entry to









Adjusting Entries Quiz | AccountingCoac

Accrual Deferral

adjust the accounts involved (Service Revenues and Unearned Revenues)?

About the Author: Harold Averkamp (CPA) has worked as an accountant, consultant, and university accounting instructor for more than 25 years. He is the author of the 2011 Master Accounting Download Package which has been praised for its ability to simplify accounting in a way that anybody can understand.

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