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Good day everyone! My name is ADRIAN NAKILA student nurse from Davao
Doctors College. And for today’s video I’m going to perform the oral medication.
Oral medication administration is a process by which drug is delivered by mouth
through elementary track. The first thing to do is to prepare the necessary
equipment such as the medicine cup, dropper, and also the medicine that we
need to use.
The first thing to do is to check the physician’s order, check for the MAR or the
Medication Administration Record, with the physician’s order for the drug name,
dosage frequency and route. Verify patients ability to take medication orally,
Organize the supplies, bring requisites to preparation are, and don’t forget to
wash your hand to prevent the spread of microorganism, then read the MAR,
take appropriate medicine in the box, read label and removes medicine from the
box. The compare the label of medication against the order on the MAR or
computer print out. Then rechecks label of medicine with the MAR, notes also the
expiration date.
----------------------------------------performing hand washing--------------------------------
So now lets prepare the prescribe medications.
For the tablet or capsules, in the bottle gently shake the prescribe number into
the bottle cup, then in the box shake the prescribe number into the medicine cup.
For the liquid and suspension thoroughly mix the medication, then remove the
cup and place it upside down to the countertop……. Hold the bottle so the label is
next to your palm and pour the medication away to the label. Place medicine cup
on a flat surface at eye label. Place thumb on prescribe level and reads it at the
lower meniscus. Pour the exact amount of medicine prescribe into the medicine
cup. Then wipes rim of bottle with a paper towel or tissue paper, before capping
the bottle.
-------------------------------------performing the procedure------------------------------------
For the drops use a medicine dropper and draws up the amount needed. Place fill
medicine dropper inside the medicine cup…….
Place the prepare medication and MAR together on the medication cart. Then
check the room number against the MAR before entering the patients room. The
provides privacy. Then introduce yourself.
At each patients bedside, identifies patients by asking to state his or her full name
or checking the wrist band. Ask the patient for any allergy. If the medication is
highly acidic example the aspirin can be given with a snack such as crackers if food
is not contraindicated.
At patients bedside match up the MAR with the names of medication as shown
on their and with the patients name. If needed perform pre administration
assessments such as taking a blood pressure, pulse or respiratory rate. Then
discuss the purpose of each medication, including relevant information such as its
action, its possible side effects.
Assist patients to sit or to a side-lying position, administer the medicine to the
patient. Give the patient sufficient water or preferred juice to swallow the
medication. Stay with the patient until all medications have been swallow.
Good day ma’am I’m ADRIAN NAKILA your student nurse for today
May I know your name?
When is your birthday?
By the way ma’am do you have allergy to medications?
For today I’m going to give your vitamins for your iron absorption, but before that
I’m going to perform the pre-administration such as your pulse rate, respiratory
rate and blood pressure.
Any clarification or concerns?
------------------------------performing the procedure--------------------------------
So now document the findings. Document the medication given time and route
given. Note for any complaints or assessment of the patient. If the medication is
refuse or omitted reason for omission. Then ask the patient signature. Replenish
stocks example medication cups and return the cart to the appropriate place.
After care of equipment’s soap it, rinse it, and dry the equipment’s use and return
to proper place.
Thank you for your time and cooperation and have a nice day.

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