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Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 2

Grammar Vocabulary
Past continuous Materials

1 Complete the sentences with the past 4 What are these things usually made of?
continuous and the verb in brackets.
cotton leather paper rubber wood wool
At 8.30 a.m., my sister was walking (walk) to
dining room table and chairs wood
1 winter hats and gloves
1 Why did he leave? I _____ (talk) to him!
2 shirts and T-shirts
2 They left the cinema early because they _____
(not enjoy) the film. 3 boots, shoes and jackets
3 At 6.30 this morning, I _____ (sleep). 4 rain boots, balls, some pet toys
4 What _____ (you/do) last night? 5 books and magazines
5 What _____ (you and your parents / watch)
5 Look at the pictures and complete the materials.
on TV?

Past continuous and past simple

2 Choose the correct option.

While we were travelling / travelled across
the USA, we stopped in Chicago.
cardboard 1c _
1 What did he wear / was he wearing
when you saw him?
2 I got / was getting your text message at
9.05 last night.
3 Ryan was walking / walked on the beach
2g 3m
when he found a bottle.
4 The phone rang while I did / was doing
my homework. Containers
5 You weren’t running very fast when I saw /
was seeing you. 6 Choose the best word.
a bottle of water / potatoes
3 Complete the sentences with when or while. 1 a bowl of orange juice / fruit
2 a box of cola / chocolates
My friend sent me a text while I was doing
3 a glass of milk / vegetables
my exam.
4 a jar of ice cream / marmalade
1 I found your wallet under the sofa _____ I was
5 a packet of crisps / olive oil
2 We were sitting on the beach _____ it started
to rain. Describe lost objects
3 Lauren was cooking dinner _____ she burned
her hand. 7 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box.
4 Paul broke a window _____ he was playing
football. A Hello. I lost my gym bag yesterday.
B What does it (1) __________ like?
A It’s big and it’s made of (2) __________ .
B What (3) __________ is it?
A It’s black and (4) __________ .
B What (5) __________ is it?
A Adidas

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