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I . ……….son of .................................resident of……….do hereby

revoke all wills, codicils and other testamentary dispositions heretofore made by me and declare
this to be my last will which I make
……….this day of ……….20
(2) I devise and bequeath all my estate of every description viz lands, houses, here ditaments,
shares, securities, debentures, bonds, money, debts, or other effects to which I shall be entitled
or possessed at the time of my death or over which I shall have a general power of disposition
by will, save and except what I otherwise dispose off by any codicil hereto unto (i) Shri
……….son of ……….and (ii) Shri ……….son of ……….of ; and (iii) Shri ……….son of ……….of
……….upon trusts and the said Shri ……….…….and Shri shall stand possessed of all my
estate on my death and they shall sell, transfer or otherwise dispose off my estate as they shall
in their sole judgment and discretion consider to be in the interest of or beneficial to my estate,
without being in any way responsible or liable for any loss or damage occasioned thereby.
(3) I further direct that the said trustees will also be authorised to realizeand recover the rents,
profits, dividends, interest, or benefits thereof and after paying my funeral and the
administration expense of my estate and providing for or paying my debts, if any, shall spend
the money for the construction of a temple on the land bearing plot
No . ……….Survey No……….Taluka ……….District and more particularly described in the
Schedule hereto and delineated on the plan annexed to these presents and thereon coloured
red, and according to specifications contained in the plan annexed to these presents and shall
instal the idols of Lakshmi, Gaytri and Saraswati in the said temple and the said trustees shall
invest the residue of the said money in such securities as are mentioned in section 20 of the
Indian Trusts Act, 1882..
(4) I hereby direct that the interest, dividend, profits and benefits of Spend the investments will
be spent on the maintenance of temple, puja, salary of pujari and expenses and of annual
festivals to be held in the said temple.
(5) I hereby further direct that if both or either of the said Shri……….Shri……….and Shri……….
shall die or be desirous of being discharged from or refuse or become unfit or incapable to act
as trustees, the said trust as aforesaid in every such case, the surviving or continuing trustee or
trustees may appoint any person or persons to be trustee or trustees in the place of the trustee
or trustees so dying or desiring to be discharged or refusing or becoming unfit or incapable to
act as aforesaid by writing and on every such appointment, the trust properties shall be vested
in the trustee or trustees for the time being and every trustee or trustees so appointed shall act
and assist in execution of the said trust as fully and effectually as if he or they had been
appointed as a trustee or trustees by me, provided that the number of trustees shall not be less
than two and more than six.
The Schedule above referred to
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I the above named have set by hands to this my will this ……….day of
Signed and acknowledged by the above named in our presence, who in his presence, have
hereunto subscribed our names and as witnesses
2. ……….……….……….
Signature of the Testator

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