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Consumer Buying Behavior on Laptop


Pramila Poudel

Roll No: 20031911

PU Registration No: 2019-2-03-1979

A project work report submitted to Pokhara university in partial fulfillment of

the requirement for the degree of

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

At the

LA GRANDEE International College

Affiliated to Pokhara University

Pokhara, Nepal

June, 2023
Student Declaration

I hereby declare that the project report entitled “student buying behavior on laptop”
submitted for the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of BBA degree of
Pokhara University is my original work and the project report has not formed the basis for
the award of any degree, diploma or other similar titles.

Pramila Poudel

June, 2023
Executive Summary
The title of the study is “consumer buying behavior on laptop”. The study was carried out in
and around Pokhara City. During the study, we have visited to the respondents who are
currently using and used in the past the various laptops of some branded companies.

In this study the information is collected mostly through primary and secondary sources.
Various statistical tools like tables, graphs, etc. are used to present data and information.
However, the reliability of finding depends on the degree of accuracy of data provided by
the firm.

The project contains introduction, statement of the problem, objectives, importance of the
study, limitation of the study, review of literature, data analysis tool, sources of data, data
presentation and analysis, findings and conclusion.

The findings shows that each respondent has given their feedback and suggestion which can
be helpful to identify the student behavior for purchasing different laptop, some of the
respondents need more information about different laptop brands which has given me to
show them at the time of interview and show satisfactory responses regarding purchased of
different laptop.
Chapter – 1

1.1 Background of the study

A laptop is a personal computer designed for mobile use, small and light enough to sit on a
person’s lap while in use. A laptop integrates most of the typical a desktop computer,
including a display, a keyboard, a pointing device(touchpad), speakers, and often including
a battery, into a single small and light unit. The rechargeable battery (if present) is charged
from AC adapter and typically stores enough energy to run the laptop for two or three hours
in its initial state, depending on the configuration and power management of the computer.

Laptops are usually notebook shaped with thickness between 0.7-1.5 inches (18-38mm) and
dimensions ranging from 10*8 inches (27*22cm, 13’ display) to 15*11 inches (39*28cm,
17” display) and up. Modern laptops weight 3 to 12 pounds (1.4 to 5.4 kg); older laptops are
usually heavier. Most laptops are designed in the flip forms factor to protect the screen, the
keyboard housing and the display, permitting the display panel to swivel and then lie flat on
the keyboard housing.

Computer technology to the consumer market brought with an evolution likes of radios and
television in the 20th century. It served as a catalyst in jumpstarting not only how consumers
obtain information but also rapidity, quality and density with which they retrieve it.
Computer Serves as a source of entertainment in addition to its role as a resource and
productivity tool. The science and technology are developed in this 21stEra. This study was
to determine if a relationship existed between the brand of laptop selected and a variety of
demographic and evaluative buying criteria considered in the process. The first several
variables analyzed in this study was the brand of laptop selected in the purchase decision.
Additional variables included both tangible, product related factors like price and features
as well as intangible, brand-related attributes like brand image and outside recommendation.
Consumer behavior focuses on how individuals make decision to spend their available
resources (time, money, effort) on consumptions related items. This includes what they buy,
why they buy it, where they buy it, how often they buy it, how they evaluate it after the
purchase and impact of such evaluation on future, and how they dispose it.

In other words, consumer. behavior can be defined as the behavior of individual in regards
to acquiring, using, and disposing of products, services, ideas or experiences. Consumer
behavior also includes the Acquisition and use of information. Thus, communication with
consumers and receiving feedback for them is a crucial part of consumer behavior which is
of great interest to marketers.

1.2 Statement of the problem

The purpose of this report is to analyze and understand the consumer buying behavior in the
context of laptop purchases. With the rapid advancements in technology and the availability
of numerous laptop options in the market, it is crucial for businesses to comprehend the
factors that influence consumers' decisions when purchasing a laptop.

This report aims to address the following key questions:

1. What are the primary factors influencing consumers' decision-making

process when buying a laptop?
2. What role does brand perception and reputation play in influencing consumer
3. How do online reviews, recommendations, and social media influence
consumers' laptop purchase decisions?

1.3 Objectives of the study

• To examine the influence of social media platforms on consumers' awareness,

opinions, and purchase decisions regarding laptops.
• To investigate the role of price sensitivity and affordability in consumers' laptop
purchase decisions.
• To provide practical recommendations to businesses and marketers on how to
effectively target and engage with consumers to maximize laptop sales and
customer satisfaction.
• To investigate the impact of brand perception and reputation on consumer choices
and purchase decisions for laptops.

1.4 Importance of the study

Buying a new laptop is an investment for sure, and you can make the best possible choice
only by thoroughly assessing your requirement. Whether you're buying a laptop for the first
time or have been using one for ages, before venturing on a new purchase, there are several
factors that need to be considered.

• It is an accepted fact that generation of information plays an important role in the

field of policy formation, marketing planning, strategy making and it also bridges
the gap between buyers and the sellers. This is the hard fact that the contemporary
laptop market is complex buyers' market. This is the biggest problem and greatest
challenge being faced by the industry. The only strategies that are left at their
disposal are either expanding their product assortment or make their offerings more
and more attractive and clear to the target market
• This is strong calls for an ongoing In-depth study of the consumer behavior internal
drivers and motives of the target market that influence their buying decision process
of laptops.
• This study may provide the laptop companies with a launch pad and acts as a guide
that can help the same in chalking out strategies to enlarge the market share and also
enhance the level of awareness among consumers. In short, it can be claimed to be
an accurate report that may help to gain a competitive edge over their competitors.
• A laptop computer, sometime called a notebook computer by manufactures, is a
battery- or AC - powered personal computer generally smaller than briefcase
personal computers that can easily be transported and conveniently used in
temporary spaces such as on airplanes, in libraries, temporary offices, and at

1.5 Limitation of the study

• The study is limited to the attitudes and perception of the selected sample respondents
and may not be universally applicable.
• There was a possibility of the respondent bias in self- reporting perception of the
• The study is 'micro' in nature, and its survey findings and observation cannot be
generalized and may be subjected to change from time to time and place to place.
• Money was also one of limitations faced while conducting this research.

• Some of the people were not interested in filling questionnaire; some people were
taking this research seriously. Some people were engaged in their job hesitate to fill
questionnaire and their personal details.

1.6 Review of Literature

In this chapter, the researcher attempts to present the literature review of the relevant
research works d7one by researchers in the area of customer buying behavior. The literature
review is presented with the sole objectives of identifying the research gap to validate
undertaking the present research work by the researcher.

Consumer behavior refers to the selection, purchase and consumption of goods and services
by the consumer for the satisfaction of their wants. There are different processes involved in
the consumer behavior. Initially the consumer tries to find what types of laptops he/she
would like to consume, then he selects only those laptops that promise greater utility. After
selecting the laptop, the consumer makes an estimate of the available money, which he can
spend. Lastly, the consumer analyzes the prevailing prices of the laptop and takes the
decision about the laptop he should consume. Meanwhile, there are various other factor
influencing the purchase of consumers such as social, cultural, personal and psychological

Consumers develop their purchasing behavior with an intention, which is motivated by

various factors, when it comes to non- durable goods the consumer usually purchases based
on loyalty towards the product, whereas, when compared to the durable goods, it becomes a
process which involves various process like attitude, subjective norms and perceived
behavior controls. This report starts with the conceptual background of the purchasing
behavior of the consumers.
History of laptop computers

It is little hard to determine what was the first portable or laptop computers. The first portable
computers did not look like the book-sized and folding laptops that we are familiar with
today, however, they were both portable and lapsable, and lead to the development of
notebook style laptops.

The first laptop

Designed in 1979 by a Briton, William Muggeridge, for Grid System Corporation, the Grid
compass was one-fifth the weight of any model equivalent in performance and was used by
NASA on the space shuttle program in the early 1980's. A 340k byte bubble memory laptop
computer with die cast magnesium cast and folding electroluminescent graphics display

Gavin computers: as the first laptop

Many Fernandez had the idea for a well- designed laptop for executives who were starting
to use computer. Fernandez, who started Gavial’s computer, promoted his machines as the
first "laptop" computers in May 1983. Many historians consider the gavials as the first fully
functional laptop computers.

The first laptop computer- Osborne 1

The computer considered by most historians to be the first true portable computer was the
Osborne 1. Adam Osborne, an ex-book publisher founded Osborne Computer and produced
the Osborne 1 in 1981, a portable computer that weighted24 pounds and cost $ 1795.

Market leaders for laptop

When buying a laptop, it's a good idea to have some knowledge of the laptop brands. From
humble beginnings in the 1980's, the India laptop market has expanded in leaps and bounds
in recent years, and now includes all the major brands. Dell and HP dominate the market,
but Sony VAIO is the fastest growing laptop brand. Here's an overview of the laptop brands
and how they compare to each other.

Acer: Acer is a Taiwanese electronic manufacture. Acer's laptops are popular because
they're cheaper than many other laptop brands but still offer a lot of features and impressive
configurations. In fact, Acer laptops can be seen as offering the same features as HP laptops,
but at a lower price. As a result, Acer represents good value for money particularly as far as
budget laptops are concerned. Of course, build quality is lacking compared to the more costly
brands. It is desirable to take a long warranty.

ASUS: Another popular "value for money" Taiwanese brand in India, ASUS laptops are
amongst the cheapest on the market. They are also amongst the most innovative. The
company was known in for its motherboards. ASUS laptops are regarded as being much
better designed then Acers. ASUS uses cutting edge technology, which is most apparent in
its netbook and ultra- portable ranges. Gaming laptops are another of the company's strong
points. And ASUS laptops are surprisingly reliable!

DELL: Dell offers great quality, innovative and highly customizable products that have a
lot of visual appeal. We can choose the color and configuration that we want, and do it all
online. This online ordering process is convenient and enables Dell to keep price low, as
overhead costs are reduced. On the down side: reliability can be an issue.

HCL: HCL is an Indian laptop that's been established in the IT market for over three
decades. The company focuses on producing portable laptops that are amongst the slimmest
on the market. Designers are colorful and attractive, readily customizable, and pricing is
aimed at the budget conscious. After- sales service can be a concern though.

Lenovo: Lenovo is a Chinese-based computer giant, Lenovo, purchased IBM's PC business

in late 2004. As IBM was the first computer company from India, who gave Lenovo an
excellent entry point into the growing in market. The company quickly point about
leveraging IBM'S ThinkPad brand before adding its own products. These products largely
focus on functionality and reliability. Expect powerful configurations and very durable
Samsung: Samsung, although a well-known electrical appliance is a relatively small and
new entrant into the laptop market in India. Samsung started selling laptops in late 2008.
Recently, the brand has been gaining recognition and growing in popularity. The design of
Samsung laptops is not the most inspiring, but this laptops trend to perform well and are
reasonably priced.

Sony: Sony is a premium laptop brand that established its presence in India in 1994. The
company has many local followers who appreciate its unique quality and technology. It's hot
selling and stylish VAIO range is a favorite with the fashion conscious. The screens on Sony
laptops are particularly well designed.

Toshiba: Toshiba is a Japanese laptop brand, one of the oldest players in the global IT
market, set up its Indian subsidiary in 2002. The company is known for making laptops that
combine maximum functionality and quality. Its products are extensively tested and notably
reliable. Toshiba excels in notebook, ultra-portables (comparable to ASUS but with less
battery life), and gaming laptops. Yet, its mainstream laptops are also of a high Stages in
Customer decision making process while buying laptop:

An individual who purchases products and services from the market for his/her own

Personal consumption is called as consumer.

To understand the complete process of consumer decision making, let us first go through the
following examples:

Hari went to a nearby retail store to buy a laptop for herself. The store manager showed her
all the latest models and after few rounds of negotiations, Hari immediately selected one for

In the above example, Hari is a consumer and the laptop is the product which Hari wanted
to purchase for her end-use.

Why do you think Hari went to the nearby store to purchase a new laptop?

The answer is very simple. She wanted a laptop for her personal use and if there is any defect
she could change and repair at any time so she went to the nearby store to purchase a new

1.7 Scope of the study

The present study is contained to Pokhara city and it is decided as to consider different laptop
brands like Lenovo, Sony, Dell, LG, Samsung, HP, Apple etc. rendered to the customer and
this all brand are available in Pokhara. The main objectives of this study is to analyze the
consumer behavior during taking new 1

1.8 Sampling

A sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from the sampling frame. A
decision is to be taking concerning unit before selecting samples. Certain respondent were
taken for the study.

For this project, I followed random sampling method. In this method sample, units are
selected as random. From random sampling method, I select area-sampling method. Area
sampling is a form of stratified sampling. In this case, the stratification is based on the
criterion of locations. This method selects the sample units in several stages. At each stage
a series of intermediary geographical blocks are randomly selected. It is from within these
blocks, that the sample units are then selected at random.

1.9 Data Collection

For achieving the specific objectives of the study, data were gathered from both primary and
secondary data sources.

• Primary data sources: It involves direct conversation with the respondents.

• Secondary data sources: It includes various news, letters, books, journals, internet

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