10.8, 9, 11, 12 преведено

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8 Technology level
In which way does the planned investment reflect the technological level of partnering
enterprises and how will it assist to address labour market needs?
Nivo tehnologije / na koji način planirane investicije oslikavaju tehnički nivo partnerskih
preduzeća I kako će to pomoći da se identifikuju potrebe tržišta rada?
Since modern business is characterized by extremely fast development of technique and
technology, in order to assure that students after graduation (which according to the program
lasts three years), are competitive in the market in terms of readiness to use modern equipment,
resources, tools in different companies; this project will finance the procurement of modern
equipment (will be monitoring electronic production and supply on the market and in accordance
with the financial framework of the project procurement will be planned).

From the previous cooperation with companies, we are familiar with the level of technology they
apply in stores and in the organization of work, so we took this into account when drafting the
procurement proposal for the necessary cabinet equipment.

10.9. Innovation
In which way does the project contribute to innovation and possibly technology transfer
and promotes digitization or digitalization?
Na koji način projekat doprinosi inovacijama I mogućem transferu tehnologije I
promovisanju digitalizacije?
By using modern equipment financed by the project, students will have the opportunity to
practice work operations that will be applied in a real random environment, learning through
work, and after completion of schooling - at employment. If the equipment were more modern
than the equipment in companies, trained students and teachers could transfer their knowledge to
employees in companies (organizing trainings, workshops). Also, if the companies have  more
modern equipment than the school at their disposal, there will inevitably be a transfer of
knowledge regarding  the use of modern techniques and technologies. This will result in an
overall improvement in digital competence of students, teachers, employees in companies. That
is why the existence of a consortium and the continuous improvement of cooperative relations in
it is of great importance.

10.11 Maintenance
Describe the current maintenance concept at the VTIs and how maintenance of the
proposed investment will be ensured, including the required budget.
During the conceptual design of the project, sustainability was taken into account,  the results of the 
project activities continue to exist and function even after the completion of funding by
RCFs and  will develop continuously over the long term. Equipment and new space will be used not only
by students who are studying for the educational profile of a trader, but also by students of others
educational profiles (arranger in trade, trade technician, commercialist) for the realization of exercises of
professional subjects and for the realization of practical classes. After the completion of the project,
trainings will be held trainings continue. Cooperation with other schools that have the same educational
profiles will be promoted, so that the idea of the need to modernize teaching and learning will spread. As
a school with innovative way of working in the field of trade, would be a model and as such would help
sharing our experience in this project to include others in applying for the same or other projects aimed at
improvement vocational education.

10.12 Integration
In which way will practical in-company training in enterprises be integrated with the
classroom/VTI-based learning?
Integracija – na koji način će praktična obuka – unutar kompanija biti integrisana sa
učenjem u školi/učionicama?

The basic connection between practical training in companies and at school is achieved by the
implementation plan learning through work. The plan for the realization of learning through
work is a document that contains a description of activities, place and dynamics of realization of
learning through work. This plan is created jointly by the school and the employers, respectively
work learning coordinator and instructor, and serves to plan learning through work in the
company. Plan realization is an integral part of the contract between the employer and the school
and between the employer and parents / students and is an integral part of the school's annual
work plan.

In school conditions, students should be provided with the opportunity to acquire knowledge and
skills that they may not have the opportunity to acquire in companies where they realize learning
through work because each company has its own business concept, hence the need for funds
from the project because it is the main goal to enable students to adapt to different business
conditions in the field shops. By joining companies, students acquire specialized / specific
knowledge and skills characteristic of the form of sales and the way of organizing work in these
companies and that is why necessary to gain broader knowledge in school. By modernizing
classrooms as it is stated in the project the school will be able to implement these changes.

This implies continuous cooperation of companies and schools in terms of information

exchange experiences in training as well as working with students.

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