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3.0 Introduction
This chapter presents the methodology which will be used in this study. The chapter is divided
into several sub-sections, including the research design, sampling procedures, and the sample
size. The data collection methods which will be explained in the chapter include methods of data
collection, processing, and analysis. This chapter is important because it is the part which shows
how the study was systematically conducted to collect enough data and analyze them.
3.1 Research Approach
This research will use a mixed-methods approach whereby both quantitative and qualitative
research approaches will be used. The quantitative data will be obtained through a questionnaire
that will be distributed to 60 respondents while the qualitative data will be obtained through
interviews with 12 informants.
3.2 Research Design
Research design is the arrangement of conditions for the collection and analysis of data in a
manner that aims at combining relevance of the research purpose with the economy in a
procedure (Kothari, 2014). In simple terms, it is a framework or blueprint that indicates what
data are to be collected, how they would be collected and how they would be analyzed and
presented. This study used the cross-sectional research design whereby data will be collected
only once. This study design was selected because it is advantageous in the sense that it is time
saving and less expensive because data are collected only once.
3.3 The Location of Study
This study will be conducted at Kisarawe District Council which is among five (5) councils of
Dar es salaam Region. The study will be conducted at Kisarawe District Council specifically at
Kibuta ward because the areas has the TASAF projects and there are several beneficiaries of
TASAF at Kibuta ward. Therefore, the data on the role of TASAF project will be easy to be
obtained at Kibuta ward.
3.4 Population and Sampling
3.4.1Target Population
A target population can be defined as a group of individuals or participants with the specific
attributes of interest and relevance (Asiamah, 2017). The target population for this study is both
males and females‟ individuals of Matufa Village of Magugu Ward. This is because these people
are directly affected by the TASAF project.
3.4.2 Sample Size
The study will involve 60 TASAF beneficiaries who will fill a questionnaire and 12 informants
who will be the TASAF coordinators and TASAF committee members. These will be
interviewed and their selection will be depended on saturation. Thus, saturation will be reached
at 12 informants. Guest (2006) supports such a selection with an argument that a saturation point
often occurs around 12 participants in a homogeneous group. Also, 60 respondents will
purposively be obtained from the people who are not directly receiving any assistance from
TASAF project. The study will use only 60 respondents because it will also involve 12
informants which reaches saturation point as suggested by Guest (2006).

3.4.3 Sampling Methods

Purposive sampling will be used to select 12 respondents from among TASAF
coordinators/committee members at the Village, while the same purposive sampling will be used
to get 60 respondents from the Villagers of Kibuta ward.
3.5 Data Collection Methods and Tools
Different methods of data collection will be used in collecting data from the field to ensure the
validity and reliability of data.
3.5.1 Interview Method
This is the method of data collection which involves talking or verbal communication between
the researcher and the respondents/interviewees. Under this study, 12 key informants from
TASAF who will be the coordinators/committee members will be interviewed to get data from
them on the role of TASAF in improving social services and finally reduction of rural poverty.
The interview method will be used because it helps in getting deeper information and it doesn’t
need long preparations, like printing materials like questions.
3.5.2 Survey Method/Questionnaire
The survey method of data collection with questionnaire tools involves preparation of formal list
of questions to be felt in by respondents. Under this method, 60 respondents will be given written
questions about the study with much consideration on the research title and will be told
instructions to fill in answers to each question. The questionnaire will consist of close-ended
questions. The method will be selected to be used because it can easily collect data to a large
number of respondents within a short period of time.
3.6 Unit of Analysis
The unit of analysis can be defined as the “entity that is being analyzed in social or scientific
research”, Examples of unit of analysis can be individuals, institutions and organizations. For the
case of this study, unit of analysis will be individuals from Kibuta Ward in Kisarawe District
3.7 Data Analysis
According to Kothari (2014), data analysis is the process of changing the collected data into
sensible ideas or manageable groups. It is the process of summarizing and organizing the
collected data in good manner/way. In this study, data will be analyzed both qualitatively and
3.8.1 Quantitative Data Analysis
The data from the questionnaire will be coded and analyzed by using the Statistical Package for
the Social Science (SPSS), version 25. The descriptive statistics will be developed from the
analysis. These included the frequency, percentage and tabulation.
3.9.2 Qualitative Data Analysis
In this study, qualitative data analysis will be achieved through content analysis. Content
analysis is a research tool that will be used to determine the presence of certain words, or
concepts within texts or sets of texts working though many text passage and analysis of
frequencies. The information will be collected through interviews on the role of TASAF project
on rural poverty reduction in relation to social services improvement at Kibuta Ward will be
qualitatively analyzed.
3.10 Reliability and Validity
The validity of this study will be ensured through carefully constructing the research tools that
will be reflected the demand of the research objectives. The tool will be peer reviewed before be
submitted to the supervisor for further review. A pilot study will be made at Kibuta District Head
Office whereby 10 employees will be requested to fill in the questionnaires to ensure that the
tools produce the data intended. This pilot study will provide the really picture of the efficiency
of the designed methods and tools for the study which later will come up with recommendations
that will be useful in improving the tools for obtaining accurate information during conducting
the study. As for the reliability of the study. A sufficient sample will be drawn to inform the
actual beneficiaries of the TASAF project to generate sufficient data. The use of two different
data collection methods also will help to triangulate the information. Kiswahili, which is a
common language of the participants, will be used to ensure that the participants understand
what is asked and respond in the language they understand. The selection of the real beneficiaries
of the project ensures reliability in the study because they will provide genuine information
required in the study. In writing this report, the researcher will remain very objective by
reporting and interpreting from the data as they will be obtained from the field.
3.11 Ethical Considerations
Grady (2010) defines ethics as the morals or values of behavior which distinguishes what is
wrong and what is right. Thus, in this study all important ethical issues will be considered during
data collection and after study. Among the issues included :Before commencing this study
especially data collection, the researcher will apply for the ethical clearance from the University
of Iringa directorate of research and publication then research permit from the office of Vice
Chancellor. After research clearance from the University of Iringa, the researcher will obtain
permission from Regional Administrative Secretary in Dar es salaam Region and the District
Executive Director (DED) in Kisalawe District Council to collect data. All these procedures will
be aimed at formally introducing the researcher to the area of study so as to be safe during his
study as well as accessing the necessary support that will be required for his study. Informed
consent will be obtained from each respondent verbally meaning that it was not a written
informed consent but oral informed consent. The oral informed consent will be used be to serve
time and it will be easy for the researcher to clearly explain the purpose of the study to the
respondents for them to decide to participate in the study they will have a freedom to decide.
Also, the respondents will be told about their right to withdraw any time during the study if they
will find no reasons to proceed. The context of the study will be prepared to ensure
comfortability of both sides during this study. Confidentiality will also be highly observed. The
respondents will be ensured about confidentiality of their provided information and assured that
they will not be recognized as the researcher will plan not to use their real names. Also, the
interviews will be arranged in the sense that information will be provided from each respondent
to remain confidential during and after study. For the case of safety and security, the respondents
will be assured of presence of all measures necessary for their total safety. This will include
presence of required permits of the researcher to conduct the study which will protect both sides
the researcher and the respondents. On the other side health safety measures will be taken in
order to protect both sides against the infectious diseases like Corona Virus (COVID-19) through
observing and following health safety guidelines provided by the Ministry of Health of Tanzania
and related institutions like World Health Organization (WHO).
3.12 Limitation of the study
This study will be accomplished in presence of various obstacles which made this study difficult
in making it complete. Firstly, there was shortage of time, the researcher worked hard to make
sure that the study was completed within the given time. This limitations could not stop the
process of the study but just made the study more pressurizing and was completed successfully.
Financial challenge, this was another limitation because the researcher was self-financing and
different research process needed a lot of financial resources. There was transportation expenses
and printing expenses all these were covered by the researcher.

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