Choice 1

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Choice 1:

Respect their decision and stop schooling Consequence: By obeying my parents' wishes,

I might disappoint myself and miss out on further education and opportunities for personal

growth. It could limit my career prospects and potential earning potential in the long run.

Choice 2:

Discuss and negotiate with my parents Consequence: By engaging in a constructive

conversation with my parents, I might be able to present my case for continuing education

and explain the importance of further studies. They may reconsider their decision and allow

me to pursue higher education. However, there is also a possibility that they remain firm in

their stance.

Choice 3:

Seek advice from a trusted mentor or counselor Consequence: Reaching out to a

mentor or counselor could provide me with valuable guidance and support. They might help

me navigate the situation by providing insights, alternative perspectives, or even mediating a

discussion between my parents and me. This could potentially lead to a better understanding

and resolution.

Choice 4:

Explore alternative educational options Consequence: If my parents are unwilling to

allow me to pursue traditional higher education, I could consider exploring alternative paths

such as vocational training, online courses, or part-time studies. While these options may not

provide the same level of academic qualifications, they can still offer valuable skills and

knowledge to enhance my career prospects.

Choice 5:

Plan for financial independence and self-sufficiency Consequence: If my parents'

decision is driven by financial concerns, I could focus on building my financial independence

by finding employment or starting a small business. This would allow me to support myself

while continuing my education part-time or in the future when I have the means to do so.

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