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Susumu Noda Vol. 27, No. 11 / November 2010 / J. Opt. Soc. Am.

B B1

Photonic crystal lasers—ultimate nanolasers

and broad-area coherent lasers [Invited]

Susumu Noda
Department of Electronic Science and Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto 615-8510, Japan

Received July 2, 2010; accepted July 23, 2010;

posted August 9, 2010 (Doc. ID 131051); published October 1, 2010
Photonic crystals in which the refractive index changes periodically provide an exciting tool for the manipu-
lation of photons and have seen substantial progress in recent years. In this article, we discuss two topics re-
garding photonic crystal lasers: (i) ultimate nanolasers based on the photonic bandgap effect and high-Q nano-
cavities, and (ii) broad-area photonic crystal lasers based on the photonic bandedge effect. © 2010 Optical
Society of America
OCIS codes: 230.5298, 250.7270, 350.4238.


Photonic crystals are optical nanostructures with refrac- Semiconductor lasers typically suffer from unnecessary
tive indices that vary periodically, and are characterized spontaneous emission before the laser oscillation starts.
by a photonic bandgap in terms of the energy of photons. This degrades the laser characteristics, for example giv-
Light with wavelengths that lie in the photonic bandgap ing rise to an increased lasing threshold and noise. There-
cannot exist in the crystal, giving rise to completely dif- fore, the possibility of realizing a semiconductor laser in
ferent optical phenomena than in free space. These char- which the threshold is ultimately minimized (the so-
acteristics enable various interesting methods of optical called thresholdless laser) by eliminating spontaneous
control including materials from which light emission is emission as far as possible is attracting attention as one
inhibited [1–5], trapping of photons at a microscopic type of the ultimate semiconductor laser. The develop-
point-defect (known as a photonic nanocavity) [6–9], real- ment of photonic crystal nanocavities and their integra-
ization of nanolasers [10–12], and key elements for quan- tion with quantum dots are accelerating research activi-
tum information processing [13–15]. It is also expected ties that aim to achieve such ultimate lasers. In the
that photonic crystals can be designed to allow the dy- following subsection we discuss the current status of this
namic control of optical nanocavities [16] and the control area of nanolaser research.
of the dispersion characteristics of waveguides [17,18],
which may enable the propagation of light to be slowed
down to the limit and ultimately halted. The attractive
potential of photonic crystals includes use of the standing A. Towards Realizing Ultimate Nanolasers
wave state at the bandedge, where the group velocity be- The spontaneous emission from a semiconductor laser oc-
comes zero, in order to realize broad-area coherent laser curs due to interactions between the resonant and leak-
operation [19–23]. These characteristics ensure that pho- age modes in the laser cavity with the gain medium.
Among these many optical modes, one of the resonant
tonic crystals are currently attracting much attention.
modes undergoes a transition to a laser oscillation,
The first half of this paper introduces research activi-
whereas the other modes generate unnecessary spontane-
ties that are geared toward realizing the ultimate nano-
ous emission that degrades the laser characteristics. The
laser [12] using the photonic bandgap effect. Important
following three requirements should thus be addressed in
aspects of this effort are in the achievement of spontane-
order to minimize spontaneous emission and to realize a
ous emission suppression and strong optical confinement
thresholdless laser:
using a photonic nanocavity. During the process for this
goal, interesting phenomena that can be classified as (i) elimination, as far as possible, of unnecessary opti-
quantum anti-Zeno effects [24] have been observed [14]. cal modes from the region of the photonic crystal where
The second half of the paper focuses on the current lasing occurs;
state of research in the field of broad-area coherent pho- (ii) utilization of a single-cavity mode with a suffi-
tonic crystal lasers using the bandedge effect [19,20], ciently high Q factor and small loss as a laser mode, the
which occupies a position opposite to that of nanolasers modal volume of which should also be as small as possible
discussed above. The main characteristics of these lasers in order to maximize the interaction with the gain me-
will be discussed, including their high-power operation, dium;
the generation of tailored beam patterns, and surface- (iii) coupling of the gain medium only with the single
emitting laser operation in the blue–violet region. optical mode described in (ii).

0740-3224/10/1100B1-8/$15.00 © 2010 Optical Society of America

B2 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B / Vol. 27, No. 11 / November 2010 Susumu Noda

Regarding requirement (i), where modes other than the

lasing mode eventually generate unnecessary spontane-
ous emission, progress in photonic crystal research is
making it possible to minimize these unnecessary modes.
It has been demonstrated both theoretically and experi-
mentally that the 2D photonic crystal slab structure
shown in Fig. 1, which enables pseudo-3D optical control,
eliminates optical modes on the surface [4,5,25], leading
to the suppression of 94% of the unnecessary spontaneous
emission [26].
Requirement (ii) can be addressed by introducing a
point defect, which can be envisaged as a disturbance in
the periodic structure, in the middle of the 2D photonic
crystal slab; this leads to the formation of a microscopic Fig. 2. Conceptual method for increasing the Q factor of a pho-
single photonic mode (photonic nanocavity) with a modal tonic crystal optical nanocavity. A slight shift of the lattice points
volume V. If the Q factor of this mode is sufficiently large, at the ends of a point defect that is formed by the removal of
three linearly adjacent lattice points in a 2D, circular-hole,
its associated emission rate can be increased due to the triangular-lattice photonic crystal greatly increases the Q factor.
so-called Purcell effect, which enhances the emission rate
by a factor of Q / V. This increases the average number of fabrication of photonic crystals and thereby restricting
photons in the cavity at the same excitation level, thereby the coupling of the gain medium to the lasing mode. Fur-
reducing the lasing threshold (on the condition that the thermore, because quantum dots become transparent
average number of photons exceeds one). The large Q / V above a very weak level of excitation, only limited lower-
also contributes to making the lasing operation appear ing of the cavity Q factor occurs due to optical absorption
thresholdless, because the emission rate for the nanocav- by the quantum dots before lasing, which would other-
ity mode becomes much larger than the emission rate as- wise inhibit the enhanced emission effect described above.
sociated with the spontaneous emission that cannot be Quantum dots are thus expected to be effective in lower-
completely eliminated by photonic crystal design consid- ing the threshold of the laser. However, quantum dots
erations, as described above. Therefore, it is essential with the best characteristics are currently fabricated us-
to increase the Q factor of the optical nanocavity. ing a self-formation method, which takes advantage of
Dramatic progress in this area has recently been lattice mismatch introduced during crystal growth [29]
achieved; a Q factor of 50,000 has been demonstrated by and inevitably yields dots with random geometries and
shifting the air holes at the edges of the cavity (see Fig. 2) exciton resonance wavelengths. A quantum dot is ex-
[7]. Furthermore, a Q factor in excess of 2 ⫻ 106 [5,27] has pected to contribute to thresholdless operation only if the
recently been attained by introducing a photonic hetero- exciton resonance wavelength is the same as that of the
structure [8,9]. resonant wavelength of the nanocavity, and when the po-
Focusing now on requirement (iii), the most suitable sition is located where the electric field of the nanocavity
gain medium that can be introduced into an optical nano- is strongest. When these conditions are not met, there is a
cavity is the quantum dot [28,29]. Quantum dots enable concern that a quantum dot may make thresholdless op-
3D carrier confinement, avoiding the effects of non- eration even more difficult by inhibiting the Purcell effect.
radiative centers that are inevitably introduced in the Although recent developments in fabrication technologies
are beginning to realize systems in which a single quan-
tum dot and photonic nanocavity are aligned under the
condition of low quantum dot density [30], the Purcell ef-
fect is still inhibited when the wavelengths of the quan-
tum dot and the nanocavity do not match. Precise tuning
between the two thus seems essential. However, a phe-
nomenon that is contrary to intuition has very recently
been reported, wherein an optical nanocavity mode gen-
erates strong emission despite large detuning between
the resonant mode of the nanocavity and the exciton reso-
nance wavelength of the quantum dot [11,14]. The expla-
nation of this new emission mechanism is generating de-
bate and will be discussed in the following subsection
[24,31–33]. This mechanism significantly relaxes the re-
quirement for precise wavelength tuning and is accelerat-
Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of 2D photonic crystal slab struc- ing progress toward the realization of an ultimate nano-
ture. The 2D photonic bandgap effect occurring in the plane of a laser [11,34].
slab with a periodic structure inhibits the existence of slab modes
that are confined in the slab. A large difference in refractive in- B. Quantum Anti-Zeno Effect in a Nanocavity
dex at the air/semiconductor interface strongly confines light in
the up/down direction, which inhibits most of the slab modes and and Quantum Dot System
allows the existence of only a few leakage modes. As a result, Figure 3 schematically illustrates the emission mecha-
more than 94% of spontaneous emission is suppressed. nism for a system comprised of a photonic nanocavity and
Susumu Noda Vol. 27, No. 11 / November 2010 / J. Opt. Soc. Am. B B3

match. However, no emission from the optical nanocavity

occurs when the energies do not match, in accordance
with the intuition expressed in Subsection 2.A. However,
because in reality the quantum dots are buried in the
semiconductor matrix, a phase disturbance process is
caused by factors such as surrounding electron systems
and phonons that are not associated with the quantum
dots themselves. This process is a pure phase relaxation,
and when introduced in the model, it becomes apparent
that strong emission can be generated from the nanocav-
ity even when there is detuning in the energies (Fig. 4(b)).
Here, the pure phase relaxation process refers to a relax-
ation only in the non-diagonal terms of the so-called den-
sity matrix, which corresponds to a disturbance process
Fig. 3. Analytical model for integrating a 2D photonic crystal
where only the phases of dipoles in the electron system in-
optical nanocavity and a quantum dot. teract with the surrounding environment. When the de-
gree of pure phase relaxation is increased, as shown in
quantum dot. In this model, the optical nanocavity and Fig. 4(c), emission from the nanocavity becomes ex-
the two-level electron system interact with one another, tremely strong. This result strongly suggests that pure
eventually dissipating into free space. Two dissipation phase relaxation provides the dominant contribution to
processes are considered in this model: a process where emission from the cavity when the cavity and electron
the two-level electron system directly relaxes, emitting system energies do not match. This is an example of a
photons to free space, and a process where photons are general physical phenomenon known as the anti-Zeno ef-
first emitted to the nanocavity before relaxation to free fect, which is opposite to the well-known quantum Zeno
space. An emission spectrum can be calculated by evalu- effect. In the quantum Zeno effect, observation or deco-
ating the time evolution of the entire system using the herence inhibits changes of state, whereas in the anti-
master equation and assuming an initial state where only Zeno effect, observation or decoherence promotes changes
the two-level electron system is excited. We carried out of state. A possible explanation specific to this system is
this calculation as a function of the energy difference be- that the energy of the electron system is slightly broad-
tween the two-level electron system and the nanocavity, ened by the effects of either pure phase relaxation or de-
the results of which are presented in Fig. 4(a). An emis- coherence; the trailing edge of the electron system energy
sion peak is observed at the cavity energy when the ener- distribution then coincides with the energy of the cavity
gies of the electron system and photonic nanocavity mode, enabling emission from cavities whose energies are
detuned from that of the electron system. However, the
calculation results in Figs. 4(b) and 4(c) suggest that the
broadening of the electron system energy is extremely
small, and it does not appear that the trailing edge of the
energy distribution overlaps with the energy of the cavity.
Emission from the cavity is thus counter-intuitive, which
led us to investigate further why strong emission is pos-
sible for cavities whose energies are far from that of the
electron system. It turns out that this phenomenon is spe-
cific to a system comprising an optical nanocavity and
quantum dots. This finding is based on the following ef-
fects: (a) the photonic bandgap effect significantly inhibits
emission relaxation processes in which the electron sys-
tem couples into leakage modes; (b) the Purcell effect is
strongly suppressed due to the detuning effect. Thus the
path by which the electron system forces the nanocavity
to oscillate in order to relax to free space is strongly sup-
pressed. So even when the energies of the electron system
and cavity are detuned, energy is transferred through the
trailing edge of the broadening of the cavity energy and
then emitted to free space. This represents the major re-
laxation process and as a result, strong emission is ob-
served at the cavity energy. This also implies that the con-
ditions regarding wavelength detuning are significantly
relaxed when quantum dots are used as the gain medium
Fig. 4. Emission spectra of integrated 2D photonic crystal opti- in an optical nanocavity, making the realization of a
cal nanocavity and quantum dot systems. QD indicates emission
peaks from the quantum dots, and Cav indicates emission peaks thresholdless laser more viable. Further discussion of this
from the nanocavity. Spectra are shown for (a) no pure phase re- issue can be found in [24,31]. These results provide a di-
laxation, (b) pure phase relaxation rate= 33 ␮eV, and 共c兲 94 ␮eV. rection for future research into coupled quantum dot and
B4 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B / Vol. 27, No. 11 / November 2010 Susumu Noda

nanocavity systems and are particularly important for

the eventual realization of devices such as nanolasers.


Whereas interactions between photons and electrons in
nanocavities were discussed in the previous section, we
now focus on the opposite situation: extremely large-area
coherent laser oscillation.
It is well known that semiconductor distributed feed-
back lasers possess a 1D lattice, and that the forward-
propagating wave undergoes Bragg reflection due to this Fig. 5. Schematic picture of a broad-area coherent operation
grating, being diffracted to the opposite direction. The re- photonic crystal laser based on the bandedge effect.
sulting forward- and backward-propagating waves couple
with each other to generate a standing wave, forming a is Bragg diffracted to the opposite 共−180° 兲 direction, as
cavity. This is equivalent to the fact that in a 1D photonic well as to the −90° and 90° directions; the four equivalent
crystal the cavity loss is smallest at the bandedges, which light waves propagating in the ⌫ − X direction then couple
are at both ends of the photonic bandgap, giving rise to a to form a 2D cavity. Figure 6(a) shows the photonic band
state that causes oscillation. When this idea is extended structure of this cavity. The lasing mode occurs at the
to photonic crystals with 2D gratings, one can make use of bandedges indicated by the small dots (in the center) at
the coupling of optical waves due to Bragg reflection the ⌫-points of the four bands A, B, C and D. Detailed
within the 2D plane in order to form a standing wave analysis indicates that the bandedge in band A yields the
state that covers the entire surface of the plane [19]. As a highest Q factor, and that lasing oscillation most readily
result, it becomes possible to obtain an oscillation mode occurs there [37,38].
with an electromagnetic field distribution that is perfectly Figure 6(b) shows the measured band structure of a
defined at each grating point in the 2D crystal. The opti- fabricated device based on the semiconductor GaAs,
cal output can be diffracted in the direction perpendicular which is in good agreement with the calculated band
to the plane of the crystal, thus realizing a surface- structure in Fig. 6(a). Figure 7 shows the near-field pat-
emitting characteristic. Two-dimensional photonic crys- tern measured when the device was lasing, as well as las-
tals hence enable the construction of surface-emitting la- ing spectra at various points. Despite the large lasing
sers in which not only the longitudinal mode of lasing is area of 150 ␮m ⫻ 150 ␮m, single-wavelength operation
defined, but also the beam pattern, usually referred to as was achieved across the device. Comparison between the
the transverse mode. Furthermore, it becomes possible to measured lasing wavelength and the band structure in
realize a novel laser that oscillates in a single longitudi- Fig. 6(b) confirmed that the lasing oscillation occurred at
nal and transverse mode, no matter how large the surface the ⌫-point of band A as theoretically predicted, demon-
area is, which goes quite beyond a conventional concept in strating that this device indeed operates at the bandedges
the field of laser research. of the 2D photonic band structure, and that large-area
The first semiconductor laser to be based on this prin- single-mode operation is possible.
ciple was realized in 1999 [19]. Since then, in addition to
the demonstration of room-temperature continuous lasing B. Beam Pattern Control by Designing Lattice Points
[35], it has been shown that 2D photonic crystals can gen- The pattern of the surface-emitted beam from a photonic
erate beams with controlled polarization [21] and pat- crystal laser can be determined by the Fourier transfor-
terns [22]; for example, a doughnut-shaped beam can be mation of its 2D electromagnetic distribution. This im-
formed, which is expected to be focusable to sizes smaller plies that the beam pattern can be tailored by varying the
than the wavelength [36]. Another notable recent devel- electromagnetic distribution in the 2D plane, that is, by
opment using this principle is the realization of a current- changing the coupling state of the light that propagates in
injection-type blue–violet region surface-emitting laser
[17]. We discuss the current state of the art in the follow-
ing subsections.

A. Broad-Area Coherent Operation

Figure 5 shows an example of a laser based on the 2D
photonic crystal bandedge effect. This laser consists of
two wafers, A and B; wafer A includes an active layer for
the injection of electrons and holes with a photonic crystal
as the upper-most layer. The integration of wafers A and
B results in the photonic crystal being sandwiched to com-
plete the device. As shown in the inset of Fig. 5, this pho-
tonic crystal has a square lattice structure and is de-
Fig. 6. Band diagram of the photonic crystal laser shown in Fig.
signed such that the periodicity in the ⌫-X direction 5. (a) Theoretical photonic band structure. The resonant mode is
matches the emission wavelength in the active layer. In formed at the bandedges, indicated by the dots in the center. (b)
this design, light propagating in a certain ⌫ − X direction Measured band structure.
Susumu Noda Vol. 27, No. 11 / November 2010 / J. Opt. Soc. Am. B B5

Fig. 7. Near-field pattern of the photonic crystal laser shown in Fig. 5, measured while the device was lasing. Lasing spectra at various
points are shown.
various directions in the 2D plane. One effective method shown in Figs. 9(a)–9(f). All of these devices exhibited las-
of achieving this is to vary the shape and spacing of the ing oscillation at room temperature with a stable single
lattice points in the photonic crystal. Figures 8(a) and 8(b) mode. The right-hand panels of Figs. 9(a)–9(f) show the
show the electromagnetic field distribution in the unit lat- corresponding measured beam patterns. An interesting
tice of a crystal when the holes placed at the lattice points array of patterns was obtained ranging from a single
are circles and equilateral triangles, respectively. Chang- doughnut shape to twofold doughnut, fourfold doughnut,
ing the shape of the holes from circular to triangular re- and regular circular shapes. The beam divergence was ex-
moves the fourfold rotational symmetry in the electro- tremely narrow, reflecting the fact that these are large-
magnetic field distribution; there is no symmetry in the area coherent laser oscillations.
x-direction for triangular holes. Figures 8(c)–8(g) show The various beam patterns can be explained as follows.
the electromagnetic field distributions over the entire First, the device in Fig. 9(a) has regular circular holes,
crystal in cases where shifts of the lattice points were in- and the corresponding electromagnetic field distribution
troduced in order to increase the lattice spacing in either exhibits well-defined rotational symmetry as shown in
the longitudinal or transverse directions. Figure 8(c) rep- Fig. 8(a). When the laser light corresponding to this elec-
resents the case with no shift, while Figs. 8(d)–8(g) repre- tromagnetic field distribution is output to free space, the
sent increasing numbers of shifts. It is apparent that electromagnetic field at the center of the beam cancels out
shifting the lattice spacing reverses the polarity of the to yield a doughnut-shaped beam. When a shift of the lat-
electromagnetic field distribution at the position of the tice period is introduced, as shown in Fig. 9(b), a polarity
shift. Further increasing the number of shifts repeats the (⫹ and ⫺) reversal of the electromagnetic field distribu-
reversal of the electromagnetic field. It is clear that the tion occurs at the location of the shift, as shown in Fig.
electromagnetic field distribution in the plane can be con- 8(d). This changes the nature of the interference of the
trolled in various ways by appropriate design of the pho- light emitted to free space, yielding two doughnut beams.
tonic crystal. As the number of lattice shifts is increased, changes in
Based on the above considerations, we fabricated de- the interference conditions are repeated, yielding a vari-
vices with various different photonic crystal structures, as ety of other doughnut-shaped beams as shown in Figs.
B6 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B / Vol. 27, No. 11 / November 2010 Susumu Noda

Fig. 8. Electromagnetic field distribution in various photonic

crystal lasers. Black arrows represent the electric field, and
shading indicates the magnetic field in the direction perpendicu- Fig. 10. (a). Example of polarized doughnut beam from a pho-
lar to the paper. Field distributions around the lattice points are tonic crystal laser, and schematic picture of the focusing method.
shown for (a) circular lattice points and (b) triangular lattice (b)–(d) Optical trapping of a tungsten particle using a doughnut-
points. Field distributions over the entire crystal are shown for shaped focal point. The particle was firmly held at the focal point
circular lattice points with (c) no phase shift, (d) one phase shift even when the glass slide was removed.
in the x-direction, (e) two phase shifts in the x-direction, (f) one
phase shift in both directions, and (g) two phase shifts in both
directions. The phase in each region was shifted by ␲ across the
boundary where the phase shift was introduced. C. Extension to the Blue–Violet Region
It is anticipated that extension of the lasing wavelength
9(b)–9(e). In particular, the doughnut beam in Fig. 9(a) is of photonic crystal surface-emitting lasers to the blue–
expected to possess interesting characteristics such as the violet region will greatly broaden the number of potential
ability to manipulate non-transparent substances by act- applications. For example, such lasers could act as a light
ing as a pair of optical tweezers, and focusing character- source for later-generation high-density optical disks, and
istics that exceed the wavelength limit (see Fig. 10). as a light source for the observation and manipulation of
In contrast, triangular lattice holes [Fig. 9(f)] remove microscopic objects. It should also be possible to control
the rotational symmetry of the electromagnetic field dis- the polarization of high-power blue–violet surface-
tribution, as shown in Fig. 8(b). The cancellation effect at emitting lasers operating in a single longitudinal and
the center of the beam in Fig. 8(a) is also lost, yielding a transverse mode, and even to arrange them in 2D arrays.
clean circular pattern. In this case, the polarization is These blue–violet lasers are expected to be key light
also different, being linear. Introducing such a non- sources in a variety of fields including information storage
symmetrical effect is a key factor in achieving high optical and processing, optical manipulation, and nanobio appli-
output power by enabling a greater optical extraction ef- cations.
ficiency in the perpendicular direction. A device con- Novel photonic crystal growth technology, recently de-
structed using equilateral triangular air holes exhibited veloped for GaN and known as air-hole retained over-
continuous room-temperature optical output in excess of growth (AROG), which takes advantage of crystal growth
100 mW. Furthermore, we have also fabricated devices characteristics specific to the GaN system, has enabled
with a higher degree of non-symmetry, and succeeded in the fabrication of high-quality GaN/air 2D photonic crys-
achieving a maximum output of more than 1 W in pulsed tals inside a laser. This has recently allowed current in-
drive mode [39]. jection into a photonic crystal surface-emitting laser in
the blue–violet region to be achieved for the first time
[23]. Figure 11(a) shows the lasing oscillation of this de-
vice (the near-field pattern measured after lasing had
started), confirming large-area lasing oscillation in the
blue–violet region. The central region is an electrode
共100 ␮m ⫻ 100 ␮m兲. Figure 11(b) shows the corresponding
far-field pattern (beam pattern) during the lasing opera-
tion. The divergence of the characteristic doughnut-
shaped beam is less than 1°.

Fig. 9. Electron micrographs (left-hand panels) and obtained

beam patterns (right-hand panels) of fabricated photonic crystals
used to construct lasers. Photonic crystals with circular lattice
points are shown with (a) no shift of the lattice period, (b) one
lattice shift in one direction, (c) two lattice shifts in one direction, Fig. 11. (a).Near-field pattern and (b) far-field pattern (beam
(d) one lattice shift in both directions, and (e) two lattice shifts in shape) of a blue–violet photonic crystal laser during lasing
both directions. (f) Triangular lattice points with no phase shift. oscillation.
Susumu Noda Vol. 27, No. 11 / November 2010 / J. Opt. Soc. Am. B B7

4. CONCLUSIONS ond in a ultrasmall high-Q photonic-crystal nanocavity,”

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and students at the Quantum Optoelectronics Laboratory, 22. E. Miyai, K. Sakai, T. Okano, W. Kunishi, D. Ohnishi, and
Kyoto University. S. Noda, “Lasers producing tailored beams,” Nature 441,
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