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CHAPTER 8: LIPID METABOLISM resulting glycerol 3-phosphate is oxidized to

dihydroxyacetone phosphate by the enzyme glycerol-
3phosphate dehydrogenase
Lipids are large molecules and generally are not OXIDATION OF FATTY ACIDS
water-soluble. Like carbohydrates and protein, lipids are
broken into small components for absorption. THREE PARTS TO THE PROCESS BY WHICH FATTY
1. the fatty acid must be activated by bonding to coenzyme
2. the fatty acid must be transported into the mitochondrial
matrix by a shuttle mechanism
3. the fatty acid must be repeatedly oxidized, cycling
through a series of 4 reactions to produce acetyl CoA,


• the outer mitochondrial membrane is the site of fatty acid
activation, the first stage of fatty acid oxidation
• here, the fatty acid is converted to a high-energy
derivative of coenzyme A. Reactants are the fatty acid,
coenzyme A, and a molecule of ATP
• fatty acids are transported across the inner
mitochondrial membrane in the form of acylcarnitine.


The amount of ATP obtained from fatty acid
• CHYME – is a thick semi-liquid material made up of small oxidation depends on the size of the fatty acid is oxidized.
TAG globules, other partially digested food, and gastric For our purposes here. we’ll study palmitic acid, a saturated
secretions fatty acid with 16 carbon atoms, as a typical fatty acid in the
• FATTY ACID MICELLE – is a micelle in which fatty acids human diet. Calculating its energy yield provides a model for
and/or monoacylglycerols and some bile are present determining the ATP yield of all other fatty acids. The
• CHYLOMICRON – is a lipoprotein that transports TAGs breakdown by an organism of 1 mol of palmitic acid requires
from intestinal cells via the lymphatic system to the 1 mol of ATP (for activation) and forms 8 mol of acetyl-CoA.
bloodstream Recall from the metabolism of carbohydrates that each mole
of acetyl-CoA metabolized by the citric acid cycle yields 12
TAG STORAGE AND MOBILIZATION mol of ATP. The complete degradation of 1 mol of palmitic
acid requires the β-oxidation reactions to be repeated seven
ADIPOCYTE – is a triacylglycerol-storing cell
times. Thus, 7 mol of NADH and 7 mol of FADH2 are
produced. Reoxidation of these compounds through
• a tissue that contains large numbers of adipocyte cells
respiration yields 3 and 2 mol of ATP, respectively.
• located directly beneath the skin (abdominal region) and
in areas around vital organs
• insulator against excessive heat loss to the environment KETONE BODIES AND KETOGENESIS
• provide organs with protection against physical shock KETONE BODY – one of the three substances
ADIPOSE CELLS – largest cells in the body. They differ (acetoacetate, B-hydroxybutyrate, and acetone) produced
from other cells in that most of the cytoplasm has been from acetyl CoA when an excess of acetyl CoA from fatty acid
replaced with a large TAG droplet degradation accumulates because of TAGcarbohydrate
metabolic imbalances.
TAGs stored in adipose tissue, followed by release into the KETOGENESIS – is the metabolic pathway by which ketone
bloodstream of the fatty acids and glycerol so produced. bodies are synthesized from acetyl CoA.

The TAG energy reserves (fat reserves) are the • The primary site for the process is liver mitochondria
human body’s major source of stored energy. • The first ketone body to be produced in ketogenesis is
GLYCEROL METABOLISM • Some of the acetoacetate produced is next converted
to b-hydroxybutyrate, the second ketone body
The glycerol also enters the bloodstream and is • The acetoacetate and ß-hydroxybutyrate synthesized
absorbed by the liver or kidney where it is converted to by ketogenesis in the liver are released to the
glycerol 3-phosphate by the enzyme glycerol kinase, and the
bloodstream where acetone, the third ketone body, is 4 STEPS FOR THE CHAIN ELONGATION PROCESS
produced. • condensation – Acetyl ACP and malonyl ACP
• Acetoacetate is somewhat unstable and can condense together to form acetoacetyl ACP.
spontaneously or enzymatically lose its carboxy1 group • first hydrogenation – the keto group of the
to form acetone. Thus, the ketone body acetone is not acetoacetyl complex, which involves the B-carbon
actually a product of the metabolic pathway of atom, is reduced to the corresponding alcohol by
ketogenesis. NADPH.
• The ketone body acetone present in the bloodstream is • dehydration – the alcohol produced in step 2 is
a volatile substance that is mainly excreted by dehydrated to introduce a double bond into the
exhalation. Its sweet odor is detectable in the breath of molecule (between the a & B carbons)
a diabetic. • second hydrogenation – the double bond
• The amount of acetone present is usually small introduced in step 3 is converted to a single bond
compared to the concentrations of the other two ketone through hydrogenation.
FOUR STEPS IN THE PROCESS OF KETOGENESIS Production of unsaturated fatty acids (insertion of
1. First condensation double bonds) requires molecular oxygen (O 2). In an
2. Second condensation oxidation step, hydrogen is removed and combined with the
3. Chain cleavage O2 to form water.
4. Hydrogenation
In humans and animals, enzymes can introduce double bonds
KETOSIS – is the body condition in which high levels of only between CA
ketone bodies are present in both the blood and urine.
and C5 and between C9 and C10. Thus, the important
Both ketonemia and ketonuria are contributors to the unsaturated fatty acids linoleic (C18 with C9 and C12 double
condition called ketosis. Ketosis is often detectable by the bonds) and linolenic (C18 with C9, C12, and C15 double
smell of acetone on a person’s breath; acetone is very volatile bonds) cannot be biosynthesized. They must be obtained
and is excreted through the lungs. from the diet. (Plants have the enzymes necessary to
synthesize these acids.) Acids such as linoleic and linolenic,
which cannot be synthesized by the body but are necessary
BIOSYNTHESIS OF FATTY ACIDS: LIPOGENESIS for its proper functioning, are called essential fatty acids.
Lipogenesis is the metabolic pathway by which fatty Lipogenesis can be used to convert glucose to fatty
acids are synthesized from acetyl CoA. Fatty acid acids via acetyl COA. The reverse process, conversion of
biosynthesis (lipogenesis) occurs anytime dietary intake fatty acids to glucose, is not possible within the human body.
provides more nutrients that are needed for energy Fatty acids can be broken down to acetyl CoA, but there is
requirements. The primary lipogenesis sites are the liver, no enzyme present for the conversion of acetyl CoA to
adipose tissue, and mammary glands. The mammary glands pyruvate or oxaloacetate, starting materials for
show increased synthetic activity during periods of lactation. gluconeogenesis (Section 7-6). Plants and some bacteria do
possess the needed enzymes and thus can convert fatty
• Lipogenesis occurs in the cell cytosol, whereas
acids to carbohydrates.
degradation of fatty acids occurs in the mitochondrial
matrix. Because they have different reaction sites, these
two opposing processes can occur at the same time RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN LIPOGENESIS AND
when necessary.
• Different enzymes are involved in the two processes,
Lipogenesis enzymes are collected into a multienzyme The intermediates in the last four steps of the citric
complex called fatty acid synthase. This enzyme acid cycle are all C4 molecules. In the first cycle of the four
complex ties the reaction steps of lipogenesis closely repetitive reactions in lipogenesis, all of the carbon chains
together. The enzymes, involved in fatty acid attached to ACP are C4 chains. A lot of relationships exist
degradation are not physically associated, so the between the two sets of C4 entities. The last four
reaction steps are independent. intermediates of the citric acid cycle bear the ff. relationship
• Intermediates of the two processes are covalently to each other: saturated C4 diacid – unsaturated C4 diacid
bonded to different carriers. The carrier for fatty acid – hydroxy C4 diacid – keto C4 diacid. The intermediate C4
degradation intermediates is CoA. Lipogenesis carbon chains of lipogenesis bear the ff. relationship to each
intermediates are bonded to ACP (acyl carrier protein). other: keto C4 monoacid – hydroxy C4 monoacid –
• Fatty acid synthesis is dependent on the reducing agent unsaturated C4 monoacid – saturated C4 monoacid.
NADPH. Fatty acid degradation is dependent on the
• Fatty acids are built up two carbons at a time during
synthesis and are broken down two carbons at a time • The acetyl CoA can be further processed through
during degradation. The source of the two carbon units the common metabolic pathway (CAC, ETC, and
differs between the two processes. In lipogenesis, acetyl oxidative phosphorylation) to obtain ATP.
CoA is used to form malony1 ACP, which becomes the • The acetyl CoA can undergo conversion to ketone
carrier of the two carbon units. CoA derivatives are bodies. Such ketone bodies can be reconverted.
involved in all steps of fatty acid degradation. when needed, back to acetyl CoA, which can then
be processed for ATP production.

• The acetyl CoA can be stored in the body in the

form of TAGs by reconverting via lipogenesis the
acetyl CoA to fatty acids that are then converted PROTEIN DIGESTION AND ABSORPTION
to TAGs. (Fatty acids, once synthesized do not
react directly with glycerol to form TAG Digestion of proteins involves the hydrolysis of the peptide
molecules. Glycerol must first be bonds that link amino acids to each other. This process
activated. The energy for this activation is supplied by begins in the stomach and is completed in the small
intestine. The amino acids released by digestion are
an ATP molecule and glycerol 1-phosphate is the
absorbed through
activation product)
• The acetyl COA can be used as the starting the intestinal wall into the bloodstream
material for the production of lipids other than fatty
acids that the body needs. A specific example of AMINO ACID UTILIZATION
such “other lipid" production is the biosynthesis of • AMINO ACID POOL - the total supply of free amino acids
cholesterol. Cholesterol is a necessary available for use in the human body
component of cell membranes. It is also the • PROTEIN TURNOVER - the repetitive process in which
precursor for bile salts, sex hormones, and proteins are degraded and resynthesized within the
adrenal hormones. human body
• It is also important to note what cannot happen to • NITROGEN BALANCE - is the state that results when the
the acetyl CoA obtained from fatty acid oxidation. amount of nitrogen taken into the human body as protein
In humans and animals, it cannot be used for the equals the amount of nitrogen excreted from the body in
net synthesis of glucose. Pyruvate or oxaloacetate waste materials
is the needed starting material for glucose
gluconeogenesis. Humans and animals do not AMINO ACID POOL
possess the enzymes needed to convert acetyl o Dietary Protein
CoA to pyruvate. (By contrast, plants do contain o Protein Turnover
the two additional enzymes needed.) Pyruvate o Biosynthesis
can be
converted to acetyl CA in a reaction sequence that TWO TYPES OF NITROGEN IMBALANCE
is irreversible. Acetyl COA cannot be converted to • NEGATIVE NITROGEN BALANCE


Acetyl CoA is the primary link between lipid and
• Difference between glucogenic amino acid and
carbohydrate metabolism. In interrelationships between
Carbohydrate and Lipid metabolism, acetyl CoA is the ketogenic amino acid:
degradation product for glucose, glycerol, and fatty o GLUCOGENIC – has a carbon-containing
acids, degradation product that can be used to produce
glucose via gluconeogenesis
and it is also the starting material for the biosynthesis of fatty
acids, cholesterol, and ketone bodies. o KETOGENIC – has a carbon-containing
degradation product that can be used to produce
Some of the reactions associated with carbohydrate and lipid ketone bodies
metabolism occur within the mitochondrion and
others occur within the cytosol


For the processes of B-oxidation, ketogenesis,
and lipogenesis, 4 of the 8 B vitamins are needed.
These are niacin, riboflavin (FAD), pantothenic acid
(CoA, acetyl CoA, and ACP) and biotin.

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