Caalim IPM1

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What is the invention?

- The hypocaust system (hypocaustum in Latin) was a heating system used in wealthy Roman
homes and Roman baths and the closest thing to central heating today.

- a hollow space or system of channels in the floor or walls of some ancient Roman buildings that
provided a central heating system by receiving and distributing the heat from a furnace.

What are the precursors of your chosen invention? What tools existed prior to it or how did people carry
out activities before its invention?

- The very first floor radiant heating systems, called hypocaust, emerged in the Roman Empire.
Before this was invented, people used campfire for warmth and cooking. The Egyptians also
introduced bellows to fan the flame and enhance the heat of fires, but central heating remained
elusive until about a hundred BC and the rise of the Roman Empire.

What were the social, political, cultural, or economic contexts in which the invention was made?

- The important technology behind the heating system in Ancient Rome came about because of the
cold temperatures in Rome during that time period, and not having efficient and comfortable
heating resources to heat homes.

- The hypocaust heating system is the invention of the Romans and this form of heating was used
in public bathing houses as well as public homes. They were especially used by the elite or upper
class when they socialized or came together to mingle.

What were the social, political, cultural, or economic impacts of your chosen invention?

- Today, when it comes to bathing, people make it a personal and private activity behind closed
doors as they pamper themselves in soapy water. However, in Ancient Rome, it was customary
and the norm for people to flock to public bathhouses when it came time to clean the body and
visit with friends and neighbors. With the hypocaust systems heating the floors, people were able
to congregate more in places like this.

- The hypocaust thus allowed the Romans to heat the water, walls and air of their baths efficiently,
turning a hygienic chore into a cultural phenomenon, truly establishing bathing as a daily
- Many of the largest public bath complexes in the Roman Empire were paid for by private citizens
looking to court favor with the public; emperors, senators, triumphant generals and wealthy
political hopefuls all poured their money into the public entertainment, hopefully in order to sway
the fickle public opinion to their side


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