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Things to understand

Study plan Steps .....
Things to do
Step 1: Know the structure.

- The time limit for each question is very short. the shortest is for Writing.

- Mixed Skills test

It Tests Skills of: Literacy, Comprehension, Conversation, and Production.

So getting used to the test is much helpful. It is recommended to take the test Every day to get used to
the format.

Step 2: strategize

- Identify my strength and weaknesses. And improve that area.

- My Goals.
1. A good overall score (120 min)
2. A good overall score + a good production score (120 min).
3. A good overall score + a good score in all sub scores (110 min).

120 - 150 Overall

130 Literacy read and write.

140 Comprehension read and Listen.

130 Conversation Listen and Speak.

110 Production write and Speak.

- Minimum Required score of desired university.

Go to DET website > Institutions > who accept the test > type the name of the university I want.

Step 3: Take Organized Courses at (

Step 4: Increase your vocabulary.

Improve my vocabulary at or an app.

Go to word list > start learning at B1 (low Intermediate), B2, C1, C2 (Low Advanced) level.

Step 5: Read a lot of staff.

Helps to improve vocabulary, comprehension and fill in the blank question

Also for speaking and writing about my opinion about a topic.

Read about News articles daily (Apple News Daily in the morning), different blogs, and people’s
opinion on social media (Facebook, twitter), BBC Learning English web/app.

Step 6: do your own dictation.

By Using write exactly what is being dictated from video.

Step 7: Get mentally ready

Take the practice test everyday as often as you can. These helps to know the (Structure & speed of the

Finally: When to take the test?

If I can score 120 – 150 continuously five or more times between two or three days interval on the
practice test I can take the real test.

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