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Test bank Microbiology A Systems Approach 5th Edition

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CH-05: Test Bank

Multiple Choice Questions
1. In the condition called athlete’s foot, the fungus Trichophyton consumes the keratin protein
found in hair, nails, and dead skin. Which of the following descriptors does not apply to
Trichophyton ?
A. Eukaryote
B. Parasite
C. Saprobe
D. Heterotroph
2. Which of the following statements is correct?
A. All saprobes are heterotrophic, but only some are parasitic.
B. All heterotrophs are fungi, and include both parasites and saprobes.
C. All heterotrophs are parasites, but only some are saprobes.
D. All fungi, whether parasite or saprobe, are heterotrophs.
3. A saprobe differs from a parasite in that
A. a saprobe has the ability to undergo meiosis to produce sexual spores, but a parasite can
only perform mitosis to produce asexual spores.
B. a saprobe derives nutrients from dead plants and animals, but a parasite derives nutrients
from living plants and animals.
C. a saprobe has a pseudohyphae morphology, but a parasite has true hyphae.
D. a saprobe is a fungus, but a parasite is a protozoan.
4. Most fungi obtain nutrients from dead plants and animals. These fungi are called ______.
A. mutualistic
B. saprobes
C. free-living
D. parasites
E. antagonists
5. Endosymbiosis of cyanobacteria is widely accepted as an explanation for the development of
chloroplasts. The presence of endosymbiotic cyanobacteria provided a cell with the
advantage of ______.
A. tolerance to oxygen
B. photosynthesis
C. an electron transport chain
D. simple, rapid gene transfer
E. a membrane-bound nucleus
6. The endosymbiotic theory says that precursor eukaryotic cells acquired cilia by
with a(n) _____ ancestor and others gained photosynthetic ability from endosymbiosis with
_____ ancestor.
A. archaeal, cyanobacterial
B. protozoan, algal
C. spiral, cyanobacterial
D. helminth, algal
7. The endosymbiotic theory has been developed to explain the emergence of ______.
A. eukaryotes
B. prokaryotes
C. viruses
D. bacteria
E. archaea
8. Biologists have found evidence that eukaryotic cells evolved from prokaryotic
organisms by a process of intracellular ______.
A. commensalism
B. parasitism
C. symbiosis
D. mutualism
9. Select that statement that reflects evidence that directly supports the endosymbiotic
A. The electron transport system is located in the cell membrane in bacteria, while in
it is located in the mitochondrial cristae.
B. Enzymes for photosynthesis are found embedded in membranes of the Golgi apparatus.
C. Lysosomes contain their own DNA in the form of plasmids.
D. Glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm of bacterial cells.
10. Which of the following pairs is mismatched?
A. Protozoa; unicellular
B. Algae; multicellular
C. Fungi; multicellular
D. Protozoa; multicellular
E. Helminths; multicellular
F. Fungi; unicellular
11. Protists include ______.
A. yeasts and molds
B. algae and protozoa
C. helminths
D. viruses
E. bacteria
12. Which of the following is found in eukaryotic cells but not in bacterial cells?
A. Nucleus
B. Mitochondria
C. Endoplasmic reticulum
D. Lysosomes
E. All of the choices are correct.
13. You are observing an organism under the microscope and you note that it has a cell wall, no
chloroplasts, and a nucleus. Your prediction would be that this organism is a(n) ______.
A. alga
B. protozoan
C. bacterium
D. fungus
E. virus
14. You are observing an organism under the microscope, and it is clearly multicellular with no
walls. Your prediction is that this organism is a(n) ______.
A. alga
B. fungus
C. helminth
D. protozoan
E. bacterium
15. Eukaryotic flagella differ from bacterial flagella because only eukaryotic flagella
A. facilitate chemotaxis.
B. are used for cell motility.
C. are long, whip-like structures.
D. contain microtubules.
E. facilitate phototaxis.
16. Cilia are exhibited by certain ______.
A. fungi
B. protozoa
C. algae
D. viruses
E. bacteria
17. There are nine peripheral pairs and one central pair of _____ found inside eukaryotic
flagella and
A. microtubules
B. active proteins
C. cilia
D. endoflagella
E. filaments
18. As part of their reproductive cycle, helminths produce egg and sperm cells. Both of these
eukaryotic cell types have an outer surface composed of polysaccharides known as the ______.
A. cell wall
B. microtubule
C. cell membrane
D. cyst
E. glycocalyx
19. The glycocalyx of a eukaryotic cell is
A. mostly polysaccharides.
B. also called the cell wall.
C. composed of many diverse proteins.
D. a protective mechanism against osmotic lysis.
E. the site where many metabolic reactions occur.
20. Which of the following is not a function of the eukaryotic glycocalyx?
A. Protection
B. Reception of chemical signals
C. Adherence
D. Movement
21. Which of the following organisms has a cell wall?
A. Candida albicans
B. Entamoeba histolytica
C. Enterobius vermicularis
D. Trypanosoma cruzi
22. Cell walls are not typically possessed by ______.
A. algae
B. protozoa
C. fungi
D. bacteria
23. Chitin is a chemical component of the cell walls of ______.
A. helminths
B. protozoa
C. algae
D. fungi
E. bacteria
24. The cell membranes of bacteria and eukaryotes are quite similar, differing only in
A. the presence of phospholipids.
B. being selectively permeable.
C. the ability to transport wastes out of the cell.
D. the presence of sterols.
E. the presence of proteins in the bilayer.
25. The eukaryotic cell membrane is composed of ______.
A. sterols
B. proteins
C. phospholipids
D. sterols, proteins, and phospholipids
E. sterols and phospholipids only
True / False Questions
26. The eukaryotic cell membrane is a bilayer of sterols.
True False
27. The cell walls of fungi and algae are chemically identical to the bacterial cell wall.
True False
Multiple Choice Questions
28. The site for ribosomal RNA synthesis is the ______.
A. Golgi apparatus
B. nucleus
C. ribosome
D. lysosome
E. nucleolus
29. When a eukaryotic cell is not undergoing mitosis, the DNA and its associated proteins
appear as
a visible, thread-like mass called ______.
A. nucleoplasm
B. the nuclear envelope
C. chromatin
D. the nucleolus
E. the nucleosome
30. Histones are
A. on the surface of rough endoplasmic reticulum.
B. found in polyribosomes.
C. enzymes found in lysosomes.
D. proteins of the cytoskeleton.
E. proteins associated with DNA in the nucleus.

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