Lesson 2

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Lesson 2:

Technology as a way of revealing

At the end of this lesson, the student should be able to:
• Explain the concept of human condition before science technology;
• Identify the change that happened in human condition after science and technology; and
• Name ways on how technology aided in revealing the truth about the human being
Comparing the lives of the people before and now will make anyone realize the change that
happened in society not just in terms of culture, language, or rights but more importantly,
changes in people’s ways of life due to the existence of science and technology
The term “generation gap” is attributed mainly to the changes brought about by technology.
Although the original idea is for technology to help everyone, it cannot be denied that until today
not everyone is comfortable in using the different kinds of technologies. Mostly those who
belong to the older generations think that these technologies are too complicated to operate.
They have been used to the simple living in the past and these available technological devices,
though very appealing are difficult puzzle to them.
The Human Condition The Human Condition in common era

Before Common Era

The Human Condition Before Common Era
• People before the common era are gifted with brains advance than other creatures.
• The homo erectus have been using fire to cook, all the while without realizing the laws of
friction and heat.
-Tools from stone and flints marked the era of the STONE age, during the advent of our very
own Homo sapiens.
Homo sapiens
• The homo sapiens human began to sharpen stones as one would a knife.

Cave Paintings
• People discovered minerals and began forging metalwork
• Fur clothing and animal skin are primarily used for comfort against harsh winds. They
begin to cover themselves up out of necessity.

• People of the time had also painstakingly wrought and hewed said figures in honors of
some deity; initial rooster of primitive gods includes objects they encounter through their
day-to-day lives.
• For a long time, human we’re content with their relationship with nature
• They began to hunt, farm, and produce things with prospect of profit.
• Advancement in medicine, technology, health and education assured in humanity best
yet, and show no sign of stopping.
• When they could not sell products, they used their skills and got compensated for it—
bringing forth a specialized group of artisans.
• Physical strength was valued at most, although there appeared to be as many
intellectually gifted figures just the same

Mortality Rate
Due to technology, lesser women and children die during birth, assuring robust population and
strong workforce. Medical care for premature infants allows them to survive and develop
normally, while proper maternal care ensures that mothers can fully recover and remain
Average Lifespan
Aside from the reason that people engage less in combat and are less likely to die in treatable
diseases now as opposed to then, science is able to prolong lives by enhancing living status
and discovering different remedies to most diseases. Distribution of medicines is also made
easier and faster.
Literacy Rate
Access to education provided to more individuals generally creates a more informed public that
could determine a more just society.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Determine the value of the country’s foods and services produced within the territory given a
certain time period


Martin Heidegger
A philosopher argued that the essence of technology, or purpose, and being are different from
each other. man archive man’s end and second which constitutes human activity.

 Humanity has indeed come along way from our primitive ways and has a general rule,
we are more “develop” than we are before
 We see ways and means form nature to utilize and archive growth a goal that we believe
would bring forth betterment.
Backtracking the human condition
• Technology’s initial promise is proved to be true. All in the human condition improved
only if by improving we measure the level of comfort, various scientific breakthroughs
and improved lifestyles by of who hand the luxury to afford to do so

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