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I. Answer the following questions 5x2=10
1. Define:
a) Computer virus b) Anti-virus program.
2. Explain the two types of links that can be created in HTML document.
3. Write any two steps to protect our system from virus?
4. What are ethics in computing? Mention any two.
5. Differentiate between: Plagiarism and Phishing

II. Name the term used for the following statements 5x1=5
1) When people use abusive language on social -media sites. -
2) Practices to protect your personal information and computer from attacks –
3) When someone publishes a poem downloaded from the internet as his/her own -
4) Online rights that a person or a company has over its own plans,
ideas, music, artistic creations or other non -material assets. -
5) When someone downloads a movie or unauthorized software -

III. Correct the following statements 4x1=4

1. Digital footprints are only temporary and can be deleted.
2. To avoid spam, label the mail as ignore
3. Every time you boot your computer, the macro virus gets into action.
4. A program virus affects files having the extension .pptx

IV. Name the following tags. 4x1=4

1. <img> 3. <td></td>
2. <a></a 4. <li></li>
V. Expand the following 4x1=4
1. dt
2. br
3. p
4. IPR

VI. Tick the correct answers. 3x1=3

1. Malware are
a) viruses c) Trojans
b) worms d) all of these

2. Phishing is
a) a cybercrime c) only hardware
b) only software d) none of these

3. ________ is the attribute of the table tag.

a) src c) border
b) alt d) direction

VII. What virus has affected the computer in each case? 3x1=3
1. Gets activated after copying songs from a CD into your computer. –
2. Gets loaded every time you start your computer. -
3. Steals office data from your father’s laptop -

VIII. Name the tags to which the following attributes belong 2x1=2
1. align, behavior, bgcolor, direction, height, width -
2. href, name -
IX. Fill in the blanks: 15x1=15
1. Quick Heal and McAfee Security are popular _______programs.
2. When we use social networking site, we leave behind ______.
3. Attribute used for creating external links with the anchor tag is _______
4. Virus affects only the _______ not hardware.
5. The _____ tag is used in conjunction with <dt> and <dd> tag.
6. ______ are malware that display endless ads when you surf online.
7. A _____is a program that infects a computer by attaching itself to another program.
8. Mellissa and Bablas are examples of ______viruses.
9. Viruses that pretend to be helpful programs but destroy your data are called ____
10. ________ are software programs designed to invade your computer, and copy,
damage or delete your data.
11. The type attribute is used to specify the type of _____we want in the unordered
12. Phishing _______ have links that lead to harmful websites.
13. Moving or scrolling text inserted in web pages is called ________.
14. ________ is used to design web pages.
15. ________ links lets us link two different sections of the same page.


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