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Chapter 3


This chapter presents the procedures that will be used in carrying out the present study. This part

discusses the research design, participants of the study, instrumentation, data gathering procedures,

validity, and reliability of the instrument, as well as the data analysis procedures.

Research Design

The qualitative quantitative research was applied or mixed approach to cancel the effects of one

approach by integrating the other. Its central premise is that combining quantitative and qualitative

methods yields a greater grasp of research challenges than either method alone.

The application of this approach was done through the use of closed-ended questionnaires

(numerical data) to collect information. When examining complicated situations, Hurmerinta-Peltomakl

and Nummeia (2006) claimed that utilizing only one approach would only offer a limited view of the

whole picture. Mixed methods research yields material at various levels of comprehension. When

qualitative methodologies are coupled, they can give a deeper understanding of the variables that

contribute to quantitative numerical results. Mixed methods research can also be utilized for triangulation

or to increase study validity (Hurmerinta-Peltoma kl & Nummeia, 2006).

Participants of the Study

Please include a table of distribution of respondents based on the variables

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