Note 1

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Letter of award
It is the letter which is sent by the client’s party to the contractor who is selected
form the tendering procedure .
Letter of acceptance
It is the letter which is sent by the contractor who is selected from the tendering to
the client’s party to confirm that he accepted the project.
 In the field of construction the contractor & client enters into an agreement
& in this transaction ,if the contractor gives some half pay or totally abandon
the contract.The client will have to call for tenders again.
 The cost involves for this process have to be recover from the contractor.The
lost can be recovered ,if a bond is entered into with the contractor.
 There are 3 ways of making bonds.
 Cash
 Bank guarantee
 Insurance
 Reasons for bid bond or refundable deposit
• To avoid submit unnecessary bids
• To order to tenderer withdrawing his tender within the valid period
• In the case of arithmetical errrs in the tender submitting ,he must agreed to
adjust the tender amount.
• If the tenderer fails to make a performance bond within the specify period
,this bond is forfeited.
• Amount of this bond or guarantee is ,0.5%-10%-cash value of contract or
1%-2% bank guarantee & insurance

Performance bond
 This bond is obtain after awarding & before sign the agreement
 Aim of this bond is to ensure maintaining the required progress of the work
 In order to avoid any delay to start the job
 To ensure that the contractor will not abandon the work half way
 This P.B.amount should be more than 5% of the value of the contract
 Duration should be valid 28 days after completion of the job.
Advance bond
 An advance bond is obtain in the event of contract request an advance
pament before work commencement.
 The maximum advance amount is 20% of the contract value .The contractor
is expected through submit an advance bond fo the same value.
Retention money
 Retention of 10% generally is deducted at every part payment to the
contractor.At the final payments 505 of retention money could be released
keeping 5% of retention. This amount is retain until the maintenance period
is over.
 This retention money retain in order to ensure the quality of the work.The
client can get any repairs or rectification done if anything goes wrong.

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