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Social, Political, Economic and

Cultural Issues in Philippine
This unit will let you understand some
pressing issues in our society today by
looking back at the roots of the problem
through historical document analysis. At the
end of this unit, recommendation to the
problem is expected from you as an output.

Essential Questions
Laguna Copperplate Inscription
1. What are some of the political, economic Source:
and cultural issues in Philippine History and use-calendars
its implication to contemporary Philippine

Intended Learning Outcomes

1. Effectively communicate, using various
techniques and genres, historical analysis
of a particular event or issue that could
help others understand the chosen topic
2. Propose recommendation or solutions to
present day problems based on their
understanding of root causes, and their
anticipation of future scenarios.

Diagnostic Assessment
Connect the
Analyze the picture and think of the idea that each picture tried to convey by
answering the question provided below.

Lesson 1:
Agrarian Reform Policies
Majority of the Filipinos rely on agriculture as its source of income and livelihood. Being an
archipelago, the Philippines is suitable to agricultural economy having fertile lands to cultivate
and its rich waters with diverse creatures. But farmers and fishermen have long been deprived
of their share of economic growth. In this unit will discuss the government’s initiatives to somehow
elevate the status of our agricultural frontliners.

Colonial Land was owned by the community (Barangay), where families
have access to the lands and its products. People at that time plants
Philippines and harvest collectively and they share their products with
members of the community. Every activity was supervised by their
own Datu. Early Filipinos have a simple but sustainable way of life.
Slash and Burn is a common method in planting.

image from Spanish

Pueblo was introduced by the Spanish conquistador. Government
Land title were implemented and all agricultural lands
were owned by Spaniards who have the capability to
apply for title. Filipinos became landholders and pay
rent and taxes to the lands that they previously owned.
Encomienda and Hacienda or huge parcel of lands
were mostly owned by friars. Products to be planted
depends on the type of monopoly that was
implemented in the area. Another problem of the
Filipino farmers is the bandala policy.

image from

The provisions planned to confiscate Constitution
encomiendas/haciendas from the friars but was not
executed due to Filipino – American War.

image from

American The following laws was implemented during the American
Government occupation in the country:

Philippine Bill 1902 sets ownership of properties to 16 hectares for

private individual and 16 hectares to corporations.

Land Registration Act 496 sets land registration under Torren


Public Land Act of 1903 implemented the homestead system.

Tenancy Act of 1933 includes the 50-50 sharing between

landowners and tenants.
image from

Commonwealth Act No. 178 amends the Rice Tenancy Act

National Rice and Corn Corporation was established in 1936
Rural Program Administration that permits purchase and
lease of hacienda.

Commonwealth Act 441 established the National

Establishment Administration

image from

Philippine The administration of Manuel Roxas established National Rice and
Republic Corn Corporation and given the peasants legal support against
landowners in their land battle. Republic Act No. 34 implemented
the 70-30 share, 70 % will go to the person who shoulder the
expenses in planting.

President Diosdado Macapagal was known for R.A 3844 or the

Agricultural Land Reform Code

Department of Agrarian Reform was established during President

Ferdinand Marcos and Presidential Decree No. 2 declaring the
country under land reform program.

Corazon Aquino’s administration implemented R.A 6657 the

image from
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program and vested the Land
Bank of the Philippines to aid beneficiaries of CARP

Process What is the importance of implementing Agrarian

Reform Programs in the country?

In your own opinion, which

program is successful? Why do
you say so?

What are the implications of these program to the

lives of the Filipino farmers? To the country as a

SURI: Case Analysis

In the year 1997, the R.A 8371 or the Indigenous People’s Rights Act was approved
and implemented in the Philippines. This law aims to promote the rights of
indigenous community in the country and one of these rights is the protection of
their ancestral land from the government or private sectors projects or
intervention as also provided in Article 12 Section 5 of the 1987 Philippine
Constitution. But sad to say, indigenous groups rights were continuously violated
by some private sectors and even the government. Read the article (link is
provided below) about the lives of the indigenous communities in the country and
the problems they are facing. After reading, answer the questions below

Wars of Extinction: The Lumad Killings in Mindanao, Philippines. Arnold P. Alamon

Process Questions:
1. What problem do the Lumads of Mindanao face? What factors contributed to these problems?

2. What societal issue manifested in the article? Why? __________________________________


3. What possible solutions can be made to protect the rights of the Lumads and other indigenous
groups in the country? ___________________________________________________________

4. As a student, what can you do to help our indigenous communities in their daily struggles?

Lesson 2:
Philippine Constitution
The country celebrated its 122nd Independence Day recently and we take pride on
being the first country in Asia to be free from its colonial master. In our years of being
a free nation, the country, just like any other nation, experienced the changes in its
constitution and until today some political efforts is being exerted to replace the
current 1987 Constitution. In this lesson, we will look back at the evolution of the
Philippine Constitution since the country’s establishment as a democratic state.

1899 Malolos 1935 Constitution

First Republican Constitution in Legal basis in the
Asia establishment of the
Commonwealth Government
Emphasis on civil rights and
separation of church and state Patterned after American
Government, the President
President elect will have 4-
have 4 years and 2 terms of
year term

1973 Constitution 1987 Constitution

Martial Law Era Post Martial Law and the

Present Constitution in the
The President had no term
limit in office
The President have 6 years, 1
Parliamentary style of
term in office
government, unicameral

For references visit: 7
Process Questions:
1. Why is there a need to change the constitution? _____________________________________

2. Does the constant changing of constitution brings significant development in our country? Explain
your answer. ____________________________________________________________

SURI: Cartoon Analysis

Our constitution clearly specified the state should, through the Armed
Forces of the Philippines, secure the sovereignty and the national territory of the
country, but the constitution also denounces war. Today, our country faces
territorial disputes with other neighboring country. Watch the presentation of
Former Justice Antonio T. Carpio explaining the South China Sea disputes and
our claims to the territories in the region (Carpio, 2019).
After watching the video, look at the caricature below and answers the questions

What is the main topic portrayed in the picture? What symbols and its meaning are used in the

Why do you think the author used these symbols?

Do you agree with the author’s message? Why?

What implications does it bring in our contemporary society?

SURI: Position Paper

Does China’s Nine-Dash Line legitimizes its claim in South China

Sea? Does the Murillo Map aid our campaign in the South China Sea
territory? Your task is to investigate and come up with your own
position on the issue.

Parts of the Position Paper
1. Introduction (5 pts) – where you present the topic at hand
2. Investigation (10 pts) – where you present your evidence and analysis
3. Reflections (5 pts) - Your position on the issue that includes your own
perspective and opinion.


Identification. Write what is being described in each item.

__________________ 1. Land reform program under Pres. Corazon Aquino.
__________________ 2. Number of terms a President can run in election.
__________________ 3. Law protecting the rights of the indigenous people.
__________________ 4. First republican government constitution in Asia
__________________ 5.The only Philippine Constitution that have a parliamentary style of
__________________ 6. Spanish policy were the government will buy the farmers product
at a low cost.
__________________ 7. The Constitution that was a by-product of Jones Law and Tydings
__________________ 8. The Chinese policy claiming the territories within the China Sea.
__________________ 9. President known for his expanded land reform.
__________________ 10. The 1899 Constitution was also known as.

Essay: Explain your ideas briefly. Present arguments and evidences

to prove your point.
a. Do you think the State is doing it jobs in protecting the rights on
land ownerships of the indigenous and the local farmers?
b. Land conversion and it effect to the lives of the farmers.
References and Suggested Readings
Agoncillo, T. A. (2012). History of the Filipino People, Eight Edition. Quezon City: C & E Publishing Inc.
Aguinaldo, E. (1964 (Republished 1998)). Mga Gunita ng Himagsikan. Manila: National Centennial Commission :
Cavite Historical Society : A.T.S. & Associates.
Alamon, A. P. (2016). Retrieved from
Alamon, A. P. (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from
Campomanes, A. D. (2015). Retrieved from
Chua, X. (n.d.). Retraction ni Rizal, Totoo Kaya?
Constantino, R. (1975). The Philippines: A Past Revisited From the Spanish Colonization to the Secon World
War. Quezon: Tala Publishing Services. (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). (n.d.).
Gottschalk, L. (1969). Understanding History: A Primer of Historical Method. New York: A.A Knopf. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Jesus, G. D. (1897). Kasulatan. (n.d.). (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). (n.d.).
Salazar, Z. (2015). Ang Pantayong Pananaw Bilang Diskursong Pangkabihasnan. Daluyan: Journal ng Wikang
Filipino, 55-78.
Spielvogel, J. J. (2016). Western Civilization 10th Edition. Boston, USA: Cengage Learning . (2020). Retrieved from
Veyra, L. D. (Director). (2017). Nasaan ang mga Labi ni Bonifacio, History with Lourd [Motion Picture].
Zaide, G. Z. (1990). Documentary Sources of Philippine History. Manila: National Bookstore.


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