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Name: Maryam Irshad

Class: BS 7th semester Replica

Roll no. 51
Submitted to: Mam Sadaf

Gender Development and Globalization

Social development in Pakistan

The utility of development is to achieve both economic and social structure for the
transformation of society. Phenomenon of development is about effectively integrating the
various elements that are required for state to develop; these elements are mainly economic,
social, political and administrative.
Pakistan is facing the problems in the context of both political and social development. People of
the rural areas and the tribal areas such as Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) are still
participating in electoral process that is the part of political development.
Pakistan is on the extremely low rank on Human Development Index (HDI) that is the sub
component of Social development. Presently Pakistan is standing on the rank 147th and is having
the HDI value just 0.515 in the year 2013. Pakistan stands among the worst performers in child
and infant mortality. Another area that needs to be socially developed is health and mortality.
Under 1 year of age, the total number of deaths are 69 per 1000, and it needs to be brought down
to at least 40, according to the goals that need to be achieved by 2015. The reasons behind child
mortality in Pakistan are found to be, not only the medical/healthcare facilities available for the
infant and mother, but also the poor sanitation in mostly rural and remote parts of the country.
Limited role of NGOs in Pakistan’s politics has led to lack of accountability and transparency in
various political processes and social development of the state.
NGOs play their part as a soft power and helps in strong economic development; they show the
positive side of human nature, their main focus in on individual so the Non Governmental
Organizations came under the liberalist school of thought. I have discussed the role of NGOs in
socio-political development of state and supported my arguments keeping liberalism in focus.
The implementer role is concerned with the mobilization of available resources to provide goods
and services to deserving. Where as the catalyst role is the ability to inspire, facilitate or
contribute to promote change and partner reflect the growing trend of NGOS to work with
NGOs in the field are rapidly increasing but their potentials have remained unutilized because of
diversity in their role. In 1980s, NGOs got attention in different areas of the development
community. Crenea (1988) argued that NGOs came into the limelight after the attention was
given by the individuals in area policies development.
World Bank defines the Social Development as; “The process of increasing;
The assets and capabilities of individuals to improve their wellbeing.
The capacity of social groups to exercise agency, transform their relationships with other groups,
and participate in development processes.
The ability of society to reconcile the interests of its constituent elements, govern itself
peacefully, and manage change.”
Social development is to put all the focus on development of individuals in society. Which
simply means that the party who is going to be benefit most out of development must be the
people, that should not be limited to poverty alleviation but also a recognition that people, and
the way they interact in groups and society, and the norms that facilitates such interaction, shape
development processes.

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