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Recruitment and Selection existing employees to cover more

responsibility and decision making.

Recruitment - crucial activities of human
resource (HR) specialists in the organization Re-organising the hours-
with the central purpose of attracting suitable
applicants for vacant posts.
Defining the details of the vacancy
When it has been decided that a vacancy
exists, the specific details of the position
Drafting a recruitment policy need to be agreed. This is carried out in three
stages which will be looked at separately:
A recruitment policy represents the
organization’s code of conduct, including the ■ Investigating the nature of the work and its
rules to be followed and the standards to be key features. This is carried out through job
reached. It should include the following analysis.
■ Agreeing a summary of the job and the
■ The importance of considering internal nature of the person who will best fit the post.
applications and developing existing This means drawing up a Job description (or,
employees to enable them to be considered in some cases, a Job profile) and a Person
for promotion. specification. Alternatively, a competency
profile can be drawn up which will define the
■ Handling and processing applications with
nature of the job and the competencies
due speed, diligence, and courtesy.
required to carry out that job efficiently. If
■ Ensuring that the successful applicants will competencies are used, they will be part of a
be chosen without regard to sex, race, age, wider competency framework in use in the
disability, marital status, religion or any other organization.
factor unconnected with their ability to carry
■ Deciding on the terms and conditions of the
out the job.
post, including hours of work, salary and
■ Making sure that no false or exaggerated benefits. This is known as an employment
claims are made in recruitment literature or package.
job advertisements.
Job analysis
Purpose of job analysis
Does a vacancy exist?
Analysing jobs is central to the people
Vacancies can occur either through an management process. Establishing and
existing occupant leaving the organisation or defining jobs correctly is the starting point for
through the creation of a new post through not just the recruitment process; it plays a
expansion or re-organisation. In either case, major part in the way employees are
it is all too easy to opt for recruitment without managed and motivated, becoming the basis
first thinking through all the alternatives that for the performance management process. it
could be considered, especially as helps to establish how employee’s training
substantial savings can be made by not needs are analyzed.
recruiting or replacing. Here are some How to carry out job analysis
The analysis starts with a definition of what
Doing away with the work altogether-
information needs to be gathered. This can
Automate the work- re-think of the work include the instructions given as to how to
structure. carry out the work, the processes that lead to
the job holder’s actions (communications,
Contract-out the work- Sub-contracting (or flow of work, etc.) the nature of the mental
outsourcing, as it is more commonly called and physical processes required, the degree
today) is becoming more frequent at all of flexibility in the work itself and in the
levels. employee’s thought patterns, the targets and
Re-organising the work- by separating required outcomes, the relationships with
different parts of the work, eliminating those other employees – superiors, peers and
that are unnecessary and farming out the subordinates and the general terms and
rest within the department or even to other conditions attached to the work.
departments. Can also take the form of job Asking employees to complete a
enrichment, which is to extend the work of questionnaire. This can be designed by the
organisation, with or without the help of
specialist consultancy services, or there are Person specification
a number of standard questionnaires
available on the market. • to provide a focus for the organisation
to agree on the traits of the person
who is likely to be successful.
• when incorporated into advertising
Asking employees to keep work diaries. This
material, it communicates the
method, if carried out properly, will get a very
required information to potential
accurate picture of what actually happens
over an extended period, say a week or
• the specification can be used as a
selecting aid whereby a scientific and
objective method can be used to
select applicants for the short-list by
Observe the employee. A realistic picture can means of measuring them for
certainly be drawn up using this method. proximity to the specification.
Attracting the applicants
Interview the employee. Sometimes carried Internal candidates- The candidates’
out in groups, this provides the opportunity to performance is known well, as are their
get the full picture of the post by using attendance records and their strengths and
probing, clarifying and reinforcing questions. weaknesses.
Through interviewing, two specific Using third parties
techniques can be used to produce an
outcome. The first is the repertory grid • Recruitment agencies, who will
technique where, through questioning, a grid handle the entire recruitment process
is constructed of the tasks carried out and the up to short-listing, providing
skills and competencies required to carry out candidates from their own sources or
those tasks, scored from, say, one to five. advertising on your behalf.
This is of considerable assistance in • Advertising agencies, who help
producing an accurate person specification. devise a single advertisement or
The second technique is that of drawing out complete campaign and advise on
a set of critical incidents to examine which the advertising media.
parts of the job are crucial to its success or • Executive Search agencies
failure. (sometimes known as ‘headhunters’)
who will search for senior staff on
Job description
your behalf, approaching suitable
They are an integral part of the job evaluation candidates directly, often under
process, where grading and salary decisions considerable secrecy.
are taken on the basis of carefully sculpted • Job centres can give energetic
job descriptions. support, especially if the organisation
is either moving into the area or has
The essential ingredients of every job
an expansion programme with
description are:
multiple vacancies, particularly at
■ Job title operative or clerical and
administrative level.
■ Job location • Educational establishments –
■ The superior to whom the job holder schools, colleges, universities can
reports help provide a willing, if often
inexperienced, source of applicants.
■ The staff who are responsible to the job
■ The overall purpose of the job
■ Whether it can be full time or part time
■ Most frequently performed duties with
some indication of their importance
Job profile
will only indicate the main tasks and
accountabilities and use more generalized
statements as to the nature of the work.
■ Prominent display of a high-profile
corporate image, where that applies.
Recruitment advertising


• Local newspaper advertisements

Designing and placing advertisements • Recruitment agencies
• Specialist journal/trade press
The three key objectives of a good
• Word of mouth
advertisement are that it:
• Own website
■ Attracts attention – to successfully • Job centre
compete with other job advertisements in • National newspaper advertisement
that media. • Intranet
■ Creates and maintains interest – it has to • Speculative applications
communicate accurate information about the • Links with schools/colleges
job, the company, the rewards, the nature of • Executive search
the job and the type of person wanted and do • Others – work placements,
all this in an interesting and attractive way. promotional events, commercial job
board internet sites, secondments,
■ Stimulate action – the message must be job-preview experiences, etc.
sufficiently strong for potential applicants to
read it to the end and then make the time and Sources of recruitment
effort to respond in the required way. Internal advertising.
Attracting attention can be achieved by a External advertising.
number of means:
■ Using bold and unusual headlines
The right person can be defined as:
■ Salary and location clearly displayed.
■ somebody who matches the requirements
■ An effective illustration or striking artwork set out in the job specification.
■ Using full or part-colour, although there are ■ has had satisfactory references.
cost extras involved here.
■ where future predictions indicate their
■ Agreeing with the publisher a prominent success in the position.
location of the advertisement, again with a
supplementary cost.
■ has expressed sufficient interest in the examination of the candidate’s biography,
position at interview to indicate that they comparing it to the biography of a group of
wished to be offered the position. successful incumbents in the position.
The aim of selection is to find such a person Selection testing
who accepts the position and who gives
Ability tests - measure a candidate’s
satisfactory service and performance in the
long term. existing ability, both mental and physical.
They can measure a variety of areas such as
Steps in the selection process verbal reasoning, numerical ability, sensory
or motor skills, spatial or mechanical ability.
Starting from the position where the
These are sometimes called performance
recruitment process has produced a number
tests or, in the case of the performing arts,
of applicants, the important steps in selection
auditions; alternatively, they can be general
are as follows:
paper and pencil tests of mental or numerical
■ short-listing the candidates for the next skills.
Aptitude tests- also measures of ability that
■ setting up tests for the short-listed examine whether a candidate is likely to be
candidates, sometimes in the form of an able to acquire the skills and knowledge
assessment centre (although tests do not necessary to perform the job.
take place on every occasion);
Personality tests- type of psychological
■ interviewing the candidates (and giving questionnaire that are designed to measure
them feedback on the tests) and allowing the the more permanent emotional tendencies
candidates to interview the selectors; people have that make up their personality.

■ choosing the successful candidate; Test format There are three main formats of
the tests.
■ obtaining references (although this is
sometimes carried out before interview); The ipsative or forced- choice question
where the candidate has to choose between
■ offering the position, confirming in writing a number of statements or adjectives that
and gaining acceptance; describe themselves.
■ organising the induction process; A second format is to give a third
■ evaluating the result. alternative in answer to a question.

Short-listing This format allows candidates a greater

choice and can measure the candidate’s
- involves reducing the number of degree of indecision.
applications received down to an appropriate
sized list of candidates to be invited for A third format is to use the Likert scale
interview. where candidates have more than three
two approaches in this reduction
process.- screening approach where What makes a good test?
unsuitable applicants are rejected until only There are a number of essential features that
the required number of applicants for make a test worth using. Firstly, it must be
interview is left. valid. This means it must measure the
second method is one of inclusion where characteristic which the test is intended to
each applicant is compared with the measure. If it sets out to measure the
requirements set out in the person aptitude for, say, bricklaying, then it must be
specification and given a score through a tested to show that it actually does do so.
pre-set scoring system. Secondly, it must also be reliable in that the
results are the same if the tests are given
How screening by ‘phone’ can reduce under identical conditions. Robust tests have
discrimination themselves been tested effectively over a
period of time before they are put on the
The Nationwide Building Society believes
market, usually with the help of volunteers.
that screening applicants by telephone is
Thirdly, there must be norms available which
helping to eliminate the risk of assumptions
have arisen from standardised interpretation.
being made on the basis of appearance, age
Fourthly, the tests must be free of
and qualifications.
Biodata- Another technique used in short-
listing, biodata, is to make a very detailed
Problems associated with interviewing. ■ opening the interview, - important as it sets
the tone of the interview process. This allows
■ Different views on the person they are
the candidate to relax into the interview and
looking for. The person specification may be a chance to observe the interviewers.
too vague or ambiguous so interviewers
have different ideas on what would be the ■ listening, - It is easy to spot the
success factors in the position. inexperienced interviewer; they believe they
should dominate the proceeding and do most
■ Decide intuitively. Despite repeated calls
of the talking.
for interviewers to base their decisions on the
objective evidence which they have
collected, there remains a constant ■ asking the right questions, - right way is a
temptation to make overall judgements large subject area.
based on intuition.
■ structured interviews. -
■ Make decisions before the interview takes
place or early on in the interview.
■ Prefer candidates like themselves. The so-
called ‘clone factor’ indicates that
interviewers give higher ratings on some
traits to candidates who are similar to
themselves, rather than matching the
candidates against the person specification.
■ Continue to stereotype candidates. Despite
the illegality of judging candidates on the
basis of their sex, ethnic origin, disability or
marital status, interviewers, often
unknowingly, will allow such considerations
to cloud their judgements. This can extend to
areas such as age, geographical origin,
accent, height and even their attire.
■ Cannot take on board all the information
provided. The brain can only assimilate a
certain amount of information. Each
candidate provides a wealth of data and even
30 minutes of interview time can be
transcribed into more than 10 pages of
written text.
Who carries out the interview?
There are three options for the interview
format: One-to-one interviews, paired
interviews, or panel interviews.
one-to-one interview, the candidate is more
likely to open up, respond to careful probing
and give all the required information
regarding their skills, experience,
competencies and viewpoints.
panel interview, which can consist of up to
10 interviewers, presents its own problems.
Pure logistics is one, where simply finding a
convenient time for all the participants can be
difficult enough.
Interviewing technique
These can be divided into preparation,
operation, and summation.
Operation covers a wide area and can be
divided into a number of areas:
Importance of Job Analysis Job Evaluation
job analysis is the foundation for almost all Job analysis information can also be used to
human resources activities. It is difficult to determine the worth of a job. Job evaluation
imagine how one could write a job will be discussed in greater detail later in this
description, select employees, evaluate chapter.
performance, or conduct training programs
Job Design
without knowing the tasks an employee
performs, the conditions under which they Job analysis information can be used to
are performed, and the competencies determine the optimal way in which a job
needed to perform the tasks. should be performed.
Who Will Conduct the Analysis?
Writing Job Descriptions Typically, a job analysis is conducted by a
trained individual in the human resources
One of the written products of a job analysis
department, but it can also be conducted by
is a job description—a brief, two- to five-page
job incumbents, supervisors, or outside job
summary of the tasks and job requirements
analysis and evaluation consultants.
found in the job analysis.
Conducting a Job Analysis
the job analysis is the process of determining
the work activities and requirements, and the Step 1: Identify Tasks Performed- Th is
job description is the written result of the job information is usually gathered by obtaining
analysis. Job analyses and job descriptions previous information on the job, interviewing
serve as the basis for many HR activities, job incumbents, observing performance, or
including employee selection, evaluation, actually performing the job itself.
training, and work design.
Step 2: Write Task Statements- Once the
tasks have been identified, the next step is to
Employee Selection write the task statements that will be used in
the task inventory and included in the job
It is difficult to imagine how an employee can description.
be selected unless there is a clear
Step 3: Rate Task Statements- Once the
understanding of the tasks performed and
task statements have been written (usually
the competencies needed to perform those
including some tasks), the next step is
tasks. By identifying such requirements, it is
to conduct a task analysis—using a group of
possible to select tests or develop interview
SMEs to rate each task statement on the
questions that will determine whether a
frequency and the importance or criticality of
particular applicant possesses the necessary
the task being performed.
knowledge, skills, and abilities to carry out
the requirements of the job. Step 4: Determine Essential KSAOs. - the
Personpower Planning next step is to identify the KSAOs needed to
perform the tasks.
One important but seldom employed use of
job analysis is to determine worker mobility • A knowledge is a body of information
within an organization. needed to perform a task.
• A skill is the proficiency to perform a
Performance Appraisal learned task.
• An ability is a basic capacity for
Another important use of job analysis is the
performing a wide range of different
construction of a performance appraisal
tasks, acquiring a knowledge, or
instrument. As in employee selection, the
developing a skill.
evaluation of employee performance must
be job related. Employees are often Step 5: Selecting Tests to Tap KSAOs -
evaluated with forms that use such vague
categories as “dependability,” “knowledge,” • Other characteristics include such
and “initiative.” personal factors as personality,
willingness, interest, and motivation
Job Classification and such tangible factors as licenses,
Job analysis enables a human resource degrees, and years of experience.
professional to classify jobs into groups
based on similarities in requirements and
duties. Job classification is useful for Step 5: Selecting Tests to Tap KSAOs-
determining pay levels, transfers, and These methods will be used to select new
promotions. employees and include such methods as
interviews, work samples, ability tests, Job Fairs- designed to provide information
personality tests, reference checks, integrity in a personal fashion to as many applicants
tests, biodata, and assessment centers. as possible. Job fairs are typically conducted
in one of three ways. In the first, many types
Job Evaluation
of organizations have booths at the same
Once a job analysis has been completed and location.
a thorough job description written, it is
Incentives- When unemployment rates are
important to determine how much employees
low, organizations have to take extra
in a position should be paid. This process of
measures to recruit employees. One of these
determining a job’s worth is called job
measures is to offer incentives for employees
evaluation. A job evaluation is typically done to accept jobs with an organization.
in two stages: determining internal pay equity
and determining external pay equity. Types of Interviews
Recruitment Structure- The structure of an interview is
determined by the source of the questions,
An important step in selecting employees is
the extent to which all applicants are asked
recruitment: attracting people with the right
the same questions, and the structure of the
qualifications (as determined in the job
system used to score the answers. A
analysis) to apply for the job.
structured interview is one in which ( ) the
The first decision is whether to promote source of the questions is a job analysis (job-
someone from within the organization related questions), ( ) all applicants are
employee selection: recruiting and asked the same questions, and ( ) there is a
interviewing (internal recruitment) or to hire standardized scoring key to evaluate each
someone from outside the organization answer. An unstructured interview is one in
(external recruitment). which interviewers are free to ask anything
they want (e.g., Where do you want to be in
Outside Recruiters five years? What was the last book you
outside recruiting sources as private read?), are not required to have consistency
employment agencies, public employment in what they ask of each applicant and may
agencies, and executive search firms. assign numbers of points at their own
Employment Agencies and Search Firms
Style- The style of an interview is determined
Employment Agencies by the number of interviewees and number of
interviewers. One-on-one interviews involve
Executive Search Firms- Executive search
one interviewer interviewing one applicant.
firms, better known as “headhunters,” differ
Serial interviews involve a series of single
from employment agencies in several ways.
interviews. a.m. Return interviews are similar
Public Employment Agencies - designed to serial interviews with the difference being
primarily to help the unemployed find work, a passing of time between the first and
but they often offer services such as career subsequent interview. For example, an
advisement and résumé preparation. applicant might be interviewed by the HR
manager and then brought back a week later
Employee Referrals- current employees to interview with the vice-president. Panel
recommend family members and friends for interviews have multiple interviewers asking
specific job openings. questions and evaluating answers of the
Direct Mail- successful in product same applicant at the same time, and group
advertising, several organizations have used interviews have multiple applicants
it to recruit applicants, especially those who answering questions during the same
are not actively job hunting. With direct-mail interview. Of course one could put together
recruitment, an employer typically obtains a several combinations such as a serial-panel-
mailing list and sends help-wanted letters or group interview, but life is too short for such
brochures to people through the mail. nonsense.

Internet- Medium-Interviews also differ in the extent to

which they are done in person. In face-to-
Employer-Based Websites-an organization face interviews, both the interviewer and the
lists available job openings and provides applicant are in the same room. Face-to-face
information about itself, and the minimum interviews provide a personal setting and
requirements needed to apply to a particular allow the participants to use both visual and
job. vocal cues to evaluate information.
Telephone interviews are often used to
screen applicants but do not allow the use of
visual cues (not always a bad thing). Face validity is the extent to which a test
Videoconference interviews are conducted at appears to be job related. This perception is
remote sites. The applicant and the important because if a test or its items do not
interviewer can hear and see each other, but appear valid, the test-takers and
the setting is not as personal, nor is the administrators will not have confidence in the
image and vocal quality of the interview as results.
sharp as in face-to-face interviews. Written
Making the Hiring Decision
interviews involve the applicant answering a
series of written questions and then sending Unadjusted Top-Down Selection
the answers back through regular mail or
through email. With top-down selection, applicants are rank
ordered on the basis of their test scores.
Characteristics of Effective Selection Selection is then made by starting with the
Techniques highest score and moving down until all
openings have been filled.
Effective selection techniques have four
characteristics. They are reliable, valid, cost- Rule of Three
efficient, and legally defensible.
A technique often used in the public sector is
Reliability- the extent to which a score from the rule of three (or rule of five), in which the
a selection measure is stable and free from names of the top three scorers are given to
error. If a score from a measure is not stable the person making the hiring decision (e.g.,
or error-free, it is not useful. Test reliability is police chief, HR director).
determined in four ways: test-retest reliability,
alternate-forms reliability, internal reliability, Passing Scores
and scorer reliability. Passing scores are a means for reducing
Test-Retest Reliability- With the test-retest adverse impact and increasing flexibility.
reliability method, each one of several people With this system, an organization determines
take the same test twice. The scores from the the lowest score on a test that is associated
first administration of the test are correlated with acceptable performance on the job.
with scores from the second to determine Banding
whether they are similar.
As mentioned previously, a problem with top-
Alternate-Forms Reliability- down hiring is that the process results in the
Validity- Validity is the degree to which highest levels of adverse impact. On the
inferences from scores on tests or other hand, use of passing scores decreases
assessments are justified by the evidence. adverse impact but reduces utility. As a
As with reliability, a test must be valid to be compromise between top-down hiring and
useful. There are five common strategies to passing scores, banding attempts to hire the
investigate the validity of scores on a test: top test scorers while still allowing some
content, criterion, construct, face, and known flexibility for affirmative action.
Content Validity
One way to determine a test’s validity is to
look at its degree of content validity the
extent to which test items sample the content
that they are supposed to measure.
Criterion Validity
Another measure of validity is criterion
validity, which refers to the extent to which a
test score is related to some measure of job
performance called a criterion.
Construct validity is the most theoretical of
the validity types. Basically, it is defined as
the extent to which a test actually measures
the construct that it purports to measure.
Construct validity is concerned with
inferences about test scores, in contrast to
content validity, which is concerned with
inferences about test construction.
Job analysis is the process used to identify For example, does the employee put
the work performed and the working together an entire television or just place the
conditions for each of the jobs within our screen in the set?
3. Task significance is an employee’s
perception of the importance of the task to
others—the organization, the department,
Job analysis The process used to identify the coworkers, and/or customers.
work performed and the working conditions
for each of the jobs within our organizations 4. Autonomy is the degree to which the
employee has discretion to make decisions
Job description Identification of the major
in planning, organizing, and controlling the
tasks, duties, and responsibilities that are task performed.
components of a job.
5. Feedback is the extent to which
Job specification Identification of the
employees find out how well they perform
qualifications of a person who should be their tasks.
capable of doing the job tasks noted in the
job description. Job Simplification
Job Analysis Methods is the process of eliminating or combining
tasks and/or changing the work sequence to
Five commonly used methods of job analysis
improve performance. Job simplification
include the use of questionnaires, interviews, makes jobs more specialized.
diaries, observation, and subject matter
expert panels. Job expansion
Job Design/Redesign Job expansion is the process of making jobs
broader, with less repetition. Jobs can be
Job design is the process of identifying
expanded through rotation, enlargement,
tasks that each employee is responsible for
and enrichment. Job expansion allows us to
completing, as well as identifying how those focus on making the work more varied.
tasks will be accomplished.
Job enlargement
Job redesign refers to changing the tasks or
the way work is performed in an existing job. Job enlargement involves adding tasks—at
the same level in the organization—to
Approaches to Job Design and Redesign
broaden variety.
1. Mechanistic (vs. organic) job design
Job enrichment
focuses on designing jobs around the
concepts of task specialization, skill Job enrichment is the process of building
simplification, and repetition. motivators into the job itself to make it more
2. Biological job design focuses on interesting and challenging, frequently
minimizing the physical strain on the through increasing autonomy.
worker by structuring the physical
Reliability- identifies how consistent a
work environment around the way the
particular measure is.
body works.
3. Perceptual-motor job design focuses Validity refers to whether or not we
on designing jobs with tasks that measured what we thought we measured.
remain within the worker’s normal What we are measuring seems obvious to
mental capabilities and limitations. us, but we sometimes make mistakes.
4. Motivational job design Designing
jobs by focusing on the job
characteristics that affect the Recruitment
psychological meaning and
motivational potential of the job; this Recruiting is the process of creating a
approach views attitudinal variables reasonable pool of qualified candidates for a
as the most important outcomes of job opening.
job design.
Internal Recruiting
The Job Characteristics Model (JCM)
Internal recruiting involves filling job
1. Skill variety is the number of diverse tasks openings with current employees or people
that make up a job and the number of skills the employees know.
used to perform the job.
Open recruiting consists of advertising the
2. Task identity is the degree to which an job openly within the organization, and
employee performs a whole identifiable task.
anyone who meets the qualifications can - Looking for “Fit”
apply for the job opening. - Personality-Job Fit
- Ability-Job Fit
Targeted recruiting we ask managers to - Person-Organization Fit
privately nominate workers who they feel
would be able to do the job that needs to be Uniform Guidelines on Employee
filled. Selection Procedures
closed recruiting occurs when hiring Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection
managers have a need to fill a position and Procedures (UGESP) provide information
they communicate that need to HR. HR that can be used to avoid discriminatory
recruiters will then search the organization’s hiring practices as well as discrimination in
files for people who have the requisite skills other employment decisions. Most often
and qualifications and send a list of such called simply the “Uniform Guidelines,” they
individuals to the hiring manager. were created to guide employers in their
efforts to comply with the federal laws
External Recruiting is the process of
concerning all employment decisions, and
engaging individuals from the labor market
especially the selection process.
outside the firm to apply for a job.
What Qualifies as an Employment Test?
External Recruiting Sources
Valid and Reliable Measures
- Walk-ins
- Educational Institutions Validity
- Employment Agencies - There are
Criterion-related validity is an assessment
three major types of employment
of the ability of a test to measure some other
agencies:Temporary agencies,
factor related to the test.
Public agencies and Private
employment agencies are Content validity is an assessment of
- Advertising whether a test measures knowledge or
understanding of the items it is supposed to
Construct validity measures a theoretical
concept or trait that is not directly observable.
Reliability - Reliability is the consistency of
a test measurement. In addition to being
valid, for a measure to be useful in any type
of testing (including employment testing), it
needs to be reliable.
There are several different types of private Applications and Preliminary Screening
employment agencies:
The first step in the selection process is to
-General employment agencies operate on a get job applicants to fill out an application
for-profit basis. and/or send in their résumé. Then we do
preliminary screening that may include a
-Contingency agencies offer employees to
quick background check, testing, and initial
the employer and are paid when the job
interviewing to narrow down the applicants to
candidate is hired by the employer.
the best matches, or fit, for the job.
-Retained search firms or executive
Applications and Résumés
recruiters are paid to search for a specific
type of recruit for the organization and will be the recruited candidates are typically asked
paid regardless of success in their recruiting to complete an application to provide
efforts. biographical data. We need data to aid in
selecting the best person for the job.
1. Closed-ended questions, which require a
limited response, often a yes or no
The Importance of the Selection Process answer,mand are appropriate for dealing
with fixed aspects of the job. Examples
Selection is the process of choosing the include, “Domyou have a class-one license?”
best-qualified applicant who was recruited for and “Can you produce it if hired?”
a given job.
2. Open-ended questions, which require
Steps in the Selection Process detailed responses and are appropriate for
determining candidate abilities and Credit Checks
motivation. Examples include, “Why do you
one of the most commonly used background
want to be a computer programmer for our
checks is the credit check. Credit checks are
company?” and “What do you see as a major
subject to the Fair Credit Reporting Act
strength you can bring to our company?”
(FCRA), which requires that employers
3. Hypothetical questions, which require disclose to the applicant that they will use
candidates to describe what they would do credit reports for employment decisions.
and say in a given situation. These questions
Criminal Background Checks
are appropriate for assessing capabilities. An
example would be, “What would the problem Reference Checks
be if the machine made a ringing sound?”
Reference checks include not only calls to
4. Probing questions, which require a references that are provided by the applicant,
clarification response and are appropriate for but also reference letters from employers,
improving the interviewer’s understanding. personal letters of recommendation, and
Probing questions are not planned. They are possibly cold calls to previous employers.
used to clarify the candidate’s response to an
open-ended or hypothetical question.
Examples include, “What do you mean by ‘it
was tough’?” and “What was the dollar
increase in sales you achieved?”

Preparing for the Interview

Step 1: Review the job description and
Step 2: Prepare a realistic job preview
Step 3: Plan the type of interview
Step 4: Develop questions for all
Step 5: Develop a form
Step 6: Develop questions for each

Conducting the Interview

Step 1: Open the interview
Step 2: Present the realistic job preview
Step 3: Ask your questions
Step 4: Introduce top candidates to
Step 5: Close the interview

Background Checks
Background checks are needed to help
prevent negligent hires. in addition to
verification of the information on a
candidate’s application form and/or résumé,
several other types of background checks
may or may not be appropriate.

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