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1. Do you agree that climate change are caused by human activity?

2. Is carbon dioxide natural and essential for life, not a pollutant, and doesn't it
necessarily contribute to climate change?
3. Do the global greenhouse gas emissions caused by humans, which are 20%, exceed the
emissions from all of the passenger vehicles on the planet?
4. Are tropical forests that are incredibly effective at storing carbon, providing at least a
third of the mitigation action needed to prevent the worst climate change scenarios,
receiving only 3 percent of all climate funding?
5. Does climate change have something to do with the decreasing number of marine life?
6. Can it be denied that humans are responsible for climate change?
7. Are extreme hot weather, floods, droughts, and storms effects of climate change?
8. Does human activity contribute only a small fraction of carbon dioxide (CO2)
emissions, far too small to have a significant effect on the concentration of the
greenhouse gas in the atmosphere?
9. Do you agree that climate change is a natural and normal phenomenon of the
planetary cycle?
10. Do energy sectors generate the most greenhouse gas emissions?
11. Is the fact that some places are colder than usual evidence against the concept of
global "warming"?
12. Was the highest ever recorded temperature in the Philippines 42.2 degrees Celsius on
May 11, 1969 in Quezon City, Metro Manila?
13. Are marine ecosystems and organisms harmed because the oceans are becoming more
acidic due to the absorption of carbon dioxide?
14. Is climate change one of the factors contributing to global warming?
15. Is carbon dioxide a primary greenhouse gas that is contributing to recent climate
16. Is the Philippines one of the countries that is vulnerable to the impacts of climate
17. Is climate change primarily a future problem that will only impact future generations?
18. Do scientists widely agree and claim that climate change will cause irreversible and
catastrophic damage to the planet, leading to its destruction, by the year 2030?
19. Does climate change have significant impacts on human health, including increased
rates of asthma, allergies, and heat-related illnesses?
20. Is there any hope that we will be able to address climate change before it is too late?
21. Is the ongoing increase in global average temperature a part of the natural process of
the earth?
22. Do volcanoes emit a significantly larger amount of carbon dioxide than human beings?
23. Is climate change solely a natural and normal phenomenon within the planetary cycle,
without any significant contribution from human activities?
24. What sources influenced your initial understanding of this climate change information?
25. What are your usual sources of climate change information?

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