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3/12/2022 1
Lecture outline
➢ An overview of Information Systems Development
➢ system Development Life Cycle
✓ System Investigation
✓ System Analysis
✓ System Design
✓ System Implementation
✓ System Maintenance
➢ Factors Affecting System Development Success
➢ System Development Approach (assignment)

3/12/2022 2
Chapter Objectives Overview
• Define system development and list the system
development phases
• Explain activities performed in each system
development phase.
➢Identify factors affecting system development
➢Identify the various System Development

3/12/2022 3
An overview of Information Systems
• Business firm plan, develop, and implement
information system to meet the challenges and
opportunities faced in today’s business

• When an organization needs to undertake a new

task, change, or improve an activity or business
process, it develops a new system or modifies an
existing one.

3/12/2022 4
An overview of Information Systems
Development Cont’d
• Thus, system development is a process of
creating a new or modifying an existing
• Information system development requires
system approach.
• System approach is management perspective
which advocates that any business problem
should be seen as system as a whole rather
than seeing the problem in parts.

3/12/2022 5
An overview of Information Systems
Development Cont’d

• System approach helps to see the problem at

holistic level not at sub-system level.
• Applying system approach perspective to the
development of information system to solve
business problem is called information system

3/12/2022 6
An overview of Information Systems
Development Cont’d

• System thinking is one aspects of the system approach

which focuses on the way that a system's elements
interrelate and works within the context of larger

3/12/2022 7
Participants in Information System

• Effective and efficient system development

highly requires a team work.
• Including all the necessary stakeholders for a
system development project is critical to
project success.

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Participants in Information System
Development Cont’d
• The participants of information system
development usually consists of system owner,
users, project manager, systems analyst, system
designer , technical specialists, etc.

• So, a stakeholder in the system development is

any party that has an interest in an existing or
proposed information system.

3/12/2022 9
Information System Planning and
organizational goal

• Information systems development must align

with organizational goals.
• Information system planning is translating
strategic and organizational goal into systems
development initiatives.

3/12/2022 10
Systems Analysis and Design (SAD)

• The overall process by which information systems are

designed and implemented within organizations is
called SAD.
• It includes the identification of business problems;
proposing the solution, designing and implementing
the proposed systems to the business problems.

3/12/2022 11
Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

• The systems development life cycle (SDLC) is a

conceptual model that describes the stages involved in
an information system development project.

• The system life cycle is a series of stages that are

worked through during the development of
information system.

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SDLC cont’d

• The life of the system is continuous or repetitive

,because the system needs improvement or
replacement due to continuous change in technology
or business environment.

3/12/2022 13
Phases of Systems Development Life Cycle

• Traditional system development life cycle contains

five major phases or stages.

• These are:
1. Systems Investigation
2. Systems Analysis
3. Systems Design
4. Systems Implementation
5. Systems maintenance
3/12/2022 14
phase one : Systems Investigation

• Identifying or understanding business problems and

opportunities in line with business goals.
• Focus on how to address the existing business
problems and opportunities.
• The result of systems investigation is feasibility
• Feasibility is conducted to determine whether a new
or improved business system is a feasible solution to
the business problems or opportunities.

3/12/2022 15
Systems Investigation cont’d

• Feasibility study is conducted to answer the following

✓ Is the system proposed is feasible operationally,
economically, technically, legally, politically, in terms of
human factors and time?
✓ Feasibility study is a measure of how suitable the
development of a system will be the organization.
N.B A project that is feasible at one point during
system development might become infeasible at a
later point.

3/12/2022 16
Systems Investigation cont’d
Operational Feasibility Economic Feasibility

✓ How well the proposed system will solve ✓Is the benefits of the proposed
the identified problem. information system will be greater
✓ How well the proposed system will fit than its costs?
with the existing organizational
structure ✓Investment cost versus return on

Technical Feasibility Schedule Feasibility

✓ Do an organization has or can obtain the ✓Is the project can be completed
hardware,software,and people needed to within reasonable amount of time?
deliver and then support the proposed
information system?

3/12/2022 17
Systems Investigation cont’d
Human Factors Feasibility Legal Feasibility

✓ Is the proposed system is acceptable and ✓No patent or copyright violations

perceived as relevant by customers, ✓No violation of government

suppliers and employees regulation

✓ Is there support from management body ✓Is the laws or regulations prevent

✓ Is there skilled and sufficient manpower or limit a systems development or

to operate the new or modified system. modifications ,etc

3/12/2022 18
Systems Investigation cont’d

• The primary outcome of systems investigation is a

systems investigation report or simply a feasibility study

• The system analyst writes the feasibility study report and

present the findings about the benefits of a new or
modified system and the recommendation.

• Based on feasibility study report, the decision to continue,

modify or drop the project will be made by concerned body
such steering committee or advisory committee.

3/12/2022 19
Phase two: System Analysis
• System analysis answer ‘what must the information
systems do to solve the problem?’
• Studying existing systems to identify strengths,
weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement.
• In-depth study of the old system and new
requirements to determine systems functional
• Analyzing the information needs of end-users
( employees, customers, and business stakeholders)

3/12/2022 20
System Analysis cont’d

• Systems analysis is the analysis of a problem

that a firm tries to solve with information
• Systems analysis describes what a system should do
to meet information requirements.
• System analysis includes organizational analysis,
present system analysis, logical analysis and
functional requirements analysis.

3/12/2022 21
System Analysis cont’d

1. Organizational analysis
✓ Systems analyst should know very well about
organizational (structure, people, business activities
,environment, etc)

2. Analysis of the present System

✓ Detailed study system of the current system to understand
whether the system should be improved or replaced.

3/12/2022 22
System Analysis cont’d

3. Logical analysis
✓ Constructing the a logical model that is used as a blueprint to
study the current system process, function and etc.
4. Functional requirements analysis
✓ the process of determining user expectations for a new or
modified system such as type of information, format,
volume, frequency, information processing capabilities
of each system activities and etc to meet end-user
information needs.

3/12/2022 23
Phase three: Systems Design

• Converting the system requirements in system

analysis stage into design specification.
• The system design is the overall plan or model for
that system like the blueprint of a building consisting
all the specifications that give the system its form and
• Develop logical models of new system
• Develop specifications for resource and activity
components information systems that will satisfy the
functional requirements of the proposed system.

3/12/2022 24
Phase four: System Implementation
• Involves the creation or acquisition of various system
components specified in the system design stage,
assembling or installing them, and putting the new
or modified system into operation.
• It is a stage at which systems components are made or
acquired, testing system takes place, training people
to operate and use the system, convert an old system
to the new system and manage changes due to the
new system.

3/12/2022 25
System Implementation cont’d

• Implementation can be a difficult and time

• Even a well-designed system will fail if it is not
properly implemented.
• System implementation requires replacing an old
system with the new or modified one.
• There are four methods of conversion.

3/12/2022 26
System Implementation cont’d

1. Pilot approach
✓ New system is tried out in only one part of
the organization first
✓ Failures are contained within a limited boundary.
✓ It reduces the exposure of the business.
✓ It protects the new system from developing a
negative reputation
✓ Once new system is operating smoothly, implementation
goes organization wide.

3/12/2022 27
System Implementation cont’d

2.Parallel approach
✓ The new system runs in parallel with the old system until the
new one is tested and fully operational.

✓ It’s very expensive to use this method because you must

operate two systems at the same time

✓ Users’ work doubles because they must use both systems for
all their tasks.

3/12/2022 28
System Implementation cont’d

3.Phase –in approach

✓ A new system is implemented gradually over a period
of time.

✓ Only a portion of the system is installed at a time.

✓ Once it works, another portion is installed.

✓ Tightly integrated systems cannot use this method

3/12/2022 29
System Implementation cont’d

4. Direct/plunge/ approach
✓ The old system is shut off one day and the new system is
turned on the next day.

✓ If the new system fails, the organization is in trouble.

✓ This is an extremely risky conversion method because you’re
putting a lot of faith in the new system working correctly the
first time.
✓ Not recommended most of the time.

3/12/2022 30
System Maintenance

• System maintenance is a post-implementation review

of the new system which involves monitoring,
evaluating and enhancing the system to make it more
useful in delivering the purpose of its development.

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Factors affecting systems development

3/12/2022 32
Environmental design considerations

• Also called green design, involves developing a

system that reduce resource consumption such as
power, physical space and does not harm the
environment during its disposal.

3/12/2022 33
System Development Methodologies

• What are the various system development

• When to use each methodology?
• What are the strengths and weaknesses of each
system development methodology?

3/12/2022 34
Thank you for your


3/12/2022 35

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