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HaiMo, Hu

My article incorporated the class theme by taking the direction of rebuilding common


How to Rebuild Common Perspectives Toward Fear

Through Theatre Experience.

What would be your answer if someone asks you about fear? I could make a bold assumption

that we would normally connect fear to negativity. I think of how much I dislike horror films,

and maybe you fear spiders so much that thinking about them makes you feel sick. But we can

change that.

Why rebuild common perspectives?

Indeed, it feels terrible when we encounter things we fear. However, when we give fear another

chance, what might happen is that we could discover a way to decrease the level of

uncomfortableness. Thinking in our usual patterns is comfortable, but it could also hold us back.

Having the flexibility of willing to change your perspective could benefit you greatly. For

instance, you could find a fresh way to look at a problem and then welcome unexpected


For theatre people: create a show about Fear!

I did a devised piece three years ago when I was studying general theatre. Our theme was “fear.”

We started from scratch. Every detail about the show was the result of our careful and

collaborative decision-making. The most intriguing and beneficial things from the production,
besides the theatrical training, were how our concepts toward fear changed and how many

surprising possibilities we found. Our early script ideas were from our common perspectives.

Such as common phobias, past trauma, dark atmosphere, and so on. However, the further we

went in the process, the more we learned that fear could be so much more than a full dose of

pitch-black. We ended up creating many unique scenes that discussed fear from various angles.

For example, common phobias turned into characters and complained about how humans treat

them; characters turned into string puppets and were forced to become what society wants.

Here are steps we took during the developing stage:

 Brainstorming

 Safe space

 Research

 Interview

 Reading, watching works that include the theme

 Scriptwriting, revising

 Tryouts

For theatre lovers: watch a show about Fear!

Rebuilding common perspectives could be a hard thing to do. First, we are used to our patterns

and perhaps unaware of our comfort zone. It’s already hard to wake up earlier than usual, not to

mention rebuilding a common perspective that has stuck with us for a long time. Next, we’ve all

been kids who don’t really care about consequences or what’s better for us. When we’re told to

change a bad habit, we usually resist it. But if the changing process becomes a game, we would

voluntarily do it. So, let’s try the fun way to rebuild our perspectives.
People seek pleasure and comfort from the theatre. If you are not feeling well, watch a comedy.

If you are eager for a romantic relationship, watch a rom-com. You can almost find anything you

want in theatre, let alone a show about fear.

You can find theatre experience through:

 Search for shows online

 YouTube

 Follow your local theatres

 Follow school productions

 Follow the theatre companies you once enjoyed their shows on social media

I’m a theatre lover myself. Whenever I finish enjoying a theatre performance, I always notice

how many feelings, ideas I get, and sometimes, even new perspectives. After our devised piece

production, I received great feedback from my friends who came to the show. They all had

different ideas and their own new perspectives toward fear.

Here are some great ways to discover or record your new perspectives:

 Writing

 Conversations

 Read or watch other people’s review

 Get creative! (audio or video record your thoughts etc.)

Why through theatre experience?

Besides the reason that theatre is a fun and interesting approach, there are other reasons. Theatre

has a long history. Not only does it serve as entertainment, but it also develops into drama

therapy. There are many existing research and experiments discussing how theatre affects people
psychologically. Theatre experience as leisure plays a role in self-development. It brings self-

awareness and accordingly, a greater sense of freedom and satisfaction.

What if I’m just not a theatre person?

Of course, everyone has their own taste. Starting from theatre, films would be another great

option. In some ways, films are similar to theatre performances. They have easier access

nowadays and could give you more freedom on how you want to enjoy the process.

Rebuilding your common perspectives toward fear is more about finding that flexibility and

opening up to more opportunities. Theatre experience in this article is my recommendation and

what I applied to find and enjoy rebuilding perspectives. I hope you could enjoy it too or find

your own unique way!

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