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Design feasibility report

A country with over 320 million inhabitants, the United States of America falls third in

the rank of the largest country in the world. With such kind of huge population, America is a

home of diversity with various ethnicity and multicultural societies ((Ford, 2019)). Discussion

revolving Culture of the United States is sensitive and complex as it forms the basics of which

the country is founded. The culture of American inhabitants has an equivocal influence on the

country’s arts, architectural designs, and color palettes across the country. The image below best

explains the cultural diversity in the United States

Figure 1: Cultural diversity in the United States (Ford, 2019)

Therefore, it is in the interest of this discussion to study the impact of American culture

on its arts, design of architecture, as well as a color palette in the past century. The United States

serves the best fit for this discussion due to its rich multicultural diversity. The advancement in

technology and innovation has reshaped the world’s culture in the past few decades, hence

considering the impact of these innovations on American art design and architectural culture of

the United States is quite ideal for the feasibility study.

Architectural designs reveal a reflection of the community’s culture and ways of life,

cultural diversity in the United States is harmoniously embedded within its structural

infrastructures. Even the high-rise post-modern buildings draw inspiration from the past. In

reference to different house and architectural designs of modern constructions across the United

States shows how art and residential architecture has evolved over the century while illustrating

the interesting facts of cultural influence on the coloring pattern of modern homes (Blaszczyk,

L., & Spiekermann, 2017).

Figure 2: Smithsonian museum; typical traditional architecture (Blaszczyk, L., & Spiekermann, 2017)

Figure 3: Typical modern architecture that defines the culture of American (Akıner, et al 2021)

The era redefined the society to a new modern society with rapid changes in the way of

life as people adapt to the concepts of globalization. New modern society has had both positive

and negative impacts on the American culture; The United States is a multicultural nation made

from people from all around the world, the fusion of integration of different cultures to some

extent has refined the native culture in terms of architecture and coloring of arts and buildings.

However, despite this cultural integration, even modern architecture is made in the inspiration of

the traditional American style to maintain the aboriginal heritage (Blaszczyk, L., &

Spiekermann, 2017). Focusing on innovation and technology, the discovery of HVAC systems

changed the structural designs, where more enclosed buildings emerged, abolishing the open

designs with natural ventilation and air conditioning. For example, HVAC introduced a novel

indoor conditioning convenience that tremendously the comfort staying in cities such Florida,

Miami, New York among other US cities.

The art of design changed with the adoption of symmetrical open staircase designs with

decorative railings immensely impacted the structural interior designs. The use of railings,

balconies, staircases, and open-air corridors in modern buildings serves ornamentation of

buildings. Before the 1980s, the color palette of arts was basically on the standard colors, but

with innovation, the artist is now exposed to thousands of color palettes to choose from in

making paintings bringing sensational fragrance out of artwork (Akıner, et al 2021). The

evolution of color palette showing coloring of art is as shown in the figure below

a. b.

Figure 4: (a) art color palette before, (b) art color pallet after 20th century (Akıner, et al 2021)

It is undeniable that the American government and leaders over the period have

significantly contributed to the cultural change. For instance, America is one of the countries

with the most liberal and stable democracy, where people enjoy the utmost freedom and rights,

allowing cultural integration. Researching the impact of innovation and technology on American

culture in the past century is quite interesting as it is embedded with thrilling findings that

explain the rich multicultural diversity in the United States.


Akıner, İ., Yitmen, İ., Akıner, M. E., & Akıner, N. (2021). The Memetic Evolution of Latin

American Architectural Design Culture. Buildings, 11(7), 288.

Blaszczyk, R. L., & Spiekermann, U. (2017). Bright modernity: color, commerce, and consumer

culture. In Bright Modernity (pp. 1-34). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Ford, T. C. (2019). Beysthetics:“Formation” and the politics of style. In The

LemonadeReader (pp. 192-201). Routledge.

Giannini, T., & Bowen, J. (2019). Museums and Digital Culture: New perspectives and research.

Sykta, I. (2019). Urban and architectural heritage, as well as the impact of American world expos

on city planning and development on example of New York and Chicago. Part I—initial

studies. Teka Komisji Urbanistyki i Architektury Oddziału Polskiej Akademii Nauk w

Krakowie, 227-267.

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