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A.What is Feminism?

- Pasao’s Group

Feminism is the belief in social, economic, and political equality of the sexes. Although largely

originating in the West, it is manifested worldwide and is represented by various institutions committed
to activity.

Misconception on Feminism

1. All feminists hate men.

2. Feminism only liberates women at the expense of men.

3. Women cannot be feminine and be a feminist at the same time.

4. Feminists are “man-haters” or “lesbians.”

5. Men cannot be feminists.

B. Misconceptions about Men and Women

Men- Hernandez’s group


● rational

● decisive

● protective


● emotional

● weak


● nurturing

C. Patriarchy is defined as a system of social organization wherein men are the main figure of authority

a family, clan, or tribe.

● This authority is passed on to the male members of the family.

● The idea that males are expected to act as the leaders of the unit and are expected to assume a more

superior position than females.

D.Feminist Ideology

It aims to eradicate the objectification of women brought about by the patriarchal ideology.
● Women should not be defined by the idea of inferiority established by the patriarchal society

● Men and women are equally allowed to express emotions without basing on their sex or what is

of them by society.

● Men and women should have equal opportunities that are not dictated or affected by their sex or

in society.

E. What is Feminist Criticism?

Feminist Criticism is applied to literature by examining the characters' portrayals, the text's language,
the author's attitude, and the inter-character relationships. Feminist critics also consider the author’s
apparent commentary about society.

Gender stereotypes that you are familiar with

-Boys receive 8 times more attention in the classroom than girls.

-Girls receive 11% less pocket money than boys.

-Children classify jobs and activities as specific to boys or girls.

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