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Contextualisation Cues

An analysis of a trouble-talk between two teachers:


2) Analyse the following conversation between a British cashier and an Asian customer at the
bank. Pay attention to contextualisation cues. What do these cue lead to?

An interaction at a bank between an Asian customer and a British cashier

Customer: Excuse m
Cashier: yes si
Customer: I want to deposit my MOne
Cashier: Oh. I see. Ok. You'll need a deposit form the
Customer: yes. NO,NO. This is the WRONG one
Cashier: Sorry
Customer: I got my account in WEMbl
Cashier: Oh you need a GIRO form the
Customer: yes GIro for
Cashier: Why didn't you say so rst time
Customer: Sorry. Didn't kno
Cashier: All RIGHT
Customer: Thank yo


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