Openmind 2 Unit 5 Grammar and Vocabulary Test B

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Unit 5: Grammar and vocabulary test B Level 2

Vocabulary C Complete the text with the words in the

A Match the sentences. boxes. There is one extra option in each box.
0 I listen to this music to make myself feel happy. b
old-fashioned  folk music  ​cool  ​pop  ​silly  ​
1 All her music sounds the same. c upbeat  ​songs
2 This music sounds like the songs my
grandparents listen to. e pop
My sister loves (0) music. She says that
3 This song has lyrics about war and death. f it’s (11) upbeat
and that it makes her feel good.
4 I can’t stop singing this song. d But I don’t like pop (12) songs
. I think they’re just
5 This is what I listen to when I feel stressed. a (13) silly . I prefer (14) folk music . I think it’s
really (15) cool and I just love Bob Dylan.
a It’s very relaxing.
b It’s rather old-fashioned.
c It’s so repetitive. dancing  ​sounds  ​catchy  ​classical  ​type  ​
d It’s really catchy.
e It’s so upbeat. A: Do you like this song?
f It’s violent. B: Yes. It’s great! The beat is very (16) catchy –
it’s really good for (17) dancing .
B Write the name of the music that is being
A: I like it but it’s a little boring because it doesn’t have
described. The first letter is shown.
any (18) lyrics .
0 This kind of music is very loud and usually has type
B: So, what’s your favorite (19) of
guitars, drums, and a singer. h eavy m etal
music then?
6 In this kind of music, the musicians often decide the
A: I really like jazz.
tunes while they are playing. j azz
B: Oh, I don’t! I think it all (20) classical the same!
7 This type of music uses electric guitars and usually
has a strong beat. r ock
Score / 20
8 This music has a strong beat and is popular in
Jamaica. r eggae
9 This kind of music came from African-American
musicians and often has words that are spoken.
h ip –h op
10 People like Bach and Chopin wrote this kind of
music. c lassical

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openMind level 2

Grammar C Write the correct form of the verb in

A There is one mistake in each sentence. parentheses OR write should, shouldn’t, or
Correct the mistakes. ought to.
0 You can’t hear the singer at all. The pianist A: What are you doing? You (0) should stop right
shouldn’t to play so loudly. shouldn’t shouldn't
now! You (16) download music from the
1 Last week I’ve heard Carlos singing – internet!
he’s fantastic!
B: Calm down. I (17)
paid (pay) for it yesterday.
2 We all think that Akiko should going
go (18)
Should you ever download (download)
to music college.
3 I’m not ready for the concert. music from this website? It’s only one dollar a song.
I haven't
I didn’t practice enough. You (19) ought to try it.
I've never gone should
4 I never went to a jazz concert. A: No. It looks great. You (20) give me
5 I can’t play this piece of music. I think the address.
I ought try a different piece.
I ought to try

D Choose the correct words.

B Complete the sentences with the verbs in
A: (0) Did / Has anyone seen Paloma Faith in concert?
parentheses. Use the present perfect or the
past simple. B: Yes, I (21) saw / ’ve seen her a couple of years ago.
0 I met (meet) Maria when we were studying
A: (22) Has it been / Was it good?
music in New Orleans.
haven't heard
6 I (not hear) any of Coldplay’s albums. B: Yes! (23) It was / It’s been amazing! (24) She sang /

I haven't known She’d sung all my favorite songs. Listen, she’s

7 (not know) Sue for very long. We met
last week. coming back next month. I (25) bought / ’ve bought

8 I
worked (work) very hard so I was disappointed my ticket already, but you can get one online if you
when I failed my exam. want to come.
9 Carolina
has lived (live) in Edinburgh since 2010.

Did you
watch (watch) Harry Potter A: (26) Did you ever go / Have you ever gone to a
on TV last night?
rock concert?
11 I
haven't been(not be) to Vancouver.

12 I went to town yesterday and

bought (buy)
B: No, I would love to, but I (27) never went / ’ve never

a flute. gone to one.

13 I 've finished(finish) my piano practice, so I can A: They’re lots of fun. I (28) ’ve gone / went to one last
come out now. weekend to see my favorite band. I (29) saw / ’ve seen
14 Last week I
went (go) to a fantastic concert. them twice now. I’m sorry I (30) didn’t invite / haven’t
15 After school, I decided (decide) to spend a invited you.
year traveling.
Score / 30

Total score / 50

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