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Politeness theory was introduced by Penelope Brown and Stephen Levinson in the 1970s.

theory is based on Goffman's concept of face theory and focuses on how and why we are polite
to others.
Goffman (1955) defines face in the concept of face theory as "The positive public image [we]
seek to establish in social interactions."
It's also helpful to think of face as 'self-image'. Naturally, most of us want to protect our self-
image and wish to portray a positive image of ourselves to others.

Brown and Levinson assumed that we have two different types of 'face': Positive
face and Negative face.

Positive face is an individual's desire to be liked and appreciated by others. Think of this as a
person's self-esteem.
we desire to be liked, admired, and something related to positively.

adalah keinginan seseorang untuk disukai dan dihargai oleh orang lain. Anggap saja ini sebagai
harga diri seseorang.
Kita ingin disukai, dikagumi, dan sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan hal yang positif.

Maintaining a positive face means maintaining and exhibiting a positive self-image to the rest of
society.When we are appealing to someone's positive face, we want to increase their self-esteem
and make them feel good about themselves.

For example, we might compliment someone's outfit, congratulate someone on their

achievements, or agree with something they say. (you s wear such lovely clothes!)

Negative face is an individual's desire to protect their personal rights, such as their freedom of
speech and action. individual's desire not to have their basic rights and freedoms impeded by

when engaging in communication, individuals may potentially threaten someone's negative face
when they impose on their freedom or autonomy. For example, making direct requests or giving
orders can be perceived as a threat to negative face because it limits the person's freedom to

keinginan seseorang untuk melindungi hak-hak pribadinya, seperti kebebasan berbicara dan
bertindak. keinginan seseorang untuk tidak dihalangi hak-hak dasar dan kebebasannya oleh
orang lain.

ketika terlibat dalam komunikasi, individu berpotensi mengancam wajah negatif seseorang
ketika mereka memaksakan kebebasan atau otonomi mereka. Sebagai contoh, membuat
permintaan langsung atau memberikan perintah dapat dianggap sebagai ancaman terhadap wajah
negatif karena membatasi kebebasan orang tersebut untuk memilih.

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