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612020 Math Makes Sense p 4 jpeg ' \ ‘ | * e a Exploring Number é se | Patterns 3 ‘ _ « : ; KR mi (3) « Quick Review Sioa Pa > The first four terms are the core The core of a pattern « of this repeating pattern. is the smallest « 2ZAS9 TS QBI*6 29... SS = a > Ina growing pattern, the numbers get bigger in a predictable way. « i 16 11 «16 21 a | Pattern rule: Start at 1. Add 5 each time. « i a | 139 27 ‘ | Pattern rule: Start at 1. Multiply by 3 each time. ‘ | 12471116 2 ‘ Pattern rule: Start at 1. Add 1.Increase the number you add x a by 1 each time. > Ina shrinking pattern, the numbers get smaller in a predictable way. 71 66 61 56 51 46 Pattern rule: Start at 71. Subtract 5 each time. | ‘Try These 1. Write the next three terms for each pattern. a) 4,7, 10, 13, my i | } bm 5,1,2,5,3 Taig | ©) 3,6, 12, 24, “hg ¢ al z | @ 2,3,5,8, 12, 17,23 y4/ | 59, 56,53, 50, 474, 16 poo « Copyright © 2004 Person Education Canaeh In came Mamma mannan Intp: classroom google com/c NDQIODISNTUSMDhala NjeOMjalNTEONTVa detsils Math Makes Sense p 5 jpeg pes » Practice _ 1. Write the next four terms for each pattern. Write the pattern rule, a) 1,3, 6, 10, 15, Stretch Your Thinking You decide to work out 5 minutes the first day, 6 minutes the second day, 8 minutes the third day, 11 minutes the fourth day, and so on. a) Record and extend the pattem in the table, &) On which day will you work out for exactly one hour? ALD. ©) Write the pattern rule. Stops at 3 ~ Xe “t VIN L vence Lt y ey coe Q__| 700 Bivk each time, b © Loar peo cen Con 2 PRUULURLRL DUAR LULU CLAM ULLAL RAR © [utp classroom google com/cNDQIODISNTUSMDha‘a NjeOMigINTgONTVa dels " re Math Makes Sense »6.neg nee | Number Patterns with a Calculator titer Explore number patterns with a 4-function calculator, > County 85 starting at 15, Press 15 | The pattern is: 15, 23, 31, 39, 47, 55, 63, 71, 79, 87, ... This i 1 | | | Quick Review | | | | | | | is a growing pattern. | thas a repeating pattem in the ones digits | 5,.3,1,9,7,5,3,1,9,7,. i Its coreis5, 3, 1, 9, 7, | > Start at 1.Multiply by 4 repeetedly. | Press 4[X] byt ! The pattern is:1, 4, 16, 64, 256, 1024, 4096, This is a growing pattern, !thas a repeating pattern in the ones digits: 14,6.4,6,.4.6, Its coreis 4, 6, Try These 1 al Start with 7. Count by 1 Hips fire i Ay] 1 7 4 131, ae 5 a2.) 5 )2- 12. b) Recdid the pattern ithe onesldigns Grcle itvcore.) On]. J JI os | 2. a) Start with 2. Multiply by repeatedly cord the first six terms. b) Record-the pattern in the ones digits Guanlone a) 5 8 7 & ° Ceprright © 2004 Pearson Education! Conde Ine senndeacescsenecsnsessersccssozeseo nce: ‘ups lassroom googte com 6 NDQIODISNTUSMDha a NjeOMjghNTZONTVa details Math Makes Serse » 7 ines ines 2 Practice 1. Record the next three terms.Write the as a) 425, 470, 515, - 605, 650, ti Rule: b) 742, 712, 682, 652, 622, $92, LULLLLLELLLL Rule: J I Cory +, NEC ’ “HY 2. a) Write a 3-digit number with all the digits the same. HH Add the digits of your number, ‘t+ Ue 4 — (2 2 Divide your 3-digit number by the sum of the digits. 47 Repeat for three other 3-digit numbers in which all the digits are the same. a 3. a) Choose any 2digit num Multiply your number by 101: 1) 12) =} Repeat with three other aah numbers. = le vjal= 2 25 X1 2§ b) What do you notice? The Wo L Sr nan nye Fr Lépent s_ Stretch Your Thinking . 7 4 a) Record the next six terms of this pattern. jl | 1,4, 9, 16, 25,36 44-6 | Bglodyirtg let \ as b) What pattern rule did you follow? IN LB copra 0 Pons nsisin stan casts be 7 enemies s WUURULULULURULLEULLU LALA A Adee ‘naps classroom NDQIODISNTUIMDha a NiO MjgINTEONTV details uM

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