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User Manual
The simplest guideline of how to use



Section Content Page no.

Section 1 Content Sites Setting 4

#1 : Creating a “Youtube Auth Key” 4

#2 : Creating a “Webhose API Key” 9

#3 : Creating a “Flickr API Key” 12

#4 : Creating a “Imgur API Key” 15

#5 : Creating a “Giphy API Key” 18

#6 : Creating a “Pixabay API Key” 22

#7 : Creating a “Vimeo Access Token” 25

#8 : Creating a “Google’s Knowledge 28

Graph API”

Section 2 Affiliate Sites Setting 31

#1 : Affiliate Setting for “Amazon” 31

#2 : Affiliate Setting for “Ebay” 36

Section 3 Amazon Web Service Setting 41


★ With the new rules and new API version changes, Youtube,
Webhose, Flickr, Imgur, Giphy, Pixabay, Vimeo, Google’s
Knowledge is requiring all users that want to view contents
outside of website to register and create a Project to access the

★ The good news is this process is fairly simple.

★ Make sure to set those API’s which you want to use in this

★ There are detailed descriptions inside.

Section 1 : Content Sites Setting

#1 : Creating a “Youtube Auth Key” :

★ From Dashboard, Go to Settings >> Content Sites >> Youtube.

★ You need to collect Youtube API and paste it here.

Get API Key for YouTube :

★ Go to and log in or create an

account, if necessary.
★ After logging in go to this link and click on the
blue CREATE PROJECT button as depicted in the photo below. Wait
a moment as google prepares your project.

★ Fill in whatever Project Name you want.

★ Then click GoogleAPIs link in the top left corner.

★ Search and Select “YouTube Data API”.

★ Now click on the “ENABLE” button.

★ Next click on the ‘CREATE CREDENTIALS’ button to the right.

★ Choose the select option YouTube Data API v3 for the first select
option and Web server(e.g. node js. Tomcat) for the second
selection. Then choose Public data. Now click the blue button,
“What credentials do I need?.”

★ Almost done, wait for google to create your new project and you
should see the screen below where you can copy your API Key.

★ Click “Done” and you can copy your API Key from the next page

Now, Remember the “Content Sites Setting” for Youtube ?

★ Paste the API key here and Click “Done”.

★ Congratulations! Your Youtube Authentication is Done.
Now you can access all Youtube services from your ReZolved
account directly.

#2 : Creating a “Webhose API Key” :

★ From Dashboard, Go to Settings >> Content Sites >> Webhose.

★ You need to collect Webhose API Key and paste it here.

To get your API key from, follow these steps :

★ Go to and fill in the necessary


★ You will have to activate your account by clicking on the link that
was sent to your email address.

★ Once confirmed, you will be sent to’s Getting Started

page. Click on the Dashboard instead and then scroll down to
locate your API key. Copy this key.

Now, Remember the “Content Sites Setting” for Webhose ?

★ Paste the API key here and Click “Done”.

★ Congratulations! Your Webhose Authentication is Done.
Now you can access all Webhose services from your ReZolved
account directly.

#3 : Creating a “Flickr API Key” :

★ From Dashboard, Go to Settings >> Content Sites >> Flickr.

★ You need to collect Flickr API Key and paste it here.

To get your Flickr API key, follow these steps :

★ Go to the Flickr API Services page.

★ Click on the Apply for a new key online now.
★ If you have not yet logged into your Flickr account, you will be
asked to do so.

★ Navigate to the following page to register an OAuth application -
The App Garden

★ The App Garden link : Select whether your you will be making
Commercial or non-Commercial use of the API key.

★ In the About the application text editor, enter a brief description of

what you are using the API key for.
★ Check the I understand... and the I agree... checkboxes displayed
below the editor window.
★ Click the SUBMIT button. A screen will display your new API key.

★ Copy or make a note of your API key.

Now, Remember the “Content Sites Setting” for Flickr ?

★ Paste the API key here and Click “Done”.

★ Congratulations! Your Flickr Authentication is Done.
Now you can access all Flickr services from your ReZolved
account directly.

#4 : Creating a “Imgur API Key” :

★ From Dashboard, Go to Settings >> Content Sites >> Imgur.

★ You need to collect Imgur API Key and paste it here.

To get your Imgur API Key, follow these steps :

★ Sign in to imgur -

★ Navigate to the following page to register an OAuth application -
★ Fill the form with your application details.
★ On the authorization callback URL section, register the following
★ Click on "Submit" and that's it!

★ Copy or make a note of your API key.

Now, Remember the “Content Sites Setting” for Imgur ?

★ Paste the API key here and Click “Done”.

★ Congratulations! Your Imgur Authentication is Done.
Now you can access all Imgur services from your ReZolved
account directly.

#5 : Creating a “Giphy API Key” :

★ From Dashboard, Go to Settings >> Content Sites >> Giphy.

★ You need to collect Giphy API Key and paste it here.

To get your Giphy API Key, follow these steps :

★ Go to the Giphy Developers page.

★ Click Create An App, and follow the steps to request a key.

★ Click Create An App.

★ Select API and click Next Step.

★ Fill up this form and click “Create App”.

★ Copy or make a note of your API key.

Now, Remember the “Content Sites Setting” for Giphy ?

★ Paste the API key here and Click “Done”.

★ Congratulations! Your Giphy Authentication is Done.
Now you can access all Giphy services from your ReZolved
account directly.

#6 : Creating a “Pixabay API Key” :

★ From Dashboard, Go to Settings >> Content Sites >> Pixabay.

★ You need to collect Pixabay API Key and paste it here.

To get your Pixabay API Key, follow these steps :

★ Go to Pixabay and log into your account.

★ Now, go to this link -
★ Click on Get Started.

★ On the API documentation page scroll down.

★ Under Parameters you’d find Key (required). Select and copy the
key inside the green box next to Your API Key.

Now, Remember the “Content Sites Setting” for Pixabay ?

★ Paste the API key here and Click “Done”.

★ Congratulations! Your Pixabay Authentication is Done.
Now you can access all Pixabay services from your ReZolved
account directly.

#7 : Creating a “Vimeo Access Token” :

★ From Dashboard, Go to Settings >> Content Sites >> Vimeo.

★ You need to collect Vimeo Access Token and paste it here.

To get your Vimeo Access Token, follow these steps :

★ Visit this link and log in with your

Vimeo Account.
Don’t worry you do not need to be a developer. You just need that
★ Click “Create an app”.

★ Fill the three required fields as below and hit “Create App”

★ Once created, scroll down to the “Authentication” tab.

★ Click “Generate” at the bottom of this Auth section.

★ Under Parameters you’d find Key (required). Select and copy the

Now, Remember the “Content Sites Setting” for Vimeo ?

★ Paste the API key here and Click “Done”.

★ Congratulations! Your Vimeo Authentication is Done.
Now you can access all Vimeo services from your ReZolved
account directly.

#8 : Creating a “Google’s Knowledge Graph API” :

★ From Dashboard, Go to Settings >> Content Sites >> Google’s

★ You need to collect Google’s Knowledge Graph API and paste it

To get your Google’s Knowledge Graph API, follow these steps :

★ The Knowledge Graph Search API can be found within Google’s

APIs Explorer.
★ Click “ENABLE”.

★ Select a project.


★ Click “What credentials do I need?”.

★ Under Parameters you’d find Key (required). Select and copy the

Now, Remember “Content Sites Setting” for Google’s Knowledge ?

★ Paste the API key here and Click “Done”.

★ Congratulations! Your Google’s Knowledge Authentication is Done.
Now you can access all Google’s Knowledge services from your
ReZolved account directly.

Section 2 : Affiliate Sites Setting

#1 : Affiliate Setting for “Amazon” :

★ From Dashboard, Go to Settings >> Affiliate Sites >> Amazon.

★ You need to collect Amazon Affiliate API and paste it here.

To Get Your Access Key ID & Secret Key for Amazon, follow these
steps :

★ Go to the Amazon Associates Program home page and login to

your account -
★ For the purposes of this tutorial, we assume you are already an
approved Amazon affiliate.
★ If not, make an account and use this link again.

★ Click on the Product Advertising API link at the top of the page.

★ Click the button to access/signup. Log in with your Amazon login

or follow the prompts to create your Product Advertising API

★ If you get a prompt on the next screen, click on Continue to
Security Credentials. DO NOT USE IAM USERS – Amazon’s Product
Advertising API must use the parent keys, not user keys.

★ Expand the “Access Keys” section. This section contains all of your
current access keys. You will likely need to make a new one (you
can have 2 active key pairs per account). Feel free to use an
existing one if you have the secret key already, otherwise click on
the Create New Access Key button.

★ A dialog box will appear with your new Access Key and Secret Key.
Copy these into the ThirstyAffiliates->Settings page under the
Amazon Importer settings tab.
★ We also recommend clicking the Download Key File button and
storing this in a secure location, like a password manager as you
cannot retrieve the Secret Key from an existing Access Key after
you click Close. Make sure you have it otherwise you will need to
de-activate an old key and create another new one.

Your keys should look something like this:

★ Access key ID example: AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE

★ Secret access key example:


Now, Remember “Affiliate Sites Setting” for Amazon ?

★ Paste the credentials here and Click “Done”.

★ Congratulations! Your Amazon Authentication is Done.
Now you can access all Amazon services from your ReZolved
account directly.

#2 : Affiliate Setting for “Ebay” :

★ From Dashboard, Go to Settings >> Affiliate Sites >> Ebay.

★ You need to collect Ebay Affiliate API and paste it here.

To Get Access Key ID & Secret Key for Ebay, follow these steps :

★ Join the eBay Developer Program.

★ As a first step, an eBay developer account should be created to use
the eBay APIs. Visits and fill all
required details to get register a new eBay developer account.

★ Login Into eBay Developer Program.
★ Once the eBay account has been created then login to the eBay
developer account using the credentials you have provided in the
first step.

★ Create eBay Application.

★ Once you have logged in into the eBay developer account it will ask
you to set up the eBay Application name. Input valid Application
name. Here you will be presented with two options:-
1- Sandbox
2- Production

★ Click on ‘create a keyset’ of the mode you want to get data from.
On clicking ‘create a keyset’ a new form will be opened as shown.

★ Enter the valid details and click on ‘Continue to create Keys’ to

generate keys for this application and application keys will show
on the next screen.

Here you will get three keys:-

★ DevID- Unique identifier for the developer’s (or company’s)

★ AppID- Unique identifier for the application.
★ CertID- Certificate that authenticates the application when making
API calls. Not to be confused with user-level authentication

Now, Remember “Affiliate Sites Setting” for Ebay ?

★ Paste the credentials here and Click “Done”.

★ Congratulations! Your Ebay Authentication is Done.
Now you can access all Ebay services from your ReZolved account

Section 3 : Amazon Web Service Setting

★ From Dashboard, Go to Settings >> Amazon Web Service.

★ You need to collect Amazon Web Service key and paste it here.

To get your access key ID and secret access key, follow these steps :

★ Open the IAM console at

★ On the navigation menu, choose Users.

★ Open the Security credentials tab.

★ Choose Create access key.

★ To see the new access key, choose Show.

Your credentials resemble the following:


★ Secret access key:

To download the key pair, choose Download .csv file. Store the .csv file
with keys in a secure location.

Now, Remember “Amazon Web Service” ?

★ Paste the credentials here and Click “Done”.

★ Congratulations! Your Amazon Web Service Authentication is
Now you can access all Amazon Web Service from your ReZolved
account directly.


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